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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53631000 No.53631000 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you didn't choose a career that can be easily replaced by AI/a machine

>> No.53631060

>be Truckanon
>mfw everybody told me robots would have my job in 10 years or less
>mfw literally every other job is being automated instead, and these big wheels keep on a'rolling
>mfw i have no face

Hammer down, boys. 10 4 good buddy, over and out.

>> No.53631174

this is beginning to seem like an alien invasion and not just "technological progress".

>> No.53631202

>And here’s the top 10 reasons why that’s a good thing! (Number 6 will surprise you)

>> No.53631313

this is just because our neutered society doesn't even let security guards do what they should
security """guards""" are usually little more than scarecrows instructed to not engage criminals
all they are there to do is tick a box on the insurance if they try and get involved and get hurt it's bad for the company

>> No.53631362
File: 232 KB, 1168x1536, 8BED2B62-B4E2-4FC2-A8B7-4E03367BDF3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bug company tried to replace truck drivers and ate shit

>> No.53631384
File: 598 KB, 498x498, 1675874474016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a hypermarket wagie
>Been automationpilling all coworkers
>Everyone is just grumpy when I tell the wagie will continue for decades
Fuck em I guess

>> No.53631395

I never chose one and now never will have to

>> No.53631419

I'm security and this is novel and won't fly at most places, other than insurance purposes, modern security suffers as a buffer to lay blame on for poor safety measures. Can't lay blame so easily on a robot as you can generally human error. They purposely give menial tasks like checking truck seals to us so if an 80k load leaves the property and ends up somewhere its not meant to be, they can blame and fire us, leaving their normal employees free from blame. They won't admit that the seal was checked at least 5 times by 4 different people between shipping to yard dog to finally security and a massive oversight occurred. Or more often than not the seal on the truck matches the paperwork but was not in fact the right HAACP seal, yet we still get blamed.

All and all a good job, decent pay since I'm in-house security, and no fear of roboreplacement since they'd have to cover their own losses instead of blaming it on a security company.

>> No.53631452
File: 74 KB, 473x572, 1CFEE8D2-B579-4AE0-A869-A677896B8E6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laying off 25% of robots

>> No.53631468

I don't think the robot is left to its own devices. It will lead to a bunch of security guards being fired while the few that do stay, just monitor what the robot is seeing, doing or reporting.

>> No.53631656 [DELETED] 

>hacks robot
>walks right in with no resistance
thanks corporations.

>> No.53631749

It is, and smart people warned you fifty years ago, but because the alien was made not of flesh and blood but of incentives and math, you ignored them or laughed.
Then again, there was never anything any one of you could have done.

>> No.53631813

>muh AI
I bet that that robot is being operated and "trained" by some venezuelan or indian slave worker

>> No.53631825

Security cameras have already been invented decades ago.

>> No.53631864

Yeah this security guard is just a walking camera. I guess it intimidates people to see it moving around rather than cameras that are staticly installed on the roofline. That "guard" doesn't have a gun on it.

>> No.53631884

What the fuck is it gonna do other than record niggers stealing? They don't give a fuck.

>> No.53631898

Lawyer, literally the definition of a wordcel. Good thing that I hate my job.

>> No.53631914

>niggers stealing
>don't give a fuck
Are these white niggers? I don't understand

>> No.53631923

this makes me feel better about immediately dropping out of school years ago

>> No.53631929

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.53631997

I recently drove from Florida to Utah and saw so many truckers along the way driving at all hours in the middle of nowhere. How do you keep from wanting to KYS while spending your life staring at a rode?

I guess it isn't as bad now with the endless array of audio media that is available, but still. I would want to KMS after a week of spending every day driving 8+ hours per day...

>> No.53632075

Supposedly we're 80% of the way to self driving trucks. I suspect that last 20% will be fiendishly difficult to replicate.
In the meantime, enjoy thar radar sensor on the front of your truck that lets you know that you're getting too close to the vehicle in front of you but also likes to hit the brakes randomly for fog, or a plastic bag floating across the road, or confuses the bridge you're about to cross with a wall that you're about to slam into.
Glad I drive for an outfit that's small enough to not have to deal with that shit.

>> No.53632160

All of that sounds like those penis cages cucks wear except for truckers.

>> No.53632336

What are some jobs AI can’t do though?
I initially thought of things like therapist, cook, massager… things you would assume a computer wouldn’t fulfill as well as a human. But now I’m not so sure. Given enough time there might not be anything an ai can’t do better/more efficiently.
Maybe things involving human subjectivity like architecture, home design, decorating, etc.

