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53622953 No.53622953 [Reply] [Original]

To any anons here who might be on this, get off it immediately I started on it in 2020 and made mistake after mistake in my life.
Extreme anger, terrible trading mistakes.
Losing job after job, getting sick over and over.

I finally hit rock bottom last month and decided to get off of it, smartest decision I have made unfortunately I'll have to clean up the mess of my life I've made but three weeks off this devils chemical I can finally think, feel and remember again.

Think twice before you gamble with chemicals no matter how innocent they may seem.

This is finance related because a prescription was the root cause behind ruining my life and making the worst trades humanly imaginable.

>> No.53623015

These things are called "gabbies" "on the street". They don't quite work like benzos, but they're interaction with the GABA-system.
While it's good that you got off, abruptly ceasing any GABA-ergic drug (alcohol, benzos, barbiturates, gabapentin) is potentially life threatening, as GABA downregulates neural activity. If you abruptly stop administering any of these substances, the brain can go into abnormally intense firing patterns which can cause panic attacks, insomnia, hallucinations, brain damage, seizures, and death.

>> No.53623035

why the fuck would you take these regularly? they are either for stopping alcohol/benzos or used as painkillers that act on the central nervous system. they don't even feel that great to 'abuse'.

>> No.53623065
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taking (((pharmaceuticals)))

>> No.53623106

Degenerating spine, lost nearly 3 inches in a few years and they saw a tumor in there, refused to give me painkillers so they gave me this shit instead
Think it was causing renal failure and funny enough nerve damage, my muscles won't stop spasming.
I know I weened off I tried going cold turkey in October last year and had a mental breakdown where I threw the rest of my money away while hoping I would die, I was passing in and out on the bed for weeks in sweats, finally got back on them but a smaller amount and now I was only taking 1 every few days before I stopped completely.

>> No.53623152

>niggas gave you gabapentin for pain
Well, it's better than oxycontin, I suppose. I'm glad that you're better.
If they ever discovered a tumor in me, the only medication I'd be asking for would be made out of lead and flying into my mouth at 2000 feet per second, but that's just my stance on this.

>> No.53623170

Believe me I've been seriously considering it especially since I have to literally start back from nothing with nothing but man what choice is there, be a faggot and blow your brains out or try to turn a new page.
Something interested I only recently found out that every atom in your body is replenished every year, so my autist brain started thinking I wonder if I was able to live cleanly for a whole year how much better life might actually be.

>> No.53623179

I wish you the best, anon, for however much that counts.

>> No.53623193
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You can order unwashed poppy seeds on the internet to brew into a calming tea

>> No.53623203

It counts more than you would think actually, been forever since I posted here and wasn't expecting much in terms of real conversation but you didn't let me down.

This is mostly a warning to other frens who might have gotten duped, I got off painkillers a decade ago and was unironically way easier than a few years of this toxin.

>> No.53623210

Try fasting

>> No.53623517

I do intermediate fasting and sometimes do it every week or so often it does help as well as no faping for a few days to boost your t,

>> No.53623538
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Prescribed they are fine but you had to go and be a bar tard

>> No.53623552

gabapentin is not a GABAergic you retarded r/drugs redditor nigger
and your advice is bullshit even for real GABAergic, abruptly ceasing LE EVIL BENZODIAZEPINE will cause you no harm unless you were chugging down 4 blisters a day

>> No.53623555

And then you miscalculate your dosage and die in your sleep

>> No.53623594

Got it prescribed to me, back/spine is wrecked. I don't take it every day, but when I do, it just makes me feel chill and easy-going. And hungry as fuck. I can see how taking it every day could be very detrimental.

>> No.53623612

>everybody reacts the same
Talk to a doctor sooner

>> No.53623632

I don't drink at all actually not in over 12 years....

>> No.53623640

It cost me everything to learn this lesson

>> No.53623642

doctors denied it was bad or harming me, instead tried stacking prescriptions and even doubling down on my dosage which was 900mg a day.

