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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5363636 No.5363636 [Reply] [Original]

No Obsidian thread? Messenger launch is coming up Sunday.
It's still less than 70cts(17m mkt cap) right now, a steal!

>> No.5363681


>> No.5363724
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>> No.5363729
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As if that ever stopped a coin from mooning...

>> No.5363797

what did he mean by this

also don't fucking buy this, if there's a sell-off after the launch I don't want it to moon beforehand, whales get fucked

>> No.5364440

New website looking tight

>> No.5364471
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The Obsidian Marines are tough, you just can't rape them out of the blue. They have some heavy artillery and are not afraid to use it. The big whales can swing their big dicks all day long but a true Obsidian Marine won't bow down to no one, not even a whale with a 40 inch dick. A true Obsidian Marine will kill single handedly any whale standing in his way. It will be a massive slaughter party, beating whales to death with their own dicks. What happened to the bearwhale on the sixth of october 2014 would look like a fairy tale compared to what the Obsidian Marines are capable of.

>> No.5364880

Obsidian Marines!!!

>> No.5364924
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>> No.5365050

Didn't even see it, it does look pretty fresh. This is one of those coins that will have people wojacking all over the place saying "B-bu-but I thought it was a total scam! Fuck you for lying to me. I missed out on those gains! AHHHHHHHHH!"

>Insert Wojack here

>> No.5365090

ODN is holding strong against BTC. Moon incoming.

>> No.5365167

Tick tock, we broke 70cents! Get on the moon rocket! It's not coming down!

>> No.5365190
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The hell? The new website on the 4th looked like shit but this one actually looks pretty tight? Stealth redesign?

>> No.5365245

looks like they fired Tamico for doing such a shit job

>> No.5365266

why wud i need a coin to use a messenger service???

>> No.5365297
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Dont use chewy like that, pleb

>> No.5365334


>> No.5365369

kek, that rave video hahahahaha holy shit

>> No.5365403
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chewy is worst twice

>> No.5365428

that was fucking terrible. wouldn't be surprised thats why it dumped, I DM'd them about it and it seemed like they even had the same thoughts as we all did

>> No.5365470

itt: same old cucks and market people from ODN

just stop making these threads, nobody wants your shitcoin

>> No.5365488

deluded ODN holders holding for all of Q1 at a loss. The price still hasnt broken the ATH in Sagescams pump from cryptopia listing in Oct. We just got through with the biggest bull run in crypto history and the app is coming out soon.

Topkek, you dummies will take any bait you can get

>> No.5365505

Bought 400 a week ago on a moon mission. I don't have much faith in this project due to a few key concepts that I think would sway an anonymous developer from building on the ODN framework.

>> No.5365526


i know right? you're the only one with common sense in this thread. its scottp and his fag slack friends trying to sell you their bags everytime. As if it couldnt be more obvious

>> No.5365544

I hold BTC LTC ETH XLM NEO, no new fiat to put in. Should I trade some of these for a masternode while its still affordable? Im 30% BTC 30% LTC 20% ETH 10% XLM 10% NEO

>> No.5365577

They (/biz/) said NEO only had 2 develops and that dong feng had a cocaine addiction.

They said dash was a premined centralized scam.

They said monero would always stay at $40 because the devs would just dump an infinite supply because they hate money

Don't believe their lies.

>> No.5365598

you're both retarded, I'm up 200% still after the crash while you're all bag holding ark

>> No.5365650
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Yes, yes you should dummy. No risk, no reward!

All your other coins are boring as fuck... ODN is a x100 or x0 coin

>> No.5365669


Whats up fleximus. how are those bags treating you?

I bought IOTA at 30 cents and made $300k. Tell me again how your privacy wickr whatsapp clone is doing. Oh yeah, its not even a full app release, its a beta android release with buggy interface and spelling errors everywhere.

lel, they cant even spellcheck their official development screenshots

>> No.5365675

Let them do Fallout 5

plz beth

>> No.5365697

They speculate they have the marine class ready in Fallout 5

>> No.5365758

...the best time to buy something is before the product comes out you fucking brainlet. and its a platform, not a messenger. nice larp btw.

>> No.5365780
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As if this project wasnt anymore of a joke, they changed blackstones picture to santa clause and sagescam changed his picture because of all the dummy copypasta on biz.

new investors go to the website and see fucking santa clause listed. How can yout ake this shitcoin seriously?

>> No.5365820

I wonder if people take /biz/'s advice seriously.

If they do, then they need to hurry up and hop onto the ODN and LINDA moon mission.

>> No.5365826

keep fudding broke faggot

>> No.5365904


I don't even need to FUD. the website speaks for itself

>> No.5365927

Haha I came on here every day and made massive wall of text stories about how NEO only has one developer and why he wasn't going to succeed.

That was fun

>> No.5365999

got a master node in this

>> No.5366199

Obsidian will 1000x, I'm not joking. If useless crap like Litecoin have a market cap of 15bn, just imagine this.

>> No.5366240

you get laid often?

>> No.5366293

This will moon. No question

>> No.5366342

starting to feel real fucking comfy on my ODN. don't fucking miss out on this shit but honestly I don't care. 10x by Q1 2018

>> No.5366388

yes sir buy my coin sir..

>> No.5366553
File: 41 KB, 200x238, Moon_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop the hatin and get onboard the ODN train

>> No.5366654

There's nothing on the way of this coin reaching 200 million market cap by 2018. Really.

>> No.5367123

Holy shit, I hold ODN but the shilling in this thread is ridiculous. This coin has a half billion mcap at most.

>> No.5367183

and I'm perfectly ok with that

>> No.5367404

Just sayin' that STATUS have now $500mil marketcap.

Obsidian with such mc will be worth around $20 and it will be worth $20 until Q2

>> No.5367539

500 million? sounds great dude, lol

>> No.5367572
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Lets compare q3 of 2018

>> No.5367896

It's called having some humor for the holidays. Sorry you're such a sour puss.

>> No.5368270

500 million MC is sort of low considering Status is higher than that NOW and they are a shitty ERC20 token with onchain messaging (ie. sorry your text will have to wait a half hour, there are kittens in the way).

Once Binance and especially with iOS app release, this gonna explode

Its such a steal right now- completely under the radar except on biz so if you're reading this consider yourself lucky and ahead of the curve

>> No.5368350

I have friends in high places that confirm fleximus is one of many user names used by McAfee

>> No.5368374

I shilled the fuck out of my friends and now I have 2 master nodes in my wallet because we're pooling and they're so clueless they don't understand staking so all the staking is all mine

>> No.5368674

Can confirm ODN will be my shill of the day on their app release you were warned