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File: 162 KB, 1080x846, Screenshot_20171222-211701_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5362643 No.5362643 [Reply] [Original]

to be honest this doesn't sound that crazy at all

>> No.5362705


McAfee for the win

>> No.5362739

Yeah, because people wait until December 21st to buy presents.

What a dumb fuck - this is pure reverse FUD

>> No.5362749

you need Mcafee to realize that OP?

>> No.5362775

>He thinks the normies crahed the market
HAHAHA normies want the price to go up and up
Why would they panic sell from 19,5k to the bottom
Whales always do these 40% crashes to accumulate before skyrocketing 200%/300%

>> No.5362778

That's not what happened, yet. It's still nothing to panic about though.

>> No.5362779

90% of people don't buy until the last second

>> No.5362782

Ok so why don't they just buy presents with btc?

Yeah get rekt fags

>> No.5362818

SAINT Mcfee is always right!

>> No.5362863

bitcoin is not a currency

>> No.5362864

Whales only need to sell to 18 to get the normie ball rolling

>> No.5362868

No,smart persons already saw this scene.So they cash it before normies but they cashed so much market floped

>> No.5362900


Seriously, I think he just laughes his ass off posting stuff like that and his daily PnDs coins

>> No.5362902

y-yes who forgets to do all their christmas shopping until there's only 2 days left and you hardly have time to do everything haha

>> No.5362919
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>buying presents instead of using that money to reinvest and make more money so you can buy better presents in 1- 2 years
When will normies learn?

>> No.5362939

Yes its a fucking cryptocurrency but not a currency max 2020 then better currency will take the place

Bitmeme is not coin

>> No.5362958

>giving presents while you're still alive instead of a giant inheritance

>> No.5362970

He wants normies like yourself to think that. He knows that a lot of money would be flooding out of crypto if the real cause behind the dip was leaked (whales control - unstable - crash can come whenever institutions decide)

>> No.5362998

normies are withdrawing $20 billion dollars of crypto to buy presents

checks out

>> No.5363004

He wants normies to think anything here makes sense

>> No.5363008
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>Crypto dipped because normies are buying Xmas presents

This is the single most retarded statement I have read on 4chan today

Glad I don't follow this fucking hack on twitter

>> No.5363020

-> price goes up before christmas eve or hours after for everybody will be buying buttcoins

>> No.5363056

I haven't bought shit yet.

>> No.5363058

>withdrawing thousands of dollars to buy your mom roses and your nephew a GI Joe
Bargaining is a part of the grieving process lads.

>> No.5363071

>giving a giant inheritance to your sons instead of reinvesting ALL your money in a 40 year fund before you die so your grand-sons can inherit a fortune even bigger
You're not looking ah the big picture lad.

>> No.5363101

Absolute bullshit. If you use BTC as some sort of investment thing, you wouldn't cash out just to buy some gifts; you'd buy the gifts with your other money, the one that's not being invested long term.
>oops, I just sold all my Google stock to buy some Valentine's chocolate for my kanojo
Yeah right. He's grasping at straws.

>> No.5363110

No it is idiotic, but sounds plausible enough to appease the simple minds of normalfags.

>> No.5363124
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>tfw nobody to buy presents for

m-more gains for me...

>> No.5363130


thanks for describing btrash to everyone here

you see. if there ever was a shitcoin that had massive whale manipulation. guess what it would be called

that's right

>> No.5363140

This I understand, that people are pulling funds from crypto to pay for that is much fishier.

>> No.5363145

There is usually a sell off in January... what the fuck is this guy talking about?

>> No.5363169
File: 22 KB, 255x248, 1298337143872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face to no-coiners when McAfee hasn't been wrong yet

>> No.5363187

Literally bought all my presents yesterday with Amazon Prime

>> No.5363208

We're gonna be okay anon.

>> No.5363220

I tried to do this but everything I wanted was "delivering after christmas"

>> No.5363232

>Christmas/end of the year
>Psychological line of 20k was visible
>Bad publicity on how it is a bubble
>Publicity on selling of bitcoin.com founder
>Publicity on selling of LTC by founder
>Adding bitcoin cash on cuckbase
>Fuckery at cuckbase this afternoon
Reasons enough why it dropped

>> No.5363242

lol, 99% men in crypto, of course everyone waited until the last second

>> No.5363257
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>HURRR DURRR that's why the stock markets crash every Christmas lads !!!!!!!!!

lol utterly retarded

>> No.5363324
File: 89 KB, 1176x483, 1513963277186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's absolute fucking bullshit. Markets crash when they run out of buyers and the whales have distributed as much as they can. The crash accelerates when stops get hit, huge volume voids let the fall continue, huge selling climax at peak panic, the same fucking whales buy your shit back.
Your uncles taking out five hundred dollars for new car coats is not going to do it.

>> No.5363332

>it's 1985 when thing cost pennies.

how about a new t.v., a gaming console and some new phones for the family. easily 4k.

>> No.5363358

More likely everyone cashing out to avoid capital gains. Then buying back in after the dip.

>> No.5363393
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1513740818284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought bitcorn crashed in January like it does every year? So it's going to go...lower?
>tfw I have most of the presents to still buy

>> No.5363396

damn tuhbo man dahl

>> No.5363412

>a new t.v., a gaming console and some new phones for the family. easily 4k.
Jesus you must be fucking rich. I'm lucky to get $10 worth of chocolate and a card.

>> No.5363444

I bought some presents yesterday lol

>> No.5363497
File: 413 KB, 2205x1066, 20171222_134457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now where have i seen this before?