>> No.53623697

Based and poppypilled. All these gay stupid ass chemical pharmaceuticals when God gave us literally 3 of the best alkaloid medicines for pain in a fucking plant.

>> No.53623700

what hilarious amount were you taking? This shit is usually very light

>> No.53623740

When I was in Thailand with my best friend he gave me a cocktail of Tramadol, Gabapentin, and a small dose of xanax and we literally had a telepathic conversation. I've done lots of drugs, never has something like that ever happened.

>> No.53623770

Gabapentin is weird. It IS a gaba analogue, structurally. But doesn't actually work on the gaba receptors on the channel unit, it affects specific protein binding sites off the subunits. To do something similar wjich is delivery of calcium channels to the neural cell membrane. It's like a sub-sub receptor agonist.

>> No.53623779
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Literally all you need to do to cure any illness and fix any mental health issue is drink your urine and TRE (trauma release exercises).

And the urine will also fix and rebuild your brain with new brain neurons and well.

>> No.53623813

heh OP i know exactly how you feel, im weening myself off the morning café latte and let me tell you that aint easy

>> No.53623835

have you ever visited a doctor in your life for anything more powerful than ibuprofen? most doctors are very incompetent

>> No.53623859
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Just gotta do trauma release exercises bro.

This asshole saw my threads for over a year and never tried it. Then tried it and bam. Better.

>> No.53623907

post guide/vids

>> No.53624201

gabpentin is great periodically, 300mg-600mg is sufficient. why it is prescribed daily is beyond me...but it is very light and has a very tolerable cross-tolerance between other drugs, namely common ones like alcohol and cocaine
>decreases anxiety
>turns you into chad-mode
>great on a night out or when super anxious because you hit the bong before work

>> No.53624202


Here’s one of dozens of threads I’ve made on /x/ /pol/ and /biz/

>> No.53624412


>> No.53624425

I love druggie stories like this to remind me to never literally fry my brain with bullshit chemicals

>> No.53624512

I take that for nerve pain but I never had any problems for it. Also, I don't experience an anti-anxiolytic effect from it.

>> No.53624548

>counteract one life-destroying drug with another
yes, your drug intake is highly optimized, anon.

>> No.53624566

Thank you for your service anon. You potentially have saved many anons, including myself.

>> No.53624652

Kindly take your schizo shit elsewhere I don't need to hear it.

I can tell you trying first hand from 900mg a day to cold turkey made me lose my mind for over 12 days straight and throw away 5 figures into the dumpster for no real good reason.

I felt like I was dying and likely could have from the extreme abrupt ending.

>> No.53624670

The real people here are good people and I wouldn't do anything but try to help those here, I know there's bad actors here but they don't really reply to my threads, likely too real for them to try to molest, I hate pharmaceuticals and swore off them for years, I got tricked into thinking this shit was safe it aint.

>> No.53624740

Why would you stop cold turkey? It isn't hard to stop if you go down gradually.

>> No.53624785

I just wanted off it, my organs were spasming and causing tests to show renal failure, I think I was on the verge of completely killing off my organs, I had to ween off though cause it was either my mind or my body.
I'm feeling a lot better physically now, mentally it's still touch and go but I'm not trying to get people to kill me
>was snapping at everyone trying to get someone to snap back and literally murder me I didn't want to be alive.

>> No.53624978

Fuck yes anon this is the right attitude. You are going to make it. Life is precious, grab it by the cock and stroke.

>> No.53624995

My friend was prescribed this for his anxiety, said it just made him more outgoing. Said it got him feeling good but not drugged

>> No.53625105

I'm already outgoing it makes me SUPER outgoing and an amazing salesman BUT crashed every night and would get these fevers, it was poisoning my system over time, short term these things are probably fine, daily fuck no no fucking way.

>> No.53625151


wait what's so bad about it? I remember reading tons of threads about it back in 2020. I think I even took it for a short while and it didn't do a whole lot

ended up getting an addy prescription which has actually helped a lot

>> No.53625194

Lotta problems with it, they are being sued hard for using it off label for years now, It seems fine at first but it's when you try getting off you see the real issues, also killed my dick I mean absolutely killed it.

