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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 489 KB, 1880x1200, 384_1hammock_in_cave__rudder_cut_key__exumas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
536192 No.536192 [Reply] [Original]

Post a picture of your dream anon, here is mine.

>> No.536196

Here's mine


Retiring out to Mexico ftw

>> No.536203
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>> No.536205
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That's a beauty!

Mine is a Spanish style state in a Caribbean island


Is not for sale tho! But I can rent it for $2700/ months

>> No.536213

Yea, that looks awesome! I really like the architecture over there.

So, as you've said, it's not for sale, BUT I'll bet there are places similar that are for sale.

Sadly, my budget for a vacation home is non-existent. But, there are places around that are under 200k

>> No.536219
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These threads always crack me up a bit. You don't realize financial security by succumbing to excessive material desires. The closest most of you guys are going to get to this kind of lifestyle is a rental villa on your honeymoon, less you want to be one of those people in the Wall Street Journal making $500,000 a year yet still complaining about being "poor". I honestly don't see what all the allure is about anyway.

>> No.536220

To go back to loving my job.

>> No.536226

For me, the allure is not just having the place but retiring early and having a nice tropical vacation home to visit

>> No.536227
File: 55 KB, 400x400, tumblr_n1o0kuj2Oh1rb86ldo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern architecture FTW

i wonder if they will still call it modern 100 years from now?

>> No.536228

It looks too austere and "American Psycho" for me. I need warmth.

>> No.536232

My dreams are all kill.

>> No.536248

They probably will, that's why we have post modern and contemporary styles now a days

>> No.536255

Ideally I would love to buy a house like that and live in it permanently, I grew up in Cozumel by the way, I'm Mexican/Canadian citizen (got to love dual citizenship) and currently I live half the year in Mexico (fall-winter) and work in Canada(spring-summer) and I have been investing in Mexico to create passive income, so one day I can quit my Canadian job and live in Cozumel full time. Now this house is a dream, I would Settle for something way more modest

>> No.536262

>Post Modern
>New Midcentury
>Neo Contemporary
>New Modern
>Present Modern

Won't we eventually run out of architectual style names?

>> No.536265
File: 49 KB, 620x413, Video_game_95737398_210390c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic right fucking here!
It is the only reason I work so hard, because one day I'm going to be able to do this as much as I want with no one bothering me, other than death.

>> No.536275

>Dreams of still having to wear a shirt in the pool

>Dreams of slipping on a wet concrete fountain, cracking your head, and dying

>> No.536276

Idk dam marketers are dam creative lol

>> No.536279

>wearing a shirt in the pool

When was the last time you leaved your moms basement anon?

>> No.536282


When was the last time you slipped on wet concrete?

>> No.536295
File: 25 KB, 400x300, Somewherequiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Armory and drug lab under house
>Security cameras
>Pack of roaming guard dogs
>Giant safe to keep the money in

>> No.536334
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>> No.536337

Enjoy your suffocation after the under ground collapse.

Enjoy your suffocation from space due to a micro meteor.

>> No.536343

Considering how the build quality of "modernist" objects and architecture is such shit, in 100 years we'll be calling it "landfill".

>> No.536346

the word "modern" will be a word that means "not really current right now, but from around the 2000s"
they will use another word for their "modern"

>> No.536347


>> No.536351
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>> No.536374

I'd give my left nut to have a bath there.

>> No.536379

That or $97 million to buy it

The penthouse comes with it btw, wouldn't spend 97 mil on a bathtube, as lovely it may be

>> No.536389
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>> No.536397
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>> No.536398

Dual-citizen, nice! So what are you investing in, Mexican rental property?

I'm on the same track as you. Once my passive income gets bigger, I'll definitely be spending more time down in Mexico. Winters would be excellent to spend down there, I know all about how cold it gets in Canada.

What is your opinion on Mazatlan vs. Puerto Vallarta? I've heard Maz is cheaper, but I haven't been there so I don't know. I do like PV, though.

>> No.536531

I bought land that I'm developing (rental studios) a 50% tortilla factory,50% car wash and 30% of handicraft store .

I personally like mazatlan better, is cheaper, less touristy, there is lots of industry. Puerto Vallarta is the San Francisco of Mexico (lots of gays) specially in the romantic zone , the real estate is very over priced due to limited build-able land,less industries other than tourism and is more densely populated. This being said mazatlan have more drug cartel related problems than Vallarta. Personally I always keep a low profile so mazatlan would be the obvious choice.

For what is worth mazatlan have the nicest people I have ever meet and Chris don't get me started on the food

>> No.536547


I damn well better be getting the apartment pre-furnished if I'm paying $100mm for it. What kind of shitty establishment charges nine figures for an apartment that's empty?

