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5364991 No.5364991 [Reply] [Original]

I'm here to say congrats to all who held during todays "crash". I of course panicked like a small child and sold at this morning's lows. I still made a hell of a profit as I got in at around 6k but am still depressed I couldnt hold.

Anyways, congrats to all who held and Godspeed, /biz/

>> No.5365040

why the fuck would you sell. I was just a small bump, it has happened many times. you should have learned by now. Anyway merry christmas! :)

>> No.5365066

The FUD levels were crazy today.

I sold off too at 13,200

Feel like a cuck but still made insane gains.

People were texting me to get out and I saw alll the news online. Thought it was it.

Well played bitcoin.

>> No.5365072

>Almost the year 2020 - 2
>holding bitcoin

>> No.5365087

I’m selling before the holidays next year.

>> No.5365096

Tbh had a lucid dream where btc fell to nothing. Woke up this morning and saw my nightmare becoming reality. So I pulled the plug

>> No.5365105

Falling for the FUD, any real early adopter would laugh at 'yall. Stop larping.

>> No.5365115

a small bump that shit went from like almost 20k to 10k.

the fuck a small bump?

>> No.5365121

You sold near the bottom. Don’t you think that was a lot of risk?

>> No.5365124

I bought in at 4k and bought some delusion at 15k. I'm steel handing this shit till 50k. Diversifying into alts too

>> No.5365142

I sold. I mean, bitcoin is a bad product is it not? When's the fuckin lightning network coming or when is segwit going to go above 10% adoption?

>> No.5365154

It's going good. I see the light at the end of the tunnels guys. This is just the holiday blues, It's going to be good.

>> No.5365159

It's all or nothing bro. I've only invested what I can afford to lose, and this market has hardened me. This has happened all year, it will bounce back harder than ever watch.

>> No.5365180

>be nocoiner
>buy btc at 16k yesterday
>today it drops
>consider buying the dip when it was at ~12k
>decide to wait to see what happens
>bounces back up

Still not broke even but whatever

>> No.5365182

I sold the bottom of china's last "ban" and it immediately rebounded. After doing it once I told my self never again. Rather go down with the ship than sell the fucking bottom. All or nothing faggots.

>> No.5365189

Its bad but nearly the entire crypto market is still linked to its succes for the foreseeble future alts will follow

>> No.5365195

lol, i dreamt the same thing, except I'd sold the night before at 13.6, so I was happy about it

>wake up and see notification
>Alert: Bitcoin has fallen below 12,000
>holy fucking shit!
>check price

God dammit

>> No.5365260

I held but I'm depressed I didn't buy the dip. I didn't have any free funds. I used the rest of my tether to buy BTC at $16.5 and $15.5k I think.
Now I'm debating selling my Ripple (bought for fiat, 100% profit)

>> No.5365264

You guys are so high on winning and you don't
even know it. Greed is going to lead you into the pit and your emotions will fail you every time

>> No.5365300

Dont sell it, its still going up, look at the 4H chart

>> No.5365371


>> No.5365408
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>> No.5365478

If we were stuck on emotion we would have panic sold at a loss like the rest of you monkeys, kek. And then proceeded to sprrad FUD.

>> No.5365479
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Last correction i went from 26k to 14k and i almost freaked out and sold at the bottom.

This correction i went from 75k to 45k and i didnt break a sweat

>> No.5365597
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>> No.5365659

If you don't know when to cut your losses you will die.

>> No.5365693


I'm waiting until the end of January to buy back in. I have a strong feeling that people will sell for tax purposes in January.

I also believe more FUD will come out and that the normies will be convinced that bcash will flip BTC.

Having bcash on coinbase is a really big deal. I know you clowns down think it is, but you'll see how crazy this shit gets once bcash is at .5 and stays there

>> No.5365799

>he fell for the bull trapngraph meme again. When will you fags learn?