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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53627385 No.53627385 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen to the housing market and debt based economy once population starts to shrink?

>> No.53627390
File: 263 KB, 800x448, yeee hawww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the central bank's worst nightmare

>> No.53627394

boomer pensions into the shitter
day of pillow will be a national holiday for the rest of time

>> No.53627429

Don't worry, anon, endless hordes of fast-breeding, low-IQ third worlders will take their place

>> No.53627443

Sounds great, haha.
But the thing is, even they are not likely to breed forever, most likely it won't be enough by the second half of this century. I guess US might still pull people from other countries that are depopulating, but then all other places get fucked and global economy would still likely collapse, no?

>> No.53627485

Scared of the needle, chud?

>> No.53627496

No one's scared of your dick, anon

>> No.53627504
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the affordable houses will all be rundown and in a majority shit colored neighborhood.
The prices will continue to skyrocket if you want to live in a human (white) community, away from the subhumans.

>> No.53627647 [DELETED] 
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I made that Pepe. It's cropped from this specific image.

>> No.53627742

It won't. There's hundreds of millions in africa who want to move to the west

>> No.53627760

yuo already asked tis
population won't shrink

>> No.53627784

>africans move to the degenerated US
>white americans move to the vast empty expanse of afrique, the homeland
all according to plan

>> No.53627861

>import more migrants
>hurry !

>> No.53628004

Yeah, but Africa will start to decrease in birth rates too.

>> No.53628097

Automation will continue to take more and more jobs, so managing the olds will be doable. Housing will go up, even if homes have to be destroyed to keep prices afloat.
Good chance we'll start to see servants become more commonplace, as domestic work will take a while to automate. Having people sit idle on UBI not a good idea, can't give people time to think heh.

>> No.53628243

I wish we invested into anti aging tech and cybernetic augmentations.

>> No.53628688
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no one knows. We are moving into a post truthful, and fundamentals environment.

rich fags and wallstreet kikes will be gobbling up all the housing, and the kiked federal government will keep importing hordes of spics to fill them. They will also relocate ghetto niggers on the tax payer dime. affordability won't matter because the government will foot the bill through various low income benefits like vouchers or section 8.

the U.S. is turning into a 3rd world country before our eyes. it's obvious to anyone born before 1990. Moving away from non-whites will be the ultimate luxury and I want to leave the disgusting U.S.

>> No.53628729

they'll make credit even easier to attain: lower DTI requirements, 40+ year mortgages, 0% down payments. prices are driven by the availability of credit. give a normalnigger enough rope and they'll hang themselves -- just look at the average normie who carries a credit card balance at 30% interest.

>> No.53628744

Based destroying homes.

>> No.53628769

id give up my gay white collar career to be a live in servant in a rich person's boomer mansion. cooking, cleaning, doing laundry -- all infinitely more fun than slaving over spreadsheets for billionaire jews.

>> No.53629202

Think anti-aging is on the horizon but it’ll mostly be too late to keep boomers around. It’s also likely going to make the labor market really weird and retirement next to impossible

>> No.53629223

>we wuz the real afrikans