>> No.53625237

Should've taken Cymbalta.

>> No.53625257

>also killed my dick I mean absolutely killed it.

fuck that sucks to hear. one thing I've noticed about adderall is that it feels like it's shrinking my dick. I think it's restricting the blood flow to my dick which is what makes it feel small 90% of the time, when I get an erection it doesn't really matter, but during the daytime it feels like adderall is forcing me to have a micropenis

>> No.53625260

I have been taking Gabba for 10 years and have none of these problems. Are you sure it's not some underlying health problem? I would go check your blood and other lab tests.

>> No.53625290
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I’m on that and gabapentin for fibromyalgia
Lmao my life sucks!!!!!!
At least I have a few stocks

>> No.53625347

Thank you, will absolutely look into that. I miss playing basketball so fucking much.

>> No.53625370

Anti-depressants, rough. Gotta get off of them asap. Safely, of course. Kratom maybe?

>> No.53625392

I refuse to believe this a American thread, gabe what ever the fuck? Mans just spawned in a random drug I never heard before, who the fuck would use anything other than general anabolic steroids or coke,mdma,acid and shrooms. that’s like going into a 70 year old grandmothers medicine cabinet and just eating shit at that point lmao

>> No.53625401

huh? i'm prescribed the 600mg (strongest ones) 3x a day and they don't do shit. literally can't feel anything, don't even get teh funny taste in my mouth any more

>> No.53625426

Pretty sure my girlfriend takes this. She's mentally unstable. Gabapentin is a muscle relaxer, right? She's been on it for a couple years now since her surgery, I think.

>> No.53625470

I may have gotten myself into a situation with Etizolam which is a research chemical / benzo that is pretty strong. I take it every night to sleep. I get a little worried thinking about what it will be like to go without it

>> No.53625602

that's what i got them for, alcohol. that and vivitrol but the 2nd shot i got i could barely walk for like 4 or 5 days so i quit that. now i'm back to drinking, maybe i'll try naltrexone pills again but i hate how they make me feel

>> No.53625608

I likely do been fighting other shit when was given the gabapentin after surgery maybe it doesn't effect everyone the same but I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt it completely muted my personality, made me comfortable when I should have been uncomfortable, made choices I wouldn't normally had made.

>> No.53625612

didnt know I was talking to a bunch of children all day

>> No.53625622

It's actually an anti convulsant made for people with seizures it's completely off label prescribed and it does produce a high when taking them similar to smoking a lot of weed.
I never got a funny taste in my mouth, and they absolutely effect your mood and performance, good or bad.

>> No.53625644

Listen to me everyone ITT.
STOP TAKING PRESCRIPTIONS Unless you absolutely need to to prevent yourself from dying it's time to get off the shit.
Any of it, none of it is good, none of it has long term side effects.
This shit isn't how humans should operate, I see other anons here who are struggling with what I went through, I likely subconsciously destroyed my life because this shit would have gotten me killed or killed me eventually so rather than run down that road I decided to change course.
Whatever you think you might need whatever your on for it's simply not true, they want us dumbed down and doped up so we can't become what we were suppose to be, whatever that may be, these drugs force you down a different path.

>> No.53625648

Based beyond belief.

>> No.53625654

Long term studies on side effects*

>> No.53625665

Just don't fucking fast. Any idiot telling you to fast is a fucking retard. The last thing you should do when going through withdrawal from substances is fast. Your body needs fuel, eat as much as possible. Most people end up not eating on most substances, so you're getting weak as fuck.

>> No.53625680

I listen to my body not anons, if I'm very sick I'll fast, this isn't a sickness this is changing my chemistry, when I'm hungry I eat I just try to keep it clean and simple.

>> No.53625693

And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
(Matthew 18:2-3)

>> No.53625710

I'm surprised you didn't mention the withdrawal earlier in the thread. I've withdrawn from Pregabalin a few times and yes its very hard, causes psychosis-like issues too. For me I had a girl's voice in my head a bit, was quite disconcerting.

