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53644070 No.53644070 [Reply] [Original]

The women didn't want me when I was young. Now I'm 28 and a millionaire and my family and friends keep on wondering why I won't even talk or interact with them. I just told them that they didn't want me when I was down so I don't really want them now that I'm up and they all called me delusional. Am I supposed to just "forgive" and date some former slut? I literally think it's better to die alone but my friends and family keep bugging me.

>> No.53644085

Based and studied-the-bladepilled.

>> No.53644096

you sound retarded and insufferable to be around to maybe you're best left alone

>> No.53644119

Woman hands typed this

>> No.53644173

predictable boring post no wonder women don't like you
are you a virgin too faggot? maybe men are more your speed

>> No.53644177

Based if true.

>> No.53644236

I went on facebook and found all the bimbos from high school and send them screen shots of my bank account and crypto wallets. Many of the desperate ones offered dates or sexual favors. I reminded them about how they ignored me back then but want me desperately now. It was pathetic.

>> No.53644261

They have to be that way because of the biological clock.
Since you're financially secure, you should work on some sort of mission or goal, lest you descend into hedonism or bitterness.

>> No.53644263

Sure you did, champ.

>> No.53644267

Lol no way you actually did that. I'm pretty retarded but this is autistic

>> No.53644287

get out of your degenerate city full of sluts
go to small towns and find a good woman

>> No.53644298
File: 1.00 MB, 1606x748, well done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT; the roasties seethe
Well done OP

>> No.53644343

>I went on facebook and found all the bimbos from high school and send them screen shots
>It was pathetic.
you got that right

>> No.53644391

It's too easy sometimes.

>> No.53644395

You didn't do this, but if you had, the reason they offered dates is so they could stand you up and have their friends record you sperging out in public so they could post it to tik-tok and facebook.

>> No.53644553

date a 18-20 yo homeschooled girl

>> No.53644584

Where do you find them

>> No.53644644

Why are you so upset? Like genuinely, what do you get out of it?

>> No.53644775

It's a woman. I told you. She's upset that a millionaire around her age is saying he doesn't want anything to do with women due to the way the women treated him when he was down. More than likely she's a cat lady that's tired of being pumped and dumped and can't fathom that her own actions led her to her demise.

>> No.53644814

God I wish i had a cute femboy bf or a trans bf, women just can't compare at all

>> No.53644817

they only want you for the money, if you "forgive" them and lose the money they will leave you again... find new people... don't tell them what you have or brag about the money

>> No.53644916

Yeah this is how I feel 100%. I used to be muscular for a year and girls would wave at me and smile and come up to pet my dogs and start conversations with me. I broke my wrist in a fight I won and all off my muscles went away, so did the women. It all feels superficial and I don't believe women can love men anymore, somehow I'm the delusional one though lol.

>> No.53644938

>I broke my wrist in a fight I won and all off my muscles went away

I know that feeling, it's still easy to mantain a swimmer body though

>> No.53644968

This pic aged well. Went from cringe to based. Only took like a decade too. Crazy.

>> No.53645006

they still don't want you, they just want your money

>> No.53645039

Some might do it but the response seem over exagerrated

>> No.53645070

keep walking your dogs (if you don't have them, adopt a non-brand one) sooner or later you will find someone who loves you for who you are and not for what you have... while you can waste part of the money on girls from company or webcams.. it is better to be alone than to be with someone who will leave you when you are sick or find another with more money

>> No.53645083

>t. guy that never scored.

>> No.53645293
File: 303 KB, 640x640, 1617329714210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny how even the most alpha men in society will still gladly date, fuck and even marry roasties.

did brad pitt post on r9k about how many dicks any of his love interests had sucked before getting involved with them?

all of this posting is an obvious turbo incel support group "hey guys please validate my mental gymnastics that justifies my total lack of effort to get a girlfriend." this kind of revenge story is like some kind of Joker type larp where you consider yourself some tragic antihero victim of society and now you're having your revenge, really you're just a pathetic faggot that is missing out on the pleasures of life because you have a perfectionist mentality to insulate your fragile ego against the hard reality of continued rejection.

nobody cares, nobody is keeping score, you are not the main character of a story, your options are either greater happiness with imperfections or just missing out. nobody will remember or care about your "principles" or life story.

