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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53624214 No.53624214 [Reply] [Original]

Young men are more and more seriously disaffected by realizing that they will not be able to self actualize from ages 16-25 life their female counterparts
Skyrocketing NEET rates
Suicide statistic
Obliterating high education enrollment drop
1/3 of men below not having sex

They waste years and years competing in marketplaces, like status related endeavors like moving to the city, getting Instagram accounts. And they fail hilariously

How will it be possible to suggest to them they should rather stay rural, near parents, cherish left time with them, completely drop out of status games. Doing a trade or something and prepare them they will spend their 20s neutered, no emotional or romantic needs met?

>> No.53624279

You will. Learn to spell and cone back with something about business and finance Rashid.

>> No.53624298

Why do you keep posting this thread? are you a human?

>> No.53624351

That thread really made you mad eh goldstein?

>> No.53624368

asians arent human

>> No.53624397

>1/3 of men below not having sex
What is below?

>> No.53624421

You write like a fucking 5 year old.
Why do you expect anyone to take you seriously?