>> No.53632361

The regulation and infrastructure is a higher barrier then the tech.

The best chance would be a private superhighway that is only trucks.. oh wait they already did that in the 1860s aka a train

>> No.53632382


Skilled tradies are safe, but that wagie hell is not a positive thought

>> No.53632443

im a call center wagie and 70% of the job is getting customers to explain clearly what they want and what are their orders id, emails, number phone, what does the invoices look like

no way an AI will have the patience and be streetsmart enough to tame an obese karen needing her 18$ refund right fucking now

>> No.53632681

steal robot, throw robot into river

>> No.53632752

Some people like driving. It gives them the same cozy feel that you get when you sit behind your computer monitor listening to anime theme songs while it's snowing outside or whatever gay shit you do.

>> No.53632788

Both sound hella gay

>> No.53633537

>painted white
when we the burgularbots roll out they will for sure be black
it's just artificial selection

>> No.53633839

i can't be a trucker because of epilepsy. fuck my life man.

>> No.53633865

It's sad that my first instinct is "that's tiny what's it going to do" even though I know real crabs can hurt if they get you
Imagine the Coconut Crab guard model.

>> No.53633882
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Name literally one career that cannot be done by AI or robots

>> No.53633921

fortune teller

>> No.53633926

I want this to happen, I feel Humanity was put on this Earth by God to ascend to his level through technological progress. We should be able to live forever in time and get past that curse that he placed upon us through Adam and Eve. We were meant to be sinless and immortal, this is all just one big shit test.

>> No.53633982
File: 661 KB, 600x448, pxh (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad thinking about how "AI" would have made a more faithful new entry into one game IP, assuming it amalgamated the best of things.
People who took over were too obsessed with pushing their new ideas that would obviously not satisfy the established audience, too damn lazy to do the legwork to make a new IP.
Of course current "AI" would just be a great ideas guys. Would still need a studio to refine all the finer details. I do think AI could manage graphics like pic-related faithfully without looking too off.

>> No.53634130

I don’t see companies leaving machines and freight unmanned like that. They’re still gonna need guys in trucks, even if you’re not even driving them

>> No.53634210


>> No.53634344
File: 287 KB, 1020x573, 5597950-1632427224294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the shopping mall the other day and a pic related robot cleaner was going through the entire mall cleaning the floor instead of the usual cleaning lady. There was literally no one else but me and the robot cleaner there.

The freaky part is that they made it respond to you as you pass by it or approach it more closely, it's all generic "Have a great day at Shopping Mall™!" wagie responses but still, felt like I entered some weird 80s dystopia flick with just me and the automated talking robot in the big empty mall.

>> No.53634380


>> No.53634541

No, you just get replaced by immigrants.

>> No.53634571

>tfw deliberately chose my career because it would be replaced by AI
People that choose careers that can't be replaced by AI are going to be denied access to UBI, just like how 'essential workers' were forced to work during covid and couldn't get covidbucks.

>> No.53634601
File: 73 KB, 606x929, africa gpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supposedly we're 80% of the way to self driving trucks
Why even make up such a retarded stat
Why not go
Just because you have a chatbot automated by Kenyans for 2 dollars a day doesn't mean Elon musk is going to gift you the ticket to self-driving cringe boxes

>> No.53635035

lmao there was literally some doll prostitution house somewhere in Europe and it got very popular.
Women screeched loud enough to get it shut down sadly.

>> No.53635158

bearish name

>> No.53635774

There are many where it is not financially sensible to even bother, because of shit ROI.
Dog trainer
Field technician

Until Darpa's Atlas costs sub $10k a year and can follow specific instructions for infinite use cases, it isn't happening.

>> No.53635797
File: 21 KB, 500x478, star trek data poker face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is beginning to seem like an alien invasion

>you know bomb went off outside sector headquarters this morning..
>do these insurgent fools really believe they can reclaim this miserable planet?

Earth is under alien occupation and the human race has been conditioned for slavery, unable to think for itself or disobey an order. One human, the slave of an important ruler, is captured by a small band of rebel humans who try to break the conditioning and restore his free will.
>starring Brent Spiner

>> No.53635854

>I suspect that last 20% will be fiendishly difficult to replicate.
digging a truck out of the muck and changing a blown tire that's behind two others will be for sure

>> No.53635902

I’m a trucker and I just listen/watch tiktoks and youtube lol. Theres a little sensor on my truck that tells me when I’m too close to the car in front of me and theres also a beeping noise that happens when I’m drifting out of my lane. Not to mention I played a shit ton of fps games so I feel like my peripheral vision is pretty good. Days fly by.