>> No.53645298

Do you apply the same logic to other transactions? For example, do you refuse to buy a nice house because they wouldn't have sold it to you when you were broke?

>> No.53645309

Just date a 20 year old

>> No.53645322

Dressing like a /pol/cel will never be based.

>> No.53645629

You're implying a relationship is a transaction lol. I want love not a whore that will leave when I run out of money.

>> No.53645632

Go to the Amish and ask one of their daughter as a trad wife

>> No.53645655

Dating a zoomer that wasn't homeschooled sounds disgusting. I don't think you interact with women if your legit advice is date a 20 year old.

>> No.53645701

All human relationships are ultimately transactional. Want love, get a dog.

>> No.53645728

at home

>> No.53645816

>nobody cares
>169 words and 984 characters about how nobody cares
manifestly spumescent

>> No.53645870

i am not sucessful like you but i do well for my third world country, personally i go to strip clubs 1-2 times a month and just grope a couple girls in the private rooms, i wont deny there is a bit of sadness to it if you really think about it but i feel better than before and i do have fun, i just cant get to trust any girl

>> No.53645887

You could be dating and having sex on a monthly basis, you're going to have way more fun now that you have money. Who knows, you might actually meet a girl that's cool.

>> No.53646097

same except I'm a billionaire

>> No.53646116


>> No.53646523

you never be a real woman

>> No.53646625

Can u give me a few more million. I'm only millionaire not multi millionaire yet.

>> No.53646690

because you're right mostly anon especially in modern society but it's not all black and white

there are women out there who are genuine and not superficial. And even the dumb sluts who make up the majority have some good in them and can be reformed by a strong man (though perhaps not all, society makes it difficult)

but it's a nice challenge and if you do find one that is able to actually love you and grant you children, I guarantee you will feel incredibly happy. You're just jaded from lack of good experience, as I was once. I still have disdain for the average woman but there are good ones.

>> No.53646719

>you are not the main character of a story
He is, per definition, the main character of his story.

>> No.53646722
File: 318 KB, 1134x1200, 1640021083543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not marrying an extremely overweight and ugly femcel and demanding her weight in gold as the dowry.


>> No.53646753

Well, I don't think you have to go THAT far. You could just hide your wealth from your dates as a test to weed them out

>> No.53646798

cute fantasy faggot now try getting laid

>> No.53646808

Focus on self-betterment and your health/personality for yourself.
Pursue your passions.

Bother with others only for the sole purpose of reproducing and passing on your genes into a suitable male heir.
>have 10 illegitimate children
>live alone in peace knowing you secured a future for your genes
It works for the minorities normie women love so much.

>> No.53646845

>boo hoo be complacent and mediocre
>waah don't think of yourself as a hero, be a downtrodden cuckold

All I read.

>> No.53646848

Get in the best shape that you can. Invest in the food you eat get super healthy. Get a personal trainer, personalized boxing sessions, buy a boat, a house on or near the water or in a hip location. Flaunt your fun times on social media; Roasties will throw pussy at you. Remember all women are whores never get to feeling down about females. ((((They))) want to emasculate you and make you a slave to the female. No real man gives a fuck about the opinions of women or they are not real men. Also find God. This is the most fulfilling and lasting thing that you can do.

>> No.53646875

The only things that matter in this world is power dynamics. You may as well leverage your wealth to get what you want just don’t spend too much.

>> No.53646957

Based and burglar-pilled.

>> No.53646999

Or maybe we’re just dealing with the hard reality of rejection and that’s that. People preach how it’s so heckin simple but there will always be losers. Meanwhile technology has made it much more difficult to compete and cultural norms have put us in a weird spot where the roles aren’t always clear. Not to mention civilization itself is a sham in several ways. The whole game breaks apart though, everyone is going to die anyways.