>> No.536562


Isn't that from Gattaca?

>> No.536633
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>> No.536634

Thank you, this was very informative. I've also been considering San Miguel de Allende, but like Maz, I want to visit there and live there for a bit before deciding anything.

>> No.536669

>a 50% tortilla factory,50% car wash and 30% of handicraft store

What the fuck sort of store are you running?

>> No.536672

a mexican palace

>> No.536686

Lol that's equity that own in 3 separate business! Sorry for not explaining myself properly

>> No.536706

That is a good idea, San Miguel is a great place, very conservative and full of elite upper class Mexicans (mostly intellectuals,artist and old money) but if you are North American, you will find that mazatlan is more welcoming and if you live in a place like el Cid or the Cerritos area the transition will be easier ( plenty of Americans and Canadians live there) also the housing is all North American standard and I don't know if you speak Spanish, but in mazatlan most people speak some level of English , while in San Miguel you will be expected to speak Spanish (if you live there) like I said is a very conservative place and they frown up on immigrants that don't speak the language

>> No.536729
File: 52 KB, 600x451, amazing-log-home-wild-design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reasonably sized one man log home in the BC interior with a music studio, art studio and library. Just me, a faithful canine and my work.

Then when I turn sixty I sell the joint and build a compound in Costa Rica.

>> No.536911


so edge

>> No.536934

I'll take that into consideration. I didn't know SM was so stuffy, that wouldn't be good for me. Really, I'm just looking for someplace fun, cheap, and with people to do things with.

Where I'm at in Cali, everyone I know is struggling to survive, so they are seldom able to take a vacation or hang out. Unless you're making big-time money, it's not a good place to be.

>> No.536964
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A home / apartment in Austin with a view of the city or the hills.
Being able to sit out on the balcony and watch the sunset with a spoiled rotten german shepherd sleeping next to me while I drink red wine.Having the satisfaction of knowing that after so many years of hard work I finally made it.

I think about it all the time, often it's the only thing that keeps me going.

>> No.536975
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>> No.536989
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Look into Atlin bc dude, you can hand mine for gold,metal detect, fish, hunt and the lakes up there a beautiful . Pic related is Atlin mountain at the Atlin lake

>> No.536992

You might want to look at chapala lake near Guadalajara, there are lots of Americans and Canadians there, is super cheap, quiet and relatively close to Vallarta (2hr drive) and really close Guadalajara (45min) and the weather there is around 20c year round (~70 f)

>> No.537000
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That Sounds awesome but for me is a spaniel/beagle cross

>> No.537005


I just bought a condo off mopac and 2222


>> No.537052
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>> No.537179

Those buzzwords tho

>> No.537185

I've heard of that area too - honestly, it all sounds great, so I'll just have to go and visit!

>> No.537208
File: 208 KB, 400x1229, griffith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in b4 autism
I am very aware it is just an anime and it is childish to draw inspiration from, I am also aware Griffith was supposed to be a caricature of douches who tread on other people while Guts was the real hero all along, however it did kick me off in the right direction, it taught me to stop giving a fuck about petty shit and focus on what is important. I soon discovered that people don't resent some antisocial nerd putting himself in places he doesn't belong and they have a kind of quiet respect for someone who is genuinely focused on a goal, this motivated me further.

>berserk music

ok you can call me autistic now

>> No.537212

Being able to telecommute and afford to fly in business class.

>> No.537216

I want to retire to a home in Oahu. Doesn't have to be the biggest house, but I would like room for a few trees and a garden.

>> No.537225
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>> No.537492

My nigga

>> No.537499
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A nice house (pic related)
A nice car (911, NSX, S13)
Nice location (close to CBD)
Rental property (income)
Broad range of stock (dividends)

And pretty much just sit at home and do whatever I want.

>> No.537573
File: 95 KB, 800x600, 4c35f7ac-8de2-41da-9765-5b5317c4e17e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream:
>Loving wife
>4 kids
>Freelance IT consultant for small businesses (medical practices etc)
making +$150,000/year
>Secluded cabin on ~500 acres of interesting land
>Fuck ton of awesome guns

>> No.537574

the woman on the right has no legs

>> No.537576

maybe thats a side effect of snorting apple sauce

>> No.537578
File: 29 KB, 480x360, vlcsnap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream life is living like the guy in this youtube video. I can't find it anymore, it was deleted. I saved a copy on my hard disk before it was deleted and watch it every now and then.


