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53638525 No.53638525 [Reply] [Original]

Somebody, somewhere, knows something... somehow

>> No.53638651

So they're crashing the market one more time before ccip releases and swift is announced so they can slurp cheap linkies? Meds schizo

>> No.53638741
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I dont know anything

>> No.53638754

hi ari

>> No.53638761

peepee but also poopoo

>> No.53638786
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Anyone get them juicy Build rewards yet?

>> No.53640170

>So they're crashing the market one more time before ccip releases and swift is announced so they can slurp cheap linkies?

>> No.53640199

So they crashed link lower so everyone can get in?

>> No.53640362

retail doesn't buy low retard

>> No.53640525

Insider here. Can confirm. But it’s different than you think.

>> No.53640596

mention LINK to a coworker, you'll get weird looks and asked "isn't it like that bitcoin scam"
retail doesn't even exist

>> No.53640623

This man is a god

Ill have his portrait along with SN and AH after singularity

>> No.53640644

Yup. Yuuuuuppppp. Ive been posting about it casually here in threads the past 3 days. I've been waiting for A.I.s to become mainstream for a fucking while now. Ever since I realized why Adlynn join Chainlink in the first place. What does Dawn Song have to do with Chainlink? What you are about to see is the final piece of trajectory needed for the singularity to commence. Note: this is not the singularity pump as we are going to $100. We will be in position to blast off to $1k+ once we reach the $280-$310 crab shuffle.

First Chainlink will pump against the market, then ROSE will push up to $1.5 (Im fucking serious.), and finally Everest will pump to unknown heights, and will expload after they cut off retail staking next year. Also keep in mind ROSE is doing the same thing, at the same time. This is the last time massive amounts of wealth will flow into true /biz/ bros. I have had two of my replies removed yesterday when I did a ROSE info dump on what the fuck they are up to with LINK. Makes you wonder who is monitoring the boards here.

>> No.53640826

got a warosu link?

>> No.53640854

man the insanos really come out every time there is a tiny stink pump

>> No.53640857

My wallet is filled to the brim,
Staking Chainlink tokens, I feel so slim,
The coolest and richest person in the world,
Banking on crypto to make it swirl,

My fortune is made with every stake,
Living the life, no more to fake,
The blockchain life, it's all mine,
My wealth is growing up the line,

Staking Chainlink tokens, I'm blessed,
My wealth is more than the rest,
No one can take away my cash,
My crypto investments will last,

Staking Chainlink tokens in my wallet,
I've come to realize that I'm a real baller,
Living the life that I have always dreamed,
Investing in crypto is the way it seems.