I tried TRE it didn't work. Did a full 30 minute YT video and did every exercise. Interesting idea but didnt work and the founding guru is Jew.

>> No.53625717

How does it compare to phenibut?

>> No.53625728

I can talk to women without needing drugs for the anxiety and it feels awesome.

>> No.53625840

>and they absolutely effect your mood and performance
nah, they used to but after a couple weeks they dont affect me at all.. i quit using them and just went back to drinking, trying reset my tolerance cuz they do absolutely nothing to me

>> No.53625873

Fuck the low iq takes here.. All animals fast when sick

>> No.53625910

Urine fasting is the true healer and cure for literally any illness

>> No.53625981

Mfw I perscribe these on a regular basis. I work in spine, for nerve type pain. I start people off at 300mg TID. Some people go up to 900mg TID. I always tell my patients every medicine you put in your body is a poison. But all these boomers and fucking zoomers batching about nerve and want some quick fix, sorry that don't exist. Take your meds then

>> No.53625985

Gabapentin actually works. First time you use it, do 300mg. If you do it every month or so, you can stay at that level. Some of my best nights have been off of it. Picking up women, dancing on tables, one liners that made people keel over, etc

>> No.53626009

Phenibut hits me like a truck. Just feel great all day, sleep like a baby. Never tried gabapentin before. Is the feeling similar?

And yeah before some anon replies, I know you can fuck up your life with it.

>> No.53626012

Phenibut did not work for me. Everything is subjective, especially chemically

>> No.53626210

Do it man. That is exactly what I thought. When I quit drinking. And benzo. Fucking doctors.
Oh and guess what? My autoimmune conditions went away

Just imagine yourself rebuilding your body when you work out

Read: biology of belief.
You are the placebo
New Earth

>> No.53626234

i really like them, they're like booze without the negative effects, or GHB. but i only take them maybe once or twice a year, i imagine if i was taking them a few times a week or more it would lose the magic and fuck my brain

the tolerance people build to these things is ridiculous. it ends up with people being prescribed like 600 pills monthly

>> No.53626248

poppy tea WD is the worst withdrawal of any opioid because of the wide variety of organic alkaloids in the seeds. but man oh man. man oh man. those first few times, when you hit the sweet spot. the feeling is good enough to make it seem like a good idea to throw your life away for it. like i did
(5 years clean this week)

>> No.53626274

Also interested how this shit compares to phenibut.. any anons have a comparison

>> No.53626307

Can relate. Totally got degen hooked on benzos for years after lifeevent plus shitty nightshift work every month. Gaba withdrawal is one of the worst stuff possible. Crippling anxiety brainfog and muscle cramps spasms. Retarded interval sleeping waking up in full sweat with nightmares accompanied. Good you got off anon. Godspeed and hope your back heals. You won the toughest fight allready

>> No.53626363

Thanks man yeah It's a bitch the psychosis like shit is still lingering, mostly amplified due to life circumstances but the physical issues seem to be resolving quicker than I thought.
It's true I'm feeling better than I did when I had nearly 100k in my bank, money didn't mean a whole lot besides allowing me to make dumber and more costly mistakes.
I'll recover from this eventually it's done it's damage but the faster I rip the bandaid off the better chance I'll have at rebuilding.
The physical withdrawals are mostly fine but the mental ones are debilitating I tried to get off it cold turkey and then someone ran over my cat and between the cold turkey and burying him the same night I absolutely lost it went into a 12 day tailspin that took the rest of my money, I didn't care I completely checked out, then of course reality set in but it's fine, I loved that cat and hate myself for being so consumed by bullshit and myself.

>> No.53626385

Pharmacist here. It comes in 800mg tablets, too! It is probably more addictive that you think.