>> No.537581 [DELETED] 

is that the autistic forex trader

>> No.537582
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>> No.537830
File: 2.94 MB, 4288x2848, dsc_0277[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really just want enough to afford a nice house and a decent car, and have a lot of free time to have fun with friends and seduce women.

>> No.537857
File: 280 KB, 1440x960, 1277931973910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but
>walk-in gun/ammo closet
>private range on property
>the finest blended scotches one can buy
I want to be the cool, rich single uncle with all the guns and booze a man would ever need.

>> No.537878
File: 2.35 MB, 3500x1100, Choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most probably the first one.

>> No.538417
File: 16 KB, 460x276, Reading-a-book-on-the-bea-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading on the beach outside my beachfront home.
>Im a man of simple pleasures, really

>> No.539655

healer most likely

>> No.539679

You'll find it boring when you get there.
Once you get a taste of actual work and achievement, vidyagames start looking trite and pointless.

>> No.539681
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>> No.539732
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That's a cool male fairy take anon

>> No.539754
File: 239 KB, 980x612, 2012-Lamborghini-Aventador-LP-700-4-side.980x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marry current gf, both of us work out more, maybe she's a little more open to anal or swallowing my cum
>A job in marketing/strategy/business development would be cool, whether as a consultant at a McKinsey type place, or in a big corporation
>Manage a nonprofit that promotes personal motivation/vision/educational attainment, and use really cool marketing communication tactics, like Banksey/Fairey street art or something. Hopefully this will eliminate some of the fucking degeneracy/corruption in society today, making the world a little better. Advocate for free energy technology (zero point energy field) which if created, is estimated to eliminate global poverty in 15 years, and make our world like real life Jetsons
>Financial stability, enough to have cool and comfortable life, nice car that I love, house that I love.
>dream house is something with wide open spaces and few people, maybe near water, depends
>my dream car will change many times by the time I am anywhere close to the dream coming true, so I won't set anything in stone yet
>i have mastered Extra-sensory perception and scientific remote viewing, and I am one with the universe and the quantum reality
>extra emphasis on the waifu/gf being open to anal

>> No.539763

ITT wageslave lifestyle fantasy

Post these pictures to the side of your cubicle so you don't kill yourself for another week.

>> No.540352

Hey are all these deus ex pics I keep seeing from /v or something?

some of them are pretty good

>> No.540357

yeah I cant really see something being a home if its all glass and steel, needs textiles to be comfy

>> No.540923

"Modern" already doesn't refer to right now, but to design trends that began in 1919.

Designers and architects don't put names on things unless they come with a manifesto, so it's unlikely a new "movement" (i.e. trend with a name) will rise any time soon.

>> No.541408

Leave Ukraine.

>> No.541462

Theres absolutely no character in that.
"Modern" architecture = no culture

>> No.541530
File: 62 KB, 555x541, bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dream is to wake up, open my bank book, see eight figure

>> No.541573

I went to playa Del Carmen, and met some Canadian expat who was retiring in his mid 30s will continue working down there as scuba instructor

>> No.541833

Nice, that's very good

>> No.542004

Who the fuck keeps 99M in a fucking savings account?

>> No.542024

seriously, what a fucking idiot

how the hell did that guy even make it to 99M with that lack of common sense

>> No.542049

Where would you keep 99M?

>> No.542061

Stocks bonds treasuries managed funds term depos iras

Unless the guy has a cool billion in stocks and shit already there's no need for that much money sitting around doing nothing

>> No.542155


Calm your tits. Most likely he just deposited the money so he can take a picture and post on a chinese cartoon board for poorfags like you to argue over it.

>> No.542160
File: 1.30 MB, 138x207, Salutefun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dream is, in fact, having a tank driving around on my property and a woman in it who is in uniform but is silly on occasion.

>> No.542378

google "pimpslips", they're fake bank statements.

>> No.542381

I want to live on a small sailboat or travel around the world in a converted van or schoolbus.

My dream is being financially secure, enough to get me out of prison if I get caught doing stuff, enough to go wherever the fuck I want. And being able to sleep whenever the fuck I want.

I want David Choe's life.
Nothing but hanging out with friends and living the humble life.

>> No.542399

The predominance of high digits makes this statistically unlikely to be real.

>> No.542447

that's pretty fucking specific, keep it up...

>> No.542449
File: 17 KB, 255x198, someday....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only thing that drives me to be successful.

>> No.542461
File: 97 KB, 640x576, Roman House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living in a beautiful, BIG house with a nice, big garden somewhere in calm northern cali suburb, probably in Palo Alto. Earning $500,000 - $1M a year only through managing my investments (spending maximum 2 hours a day). Also I would like to have noticeably contributed to the advancement and betterment of the human race through technology and science somehow (probably something related to space or renewable energy) just so I can spend all this time relaxing without feeling like I wasted my time.

