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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53642014 No.53642014 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53642029

dead people lol

>> No.53642036
File: 146 KB, 1307x622, SCI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My SCI is doing that thing again.

>> No.53642044

It's from the v*x

>> No.53642051
File: 68 KB, 1059x1038, 3476544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when no respawn

>> No.53642089

The problem is that not enough people died. All the worlds problems are solved by a mass casualty event that trims about 10 to 20% of the global population. We basically got the shitty effects of a worldwide pandemic (inflation, social isolation, government overreach) without the benefits of mass deaths(tons of empty houses for sale, extreme labor shortages pumping wages, no more resource shortages).

>> No.53642136

>labor shortages
>no more resources shortages
For some magical reason people are not resources despite being valued like that anyways.

>> No.53642189

In reality the only solution is to reduce population of europe by 10x and kill everyone outside of it. Would solve all problems

>> No.53642230

>The problem is that not enough people died.
literal evil and retarded take
we're in population collapse

>> No.53642238
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Unvaxxed dropping like flies. Mostly boomers thankfully

>> No.53642553

2 more weeks


>> No.53642601

>overpopulation problem
this is a lie meant to scare you into non-participation so that someone can sell you something you don't need
all "our" problems are entirely financial in origin

>> No.53642744

by "overpopulation" we mean too many niggers and not enough white people

>> No.53642770

Checked and correct. Africa needs another smallpox event.

>> No.53642791

The world would be a fundamentally better place in 200 years if we could instantly...

A: ...kill 90% of the world population.
B: ...kill 100% of the jewish population.

Choose wisely. This can only be done once.

>> No.53642873

The whole thing was manufactured you retard. They've been doing this shit for centuries. The problem is that you can only get away with fucking over poor people for so long because now everything is so bad that they won't even work anymore, so rich people are freaking out since they can't get people to prop up their ponzi system anymore.