>> No.53626408

Almost died after my psychopath doctor cut me off my xanax script without any tapering. I absolutely suffered brain damage and had seizures and every time I tell my family my brain is fucked and doesnt work right they gaslight me and tell me its because I'm lazing around all day

>> No.53626411

i didn't know they had 800mg ones.. not sure howit can be addictive if it literally does nothing for me. i'd forget if i remembered to take one and the only way i could tell is the funny taste in my mouth but even that went away

>> No.53626422

Jesus I'm sorry man, I didn't have seizures but I found myself mentally snapping at people who likely didn't deserve it or was just hyper aggressive over the smallest slight, I could see myself reacting and knew it wasn't me.
and felt/feels like my head was splitting open and all my organs were spasming in and out.

>> No.53626424


Just gotta drink your urine

>> No.53626428

Oh man I live with severe chronic pain from a botched surgery and they gave me a prescription for gabapentin- it felt amazing, I was just stoned as fuck all the time but I got off it quick because I have to drive constantly and I knew if I got pulled over I would definitely get a DUI. Anyone who has a script for gabapentin should not be allowed to have a driver’s license.

>> No.53626431

Drink your urine to heal it

>> No.53626436

Oh you're speaking my language. Rebound anger or rebound anxiety and I had something similar for a long time. Actually went in and talked to a therapist about it and he told me that because I'd used benzos to treat my aggression and stress that those feelings were pent up the whole time. Like a kid that gets bullied every day and just goes postal, the emotion and anger always was there it just couldnt come out

>> No.53626438

Ignore the troll clearly this threads pulling away from his attention, Yeah it makes you very high I'd take it to work which helped and made me talkative but after awhile I just got sick, like always nearly about to vomit, even my coworkers said "Man some days you look great, most days you look like you're literally about to die"
and I felt like it to.

>> No.53626445

Yes it's like I'd be saving this aggression for no reason, I'd be chill happy floating along then one minor slight from a boss etc and I'd rip their fucking head off, I made a few bosses grown men fucking cry and run away from me.

>> No.53626463

One thing I took notice of, but of course didn't course correct when I'd have those outbursts are the same time I'd make bad decisions, bad trades, bad timing etc.
When I was okay and some days I'd forget to take the gabapentin I'd start becoming happy and smarter but then I'd have to work and the pills allowed me to get through a day, pain to me though has become so normal I want to be able to get through a day without needing some kind of performance enhancing drug, life wasn't made for us to be efficient machines.

>> No.53627567


>> No.53627770

Try medicinal cannabis. CBD/THC half and half mix.

>> No.53627886

Well of course it was killing you that's the whole point, never trust jews, never trust pharma.

>> No.53627913

I'm currently on day 3 of kicking opiates. its pretty peak terrible right now, might get worse tomorrow and then he next day. just need to hold out until then. thanks for the inspiriation anon

>> No.53628303

>instead tried stacking prescriptions and even doubling down on my dosage
the usual
doctors don't have a fucking clue what they're giving you anymore
they are only there to tell you that yes, this is a peer reviewed (peers being pharma reps and former ceos) drug and probably won't cause ill

>> No.53628314

you don't need any thc for killing pain
jsut pure cbd is better and will keep you more lucid than any opiate
it's also extremely legal and can be bought for fractions of the price

>> No.53628391

dang... lot of people on heavy pain meds. hopefully you all can find a way to heal
keto, carnivore, vegan, paleo, fasting, supplements, meditation, exercise, filtered water, praying, yoga, etc, whatever you can find that works for you

>> No.53628462

I give my cat this drug wtf

>> No.53628500

keked and checked, nice way to go though

>> No.53629293

I got medical mmj and my state just legalized it so I do, only thing I'm interested in continuing since it helps me a lot.

>> No.53629303

yet another reason why supplements are for retards. if you don't have a provable deficiency, stop fucking with your body.

>> No.53629384

Yeah its weird shit man, you're literally better off with traditional benzos like Diazepam or Alprazolam, at least you'd feel good on them. Or even better, good ol opium/poppy.

>> No.53629607

op you are going to make it and i wish you the best of luck on they way there.