>> No.53647193

If you don't want to forgive the women that wronged you is either that or die alone. There must be a zoomer here and there (maybe from abroad) that isn't tainted by the United States

>> No.53647269

are these "bimbos" in the room right now

>> No.53647432

You're 100% never going to find anyone with that attitude. The world reflects your beliefs back at you.

>> No.53647463

how can I profit form your story? in the other words, why should I care?

>> No.53647502

Are these ‘bimbos’ telling you to hurt yourself?

>> No.53647551

*sob yes... kek

>> No.53647577

>things that didn't happen, the post

>> No.53647582

>I don't want women
>reeeeee you will never get a woman incel

>> No.53647863

Gives the game away. Women know they have an unfair advantage because too many simps are happily willing to eat shit and ask for seconds. If the supply and demand ever clears up these whores will be fucked worse than a coal miner with black lung.

>> No.53649284

20 year olds? why would he not date 18-19 year olds too?

>> No.53649655

my sides

>> No.53650064

>still here and seething with every post
God i love threads like this

>> No.53650437

It's a woman or a tranny 100%

>> No.53650551

sadly im just not as bitter as you both as i'm wealthier than you (better genes)

>> No.53651107

Guys it's been hours and the tranny is still here talking about "genetics"
Your genetics make you naturally a male sweaty

>> No.53651167


I’m similar age as you and similar financial position but women still don’t want me. If women didn’t want you when you were 20 and broke they won’t want you even if you are a 28 year old millionaire. Maybe if you have 10 mil+

>> No.53651276
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They don't want you anyway because you're fat and or ugly.
Whomp whomp.
>/biz/ - Business and Finance.

>> No.53651296

Eh it's not that I was completely ignored. It was just I wanted my one and only and was extremely rigid in my desires. They all were like "ok you're literally a nobody," and I decided to have a "I'll show them" mentality.

Well I definitely showed them. I speak 5 languages, millionaire, lots of hobbies, and shit I don't even need any of that. If they heard me sing it's over but I don't even want to tell them I do these things. Most conversations and interactions with modern American girls is horrendously abysmal.

>> No.53651303
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>but want me desperately now
They want your money, not you.
I'd show you a video of some chick getting her face melted with a blowtorch but 4chan won't let me.

>> No.53651328
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>go to small towns and find a good woman
>Code word for marry some hole who wants to divorce rape you.
Nah, I'm good.
I'd rather let the US burn.

>> No.53651343


Sounds like your problems were all self imposed then. You are just a mentally ill Chad

>> No.53651363
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>Why are you so upset?
Sounds like some mother fucking good old projection on your part, eh? Nigger faggot.
Go back.

>> No.53651394
File: 632 KB, 720x695, 1598934137052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>broke my wrist in a fight I won and all off my muscles went away
That's a fucking lie you little fat fuck.
>two boxer fractures in my right hand.
Still lift heavy shit at work and at home.
You're a fucking liar, a shitty liar and everyone sees through it.

>> No.53651434
File: 2.35 MB, 640x360, 1600106178154.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know that feeling
No you don't you fucking lying fat fuck.
You never fought a fight, you never broke your wrist.
My boxer fracture has left my right pinky hanging lower than my right, guess what faggot? It's healed and I can still lift weights.
You faggots lie so much it's unreal.

>> No.53651459
File: 278 KB, 931x682, 1600106482942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did brad pitt post on r9k about how many dicks any of his love interests had sucked before getting involved with them?
Why would Brad/Chad care? Fucking dude probably fucks like 12 women a day, every day.

>> No.53651499
File: 917 KB, 480x848, 1643622019839.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of this posting is an obvious turbo incel support group "hey guys please validate my mental gymnastics that justifies my total lack of effort to get a girlfriend."
Bro I'm fucking ducking child support payments, I've got like three exs in this state alone who have my kid.
No even fucking memeing my notch count is at 50.
Won't pay a dime, just like me pa.

>> No.53651537


Meds. Now.