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53644424 No.53644424 [Reply] [Original]

we need to bring these threads back so link can properly pump. so without further ado:

$8 waiting room

>> No.53644436
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Yes its time to bring back the meme magic

>> No.53644570

been a long time coming

>> No.53644573
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sometimes I miss the good old days. Dont get me wrong literally the only reason I am comfy right now is because of the Autists back in 2018 but I just want to get off this ride and buy my cabin innawoods. PLEASE FATMAN SET ME FREE

>> No.53644607

I’ll be in the $6.66 waiting room. I’ll keep a seat open for you fren.

>> No.53644626

Why can’t you go buy a cabin now? If you’ve been here since 2018, you should easily have at least 20k Link…

>> No.53644662

I have 22k to be exact but I will not give away my ticket to freedom for 140k no shot. My life is comfy right now I have enough to last me for years but I want to gtfo for good

>> No.53644726

Why would you go innawoods after LINK moons

Only one in 7 people can even hold a single LINK

>> No.53644778

Because I have enough of all the bullshit tbdesu. I want a quiet life in my cabin grow some food for the giggles have some chickens maybe and a dog or two. Thats it. Society will literally never hear from me again once I make enough to comfortably gtfo. Only time people will see me at all is when I go buy some food.

>> No.53644898

oy vey, you've done it now goy. we'll dump btc again to teach you a lesson. haven't you learned?

>> No.53645051

You say this, you literally will not do this. There is nothing stopping you from doing this already, but you haven't and you're going to keep waiting for some "right moment."

Or you'll buy some shitty house in the middle of nowhere and realize the internet is shit and you won't be able to shit post, so you'll spend a bunch of time figuring out how to get better internet, then you'll realize all that is involved with actually growing things (building a garden bed, researching the right soil and plant combinations, etc) that you'll never start and you'll just be sitting in the middle of nowhere shitposting.

You say you're not going to "give away your ticket to freedom for 140k." What do you need so much money for if your plan is to live in the woods growing food? Serious question?

I think it might be time to stop being a faggot and "waiting for your real life to start"

>> No.53645059

I can see where you are coming from and there is some truth in what you are saying. I am starting slow and dont want to rush things. I have already cut down on most of my stuff and already started growing food this season (I got myself a nice little garden plot here in my city) just dont want to rush things you know... and 140k + the 80k I have right now would probably be enough to start that life but idk... doesnt feal right... maybe I am just to scared idk

>> No.53645151

ill join that room too brah. dxy is gonna rape everything else again

>> No.53645681

Why don't you try moving out of your parents house first? You're 30 years old for god's sake

>> No.53645731
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I've brought snacks, am I in time?