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53644081 No.53644081 [Reply] [Original]

Charlie Munger: "95% of People Have No Chance of Beating The S&P 500 Index"

You heard that right Chuds. You will never beat the S&P 500 Index and 10% annual returns.

Just deal with it.

>> No.53644123

>In college and the Army, he developed "an important skill": card playing. He used this in his approach to business. "What you have to learn is to fold early when the odds are against you, or if you have a big edge, back it heavily because you don't get a big edge often. Opportunity comes, but it doesn't come often, so seize it when it does come."

Holy fuck what a faggot. This is common sense, any moron born before 1960 is really living life on easy mode.

>> No.53644131

why society care about what some old faggot think is beyond me

look at his face. bet the little bitch wad bullied in school. whos to tell he doesnt suck off politicians in exchange for news?

fucking normie nigger cattles. the fed literally print money out of air and im still a poorfaggot and stuck with normie nigger cattles. fuck

>> No.53644141
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logical fallacy because the sp500 does better if everyone invests in it. If everyone invests individually then they will beat the sp500

>> No.53644165

5% bros…. We gona make it

>> No.53644170

don't you feel the slightest bit embarrassed when you make these posts that are just "nigger!! faggot!! grrr my life sucks". you should be over the novelty of saying le epic offensive words by age 14 or so and all you're doing with the rest of your post is explicitly telling people you're an envious loser lol

>> No.53644249

Well my SP500 is beating my other investments combined
I do have big chunks in alibaba, rubis sca, berry logistics, tsmc in green but getting hammered by 3m, Google, Intel and some shit I bought like an idiot
If I did just IShares I would be 5% up not 3.6% down on my whole protfolio
Fucking Digital Turbine, fucking Intel and Chegg inc. Why did I gamble like an idiot? Oh and don't get me started on 3M and the lawsuit

>> No.53644265

lol i bet your beta cuckass told yourself its your fault everytime assholes came and wronged you because your marvel superhero once said "dont blame others, its always your fault jimmy" like the good little s/oyboy you are. remember to ask your wife boyfriend permission to sleep in the doorway if the garden is too cold tonight little cuck

>> No.53644278

punctuating a post with "lol" is incel behavior

>> No.53644349

>Be me
>Bought tsla at 170 before drop $100
>Bought at 122 100$
>Took profit when tsla hit 200

Being in the top 5% of investing is literally not that hard. You just have to have some emotional detachment and common sense.

>> No.53644381

>leveraged index teleports behind munger
Heh nothing personal kid

>> No.53644403

>be me
>don't know this man
>don't care what he says
>don't have an opinion
idk about you but i feel double great

>> No.53644478

or buy a shitcoin and it does x100 in the next bullrun and retire

>> No.53644519

Alternatively you get rug pulled and have to take my order and dont forget the extra pickles wagie

>> No.53644561


>> No.53644585
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>> No.53644598

you can easily get more than 10pct in crypto. if you stick to boomer investments then yes probably the old tard is right

>> No.53644636

People who hate on Munger are enormous faggots and 9/10 are major loseres

>> No.53644658
File: 484 KB, 690x763, 2023-02-09_165545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 95% of you

>> No.53644708

I make 200% a year conservatively using social sentiment as my only indicator. Just give up, Munger. You belong in the dustbin of history.

>> No.53645108

you are on pace to become the worlds first quadrillionaire then, that's awesome dude

>> No.53645191

If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it?
Or just let it slip?

You better
Lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it
You better never let it go
You only get one shot
Do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo

>> No.53645226
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>make it
>immediately blow it all on luxury goods, leverage trading, and sports betting
>back to waging for the rest of your life
What the fuck

>> No.53645517

Now you know why normies who make six figures are living paycheck to paycheck.

Also, his name is Omar, blowing away money on stupid expensive shit is a middle eastern pastime.

>> No.53645591


>> No.53646064

i could have cashed out at like $200k but that's not enough to make it, some retarded anons say you need $10M+, but at $1M+ it would be a good idea to risk off, you can live comfortably for the rest of your life off of the returns

>> No.53646212

I'm gonna say it... I'm gonna say it guys

>> No.53646417

Investment vs speculation.

You put money into crypto to get rich quick, then put the money you gained into S&P500 so it doesn't lose its worth over the next 30 years