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File: 487 KB, 1440x1559, 1647542565727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53646393 No.53646393 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53646407

how do i get a niece like this?

>> No.53646415


>> No.53646436

why are you such a fucking faggot

>> No.53646451
File: 76 KB, 1000x1080, monero-xmr-crypto-coin-ico-vector-20777911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons discussing monero
>retard: mods mods mods

>> No.53646450
File: 99 KB, 724x960, 1675463566868116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wef nigger running the cunny angle again.

>> No.53646676

so jews use monero now?

>> No.53646764

She looks pretty aryan to me.

>> No.53646935

well OP is obviously a jewish pedophile, alike Epstein. He had also a faible for aryan girls. hopefully he rots in hell.

>> No.53646951

The vast majority of pedophiles (and hence Monero users) are not Jewish.

>> No.53647012

discrediting monero by linking it to pedophiles is a pretty Jewish tactic, don't you think? They fear it.

>> No.53647054

It's common knowledge that Monero is the currency of choice among pedophiles and criminals on the dark net. Who else would need to hide their financial transactions?

>> No.53647080
File: 35 KB, 800x450, 928d8a9a57515320068a2c339e88fd28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pond is the next step for defi security if you actually care about that. if not then you should just start a good old cunny thread, like a man.

>> No.53647092

me. i just have assburger and dont like ppl knowing how i use my money

>> No.53647141

>common knowledge
Experts say. okey got you.
>only pedophiles and criminals need privacy
So you don't have any doors in your house? And you don't wear clothing? Ah you probably live in a naked community. sicko.

>> No.53647166

Woah, man, who's talking about c*nny? Relax.

>> No.53647172


>> No.53647176

Sure pops, you're gonna go places

>> No.53647184

I closed the video as long as the gay tiktok le chad music came in. Go fuck yourself you immature good for nothing prick.

>> No.53647192
File: 43 KB, 464x661, images (2) (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your coin is used by criminals and pedophiles.
By supporting monero, you support such criminals.

>> No.53647204

sir why u harassing me sir I did nothin to u pls ser do not harass me I beg you

>> No.53647205

>caring about privacy
no. it's all bagholders doing silly memes to attract youngster to dump on, just like boomers are doing yo gen z right now.

remember. everything is a ponzi.

>> No.53647215

holy cope

>> No.53647220

Thats somebodies son

>> No.53647222

>cars are used by criminals, by building roads you are supporting such criminals.

>> No.53647226

imagine not going for sweet 15y/o pussy kek what a bunch of fags (I clearly despise pedophilia)

>> No.53647230


>> No.53647233

you use the dollar, which is also used to pay for all that
when are you handing yourself in?

>> No.53647242

you don't have anything more to contribute? checked.

>> No.53647266
File: 61 KB, 765x1024, 1675325842012900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are pedophiles by association. SAD

>> No.53647287

It's a simple fact that Monero is the number one currency on the dark net. Sorry you are so asshurt about it.

>> No.53647295

and you are a totalitarian state fan. which are your pronouns btw?

>> No.53647324

that proves that it is good enough for my personal privacy, that smart boyos like you don't see what I got.

>> No.53647343

I am a cis male

>> No.53647369

Nobody cares "what you got" if you're not molesting children or committing other crimes.

>> No.53647378

apologize or your mother dies in her sleep tonight

>> No.53647531

I grew up in a totalitarian state and I know that many people are interested in what I got. don't tell me any fairy tales.
Read "The Gulag Archipelago" and you will know how they may handle you.
You are either a kid w/o life experience who does not know what he is talking or one of those human predators. I assume the later.

>> No.53647555

Why would you need to see my financial transactions?

>> No.53648041
File: 272 KB, 788x669, 1675121636726596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better question for the weak-minded:
Why would you know I even exist?

>> No.53648713

you dont. my mind is the only thing that exists, everything else is an illusion my mind made