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53626625 No.53626625 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question, who here has had suicidal thoughts?

>> No.53626631

uhh like pretty much everyone with an introverted personality

>> No.53626660
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why not?

>> No.53626669
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I was suicidal at the beginning of the pandemic but after I moved out of Commiefornia and bought a house my mood stabilized

>> No.53626673
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serious question

>> No.53626679

Where do you think you are?

>> No.53626693
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It's hitting me hard tonight

>> No.53626710
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keep your chin up fren, we love and support you

>> No.53626713
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I have them every day. If I don't make it then I'll have to call it a night.

>> No.53626726
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tfw no loohan mommy gf

>> No.53626728

Since the age of 9 but never because of crypto

>> No.53626740


Just accept that these thoughts are just that, thoughts. You dont have to do anything with them. As soon as you are able to give them less emotional value and start regarding them as mundane, the less they will impact your mood.

>> No.53626750

I slammed my head in and now I don’t think much at all I just do

>> No.53626763

For some reason the lights of those cars driving seem backwards

>> No.53626783
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I really really appreciate it man, love you too

>> No.53626789

wouldn’t recommend

>> No.53626890

if shit isnt how you want, you can change things.
we're all in this fake world that sells a lifestyle impossible for most to obtain, and encourages the most terrible behavior. Shit foods and toxins fucking up many peoples metabolism and hormones.

Its the sane ones who are unhappy about it all...

I do believe that if you set your mind on something you can achieve it.

>> No.53626938

Depression is a bitch anon. Unfortunately for some it gets worse as you get older. You have to treat it like getting a headache, in that your mood will lift up later. In the mean time you have to take some medication that helps. Stay away from alcohol, that's one of the worst things to use when you're down in the dumps.

>> No.53626953

Not suicidal but homicidal against certain people that have been revealed as bad players in the economy. They are the IRL griefers that need to be dealt with.

>> No.53626958

Not really
Can't give up
Plus this show is too weird
Not gonna miss the ending

>> No.53626972

Did you have a rough childhood? I'm curious if it's wired or environment

>> No.53626989

anyone who says they've never had them is lying to you. sure some personalities more than others. but everyone does. some are too afraid to say for being judged. its a sad stigma

>> No.53626991

i can't die until I see the line go up in my portfolio for once

this is a battle of will and the universe will not defeat me

>> No.53626998

You're not special for being shy.

>> No.53627005

>who here has had suicidal thoughts?
link holders, mostly

>> No.53627008

>You're not special for being shy.
you are special for being you. truly

>> No.53627050

Nigga I got shit to do. Time is extremely valuable and there's no way I would trade a second of it away because "le life is meaningless".
I don't give a shit if it's meaningless. I wanna paint, I wanna lift and grow stronger, I wanna sleep, I wanna play video games, I wanna go hunting. Can't do that shit if Imdead

>> No.53627065

The thing with depression is that you don't want to do those things, it sucks the interest out of you.

>> No.53627066
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The liquor gets me so close to the line. I thought I'd grow out of it, I'm 30. The day to day is a lot better but the lows when they hit are worse. I don't know where I'm gonna go when they hit. It's so weird because I'd never thought I'd be here.
I get it.

I'm sorry for the off topic, this is the only board I visit.

>> No.53627334

can confirm

>I'm sorry for the off topic, this is the only board I visit.
checked. thread will prob get deleted soon. but like someone else said, try to avoid alcohol. i say that from experience myself (i've kicked it now after trying unsuccessfully for a couple of years)... but also from experience watching someone a generation older than me with alcoholism and other drug abuse commit suicide one night while drunk and staring in the mirror apparently (thats where they were found).
my point i guess anon is, no need to apologize. open up to people in real life you trust if possible. talk to your doctor about potential low dose medication to try (this is what i did for depression after kicking alcohol but still struggling bad with depression). it takes a couple months for the medicine to start working properly, so if you go this route, give it a chance to do its thing keeping in mind the possibility there will still occasionally be the same bad, down times until it starts working.
if you are opposed to low dose meds, i get it. but they really do help. just start with as low of a dose as possible and be honest with your doctor. otherwise, it's so helpful to talk with people in person. if you dont have anyone you feel comfortable with, then see a therapist. wish you all the best anon. know you are special and are loved

>> No.53627668

Ive actually killed myself twice now but I keep coming back

>> No.53627709

Every day

>> No.53627790

Every day ever since I verified that I'm a complete retard back in 2020.
I've already told my story on this board that day, and everyone in that thread agreed with me.

>> No.53627889

Not me, i used to then i decided not to.
I did the same with my "depression" and "anxiety" too.
They are just thoughts that you can choose not to think.

>> No.53627903

No one said anything about being special and in fact, many introverts struggle with truly being unable to integrate with the status quo of the world which is catered to extroverted, "normal" people.

>> No.53628089

They are, you should see headlights coming towards and tail lights going away. colours are wrong

>> No.53628234

I’ve been thinking about killing my boss and his boss lately and their kids. Does that count?

>> No.53628270

personally this is always a good indicator to me that it’ll be over soon. It’s like you’re bouncing from rock bottom (mentally) and the next day usually will be better. just hang on, go to bed earlier or something.

>> No.53628380

relateable, except i dont have a boss

>> No.53628520

almost every night for the past. couple years

>> No.53628533

That's what he literally said, retard nigger faggot.