>> No.5363534

>yfw your faggot sons wont procreate so the state will just take that giant inheritance

>> No.5363536

>be me
>buy a diamond ring for Stacy, I bet that way I'll get laid! Let's get the cheapest one though
>"E-e-e-excuse me? H-how much for the ring?"
>"Uh? Sorry honey, You'll have to talk a little bit louder.
>"T-that ring, how m-much?"
>"Oh dear! Of course. It'll be $2200
>"Can I p-pay via Bitcoin?"
>"Via what, honey?"
>"Oh, that."
>She pronounces "that" with a familiar cold voice the female gender use with me
>"Alright, here's our... uhm, address."
>She writes something in the PC, and a QR code appears
>"Actually, t-thats a QR code" I say, trying to impress her with my superior knowlegde
>She just looks at me with disgust
>I take my phone and open the Jaxx wallet app
>While I wait the normal 10 minutes to it to start, I begin to sweat in pure nervousness
>It finally opens, holy shit
>Oh, I have to wait until it completely loads my funds
>Ok, here we are
>"A-alright, let's do this"
>I take a picture of the QR code and write the quantity I want to send, only to remember I don't know the price of BTC today.
>I could ask for the lady to tell me, but my autism is too much
>I now open the Blockfolio app
>For fucks sake not now
>I reload it and it says BTC is at $13000.
>Now I open the calculator.
>"Let's see... if 1 BTC is $13000..."
>After extensive math procedures, I come up with the conclusion that I must send 0.1692 BTC
>I open Jaxx again, only to wait another 10 minutes
>The girl is visibly angry at me, she just pulls her phone out and starts chatting with someone, probably Chad
>"Just tell me when it's done, alright?", and she just turns around
>I finally send the damn BTC
>"It's d-done, m'lady"
>"Uhm, it's not confirmed yet, sweety"
>Damn, the m'lady is right
>I sat in the floor, willing to wait 6 hours for the currency of the future
>It was just 4 this time, neat
>I grab the ring and powerwalk outta there
>Ff 24 December
>I give the ring to Stacy
>She says thanks and fucks Chad

>> No.5363606
File: 106 KB, 841x797, 04-12-50-1513911973005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iktf bro.
+ 1 digital hug

>> No.5363645

I still haven’t bought presents yet. But I don’t think this fall happened because of presents. What caused the panic?

>> No.5363661

This sounds more like if B then A than if A then B. But IDK shit.

>> No.5363703

how much time did you spend on that story?

>> No.5363712
File: 3.03 MB, 300x200, GFD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people wait until December 21st
I do, most of the time. I look at all the shit in stores and think who would want this crap. In previous years, all the gifts they want or ask for don't surface in their house or life (if I visit).

End up buying gift cards.

>buy presents with btc
It's less hassle to run to the store and buy gift cards? And I have to go to the store anyways for christmas cards.

>Fuckery at cuckbase this afternoon
Don't forget that it was listed at $8000+ on cuckbase for a few hours or more. EVERYONE, yes, not just normies came in their pants at the thought of cuckbase users establishing $8k as the new norm for BCH. Probably liquidating tons of crypto into BCH. Then Toto pulled back the Wizard of Oz's curtain and gains lost. Anyone who was diligent and might have been holding long for long term capital gains was probably tempted to liquidate into BCH, for an almost 4-5k pump.

After eating eggs, steaks, beer and a few packs of cigarettes Cuckbase had snuck into their bedroom and sat down on their pillow, butthole sealed against it. Let loose a fart from the depths of hell, infiltrating and settling within the pillow, waiting... waiting until those same people, smug with big gains laid down their head, releasing the dormant trapped depth charge into their face. When they went to bed, resting their heads on their pillow, they smelled it. It was then they realized and cried themselves to sleep.

>> No.5363725

haha we live in your head rent free

>> No.5363774

don't invest money you plan on pulling out later, cause now you'd have to buy back at higher prices

>> No.5363871


>> No.5363876

What about your gf?

>> No.5363904

making 20% is still making 20%, no matter your buy in price. why don't people seem to understand This?

>> No.5363916

Too much desu

>> No.5363987

>not creating a family trust that will allow this to continue with nobody being able to touch it for the next 500 years
>not giving your great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandson the power to inherit 99% of the money on earth.

>> No.5364061

People are figuring out Tether is worthless.

>> No.5364226

Bitcoin is currency, not an investment tool. Get ready to lose big time

>> No.5364510

>consumer electronics were cheaper inflation adjusted in 1985

>> No.5364683
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What a retard, he just has huge stake in crypto so like every rational person is serving his own self interest

Calm the market it will be okay, cause people wait 3 days before Xmas to cash out of crypto which takes 3 - 5 business days for the *tiny* maximum 24h withdrawl amount of money to arrive in ur bank account


>> No.5364940

Just got back from the outlets today... fml i hate shopping

>> No.5365044

FYI, half the population is male.

>> No.5365132

They're is so much fucking traffic right now because if last minute shopping. I'm posting from my phone cuz the streets are backed up

>> No.5365204

What kind of fucking retarded logic is this?

>> No.5365208


>> No.5365294

God the fucking retards on this board now

>> No.5365302
File: 125 KB, 896x960, 1507898839378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that fag living in Bolivia with a harem of 9 year olds?

>> No.5365331

Still his reasoning is pretty stupid is almost like a joke. We are fucked

>> No.5365453

You're fucking stupid. Even McAfee doesn't believe what he wrote.

>> No.5365469

10/10 would imagine again

>> No.5365566

Not quite.
People already spent their money on presents and plane tickets and shit and have none to dump into crypto.
That's the reason. Buy pressure is down.

>> No.5365567

because it doesnt take 3 days for a bank transaction to go through am I rite kek

>> No.5366438

Mmh feaces BTFO the concept of xmas.

How do I short xmas and Christianity?