>> No.53629770

I've been taking these every day for 7 months now

>> No.53629813

I take 800mg lithium daily if i don’t take it I get manic

>> No.53629889

Start weening down to 1 a day till you can only do 1 when you work and not take them days off.
Gradually taper yourself down, you'll thank me later for it when your dick grows back to normal and the shitty feelings in your mind/body go away or lessen anyway.
Thanks frens starting off ground zero isn't gonna be fun, currently looking for a new job so I don't fall completely behind well too late for that, but at least I'm not beholden to jewish pharma.

>> No.53629975
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>degenerating spine with a fucking tumor in it
>uhh no painkillers for u anon, here have a GABA painkiller that is shittier in every single way, just as addictive as opiods, and can kill you with withdrawals.
>wouldnt want you to have 20mg oxy a day! you might not suffer enough, you might even like it. god forbid a United States citizen experiences anything less then utter hell at all times.
the war on drugs and its consequences have been a disaster for burger public health.

>> No.53630250
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CBD oil or weed is better for pain management you retards

>> No.53630405

Don't fuck with any GABAergic shit period.
No sleeping pills, no benzos, no anti depressants not even ashwagandha or l theanine.
Shit that fucks with your gaba system will fuck you up and make you a slave to it.
Have a depression? Deal with it.
Have insomnia? Deal with it.
Nothing is forever but if you take chemicals for that you are signing a deal with the devil.

>> No.53630458

Completely agreed, I hate alcohol and no desire for benzos etc I thought this shit was harmless and didn't get you high just helped with pain like advil, I should have noticed the weed like euphoria but I just took it because It helped with my severe neck pain, the back pain is awful but manageable my neck is fucked and gives me terrible migraines so that's what I was seeking help for initially.

>> No.53630510

If you go trough physical or mental pain and deal with it it will make you stronger.
Taking some pain meds after a surgery is OK in my book but taking stuff for your mind is a recipe for a disaster and future mental health issues. Ssri's are a ticket to suicide.

>> No.53630549

They tried putting me on SSRI's last week I ripped into my doctor told him I'm done, took all his paperwork shoved it into the trash and told him that's what I think about his opinion.
Sick of fucking no knowing pill pushing doctors, guy wouldn't prescribe an antibiotic for a clear infection I have but immediately tried pushing SSRI's every single doctor I've seen the last 3 years trying to find out what's exactly wrong with me has first jumped to SSRI's that's when I drop the doctor.
I got off pills in my early 20's and said never again but got duped into thinking these would make my back better, fucking didn't do a thing for the pain in the end.

>> No.53630562
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Bros... i take about 200mg of Lyrica (Pregabalin) a day. My Psychiatrist gave it to me for my anxiety disorder. Should i be worried? It's kind of the same as gabapentin i think.

>> No.53630619

Unless you need the prescription to avoid keeping organs/limbs from rejecting or aids from killing you, there's really no excuse, every doctor said I have anxiety after awhile I'd respond, you talking about fucking anxiety is what gives me anxiety and they stopped.

>> No.53630650

Try pregabalin.

>> No.53630653

There is nothing wrong with having anxiety. Live your life with anxiety and deal with it.
>I'm scared of things therefore im gonna take this pill that will make me kill myself

>> No.53630660
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>Try pregabalin.

>> No.53630762

Yeah there is when you can't think straight, have memory issues feel like you have alzheimers because of it, can't sleep and are afraid to go outside and get startled by every tiny little noise. You don't know what real anxiety is. You think i would take pills if i had reddit anxiety?

>> No.53630940

Life is anxiety this life isn't suppose to be fun and relaxing we are animals born and bred to be fearful of other animals taking what's ours, you haven't wrapped your brain around the natural world.
I was very in tune with nature until I started this shit which warped my sense of reality, your anxiety will cease when you start harvesting fruit from the land.

>> No.53632086

You sound like a faggot and should u ironically kys I love hearing stories of faggots like you losing everything

>> No.53632138
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We are always here for you -- you can kick these demons in the zipper tits!

>> No.53633932
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Imagine consuming anything except water, organic foods, and your own piss and cum.