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53639491 No.53639491 [Reply] [Original]

Is grad school worth it?

>> No.53639496

Depends, what's your field?

>> No.53639568

Masters in some meme liberal arts degree from an ivy league school

>> No.53639579

yea sure if somebody else is paying for it. or if you're a europoor and grad school is like $4000 total

>> No.53639609

Unless you want to be a professor*, the answer is no. The only grad degrees worth the time and money are STEM or law.

*Professor route is only available if you are gay, female or black/brown

>> No.53639650

>The only grad degrees worth the time and money are STEM or law.
law yes, med school yes, STEM... maybe not so much in the future.

>> No.53639675

Eh... an advanced math degree from an IV can lead to a good finance job, similar story for software/electrical engineering but for tech. I guess mechanical engineers are cucked but what else is new?

>> No.53639690
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For CS
>I want a better job or to get one more easily
Get a Masters. Extra 2-3 years, do an internship or two over the summers and get your foot in the door somewhere.
>I want to be a professor
You'll need a PhD, but professor route is tough these days. Like >>53639609 said, being a white man is a disadvantage on top of it being challeging already. I remember listening to committee members talking about how female candidates were given extra consideration for jobs, and my brother was flat-out told "it's too bad we're not looking for white men" (that was for art though, so a little different).
>I want to research a very specific topic for years on end, and get a highly specialized job based on that topic
Get a PhD, but don't expect to make money for many years and you might find out you hate it by the time you're done. There's some jobs you can only get with a PhD, but generally you can get equally good jobs with just a Masters. Don't get a PhD for the money.

>> No.53639741

>an advanced math degree from an IV can lead to a good finance job
yeah, thats fair. if you study stochastic processes or something similar you'll probably get swooped up by some hedge fund or HFT etc and they'll pay you a ton. its not a terrible path, but if you do go the mathematics grad school route (either pure or applied) your options are high finance/quant or becoming a professor, not much beyond that.
>similar story for software/electrical engineering but for tech
I'm a quantfag turned FAANGfag and i'll say that gradschool is becoming less and less of a requirement for SWEs and other engineers. i guess i've got a certain amount of bias given what i've seen at my company, but i get the feeling that across the industry we're getting to the point that an EECS/CS undergrad with years of good experience and a solid background will be more appealing than somebody with a masters in CS
>I guess mechanical engineers are cucked but what else is new
cheers, fuck em.