Also want a nice wife whom I truly love, two sons and a daughter that I can mentor and a good, sturdy, loyal dog. I want to spend my time doing the things I love: Boxing, skiing, riding my motorcycle, travel, read, hike, surf, longboard and just relax.

pic related, a large greco-roman villa would be ideal as far as housing goes

>> No.542476
File: 46 KB, 145x134, 1348233150773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol this is what everyone in Northern California wants and no one hasa. Besides the tech industry, the south bay is a shithole and is getting worse by the day. You cant find a more overpriced place to live in. Land is stupid expensive.

For that much cash you buy acres of prime vineyards in Sonoma county and drink wine and do all those things (hike, surf, longboard, relax). Meanwhile, you get way more then you pay for, the contractors are used to doing up estates, and the poor people around you are not being pushed out, robbing you and actually have jobs.

>mfw people think Palo Alto is nice
>mfw 15 years ago no one went there and no one wanted to
>mfw the entire area is swelling in yet another tech bubble, this one driven by phones and social media

people in the bay area "better the human race" by raising taxes, banning guns, and creating project housing. I know. I lived there for 30 years.

>> No.542486
File: 8 KB, 201x251, 52f34g3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 year old it guy. my dream is to be a middle aged indian woman.
pic related

>> No.542494

wow this is quite a shock to me, NorCal always seemed like such a nice place when I went there (I was only there for a few weeks on vacation though, norwegian here). Also from everything I've read it seems like a good place to live but yeah what do I know right?

Any more info you wanna share? Based on what I wrote, what do you think would be an ideal place to live in northern california?

>> No.542507
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>> No.542512

gross. that thing is hideous

no wonder the price has been reduced. why would anyone want to live in such a gaudy piece of shit?

>> No.542518


This is perfect :)

>> No.542523
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>> No.542641

I thought it was sort of risky to buy mexican land. Like you buy the house but the land still belongs to the govt. Mexicans explain pf

>> No.542660

Poorfag detected.

You'd only understand when you make your first 100mm.

>> No.542857


I like Mexico too, but that crime shit is no joke. If people there find out you have a lot of money they will find a way to take it.

>> No.542859


shut your mouth gayboy.

>> No.542864

so peaceful and comfy

>> No.542871
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>> No.542889

Does anyone here actually want to try and make the world a better place?

>> No.542907


> your main objective is to become rich
> you are the type of person that wants to make the world better for people

pick one.

>> No.542946

What's wrong with that? How do you actually make the "world" a better place without having money? I mean, what's wrong with the objective of "I want to become rich so I can help the world become a better place."

>> No.542960

Lol why?

>> No.542977


> Once I become rich, then I can help people
wow. that's not how it works anon.
You have a lot to learn about humanity and capitalism.

>> No.543367

fuck off you fairy

>> No.543368

>Puerto Vallarta is the San Francisco of Mexico (lots of gays) specially in the romantic zone , the real estate is very over priced due to limited buil
Whats your opinion of Acapulco?

>> No.543385
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>aiming so low
Don't you nigras have real dreams?

>> No.543391

>Implying glorious Europe would want any part of the US

no thanks keep that piece of shit to yourselves please

>> No.543393

My heart goes out to you, man.

>> No.543394
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>I want to become rich so I can help the world become a better place.
this guy

>> No.543398

>beats headphones
>marshmellow keyboard


>> No.543403

>Get insanely rich
>use money to make quantum leaps of progress in space exploration, renewable energy, curing diseases in addition to invest in poorer countries so that they may join us out in the sun

why can't you liberals just fucking understand this. Being rich =/= being a bad person. Being rich simply means you have a lot of power. Power can be used both for good and for evil.

Fucking hippies

>> No.543465


That's not what anyone here is saying faggot.

What I'm saying is that a person whose sole goal in life is to become rich is not a good person.

Bill Gates wanted to change computing
Henry Ford wanted to make great automobiles
MIchael Jordan wanted to be the world's best basketball player

Jordan Belfort wanted to be rich

See what I'm saying here?

And to my point earlier, advancement in no way "helps" the poor or the condition of mankind. All our cars, and planes and medicines really haven't effected our ability to enjoy life and prosper. It's just created a greater and more specific stratification between the "haves" and "have nots". If you think because you donate money to some cause you are really "helping" those less fortunate you are wrong. The real contribution is time and effort, something that requires exactly $0.

>> No.543848
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 377a5e99-6343-40d3-ab6d-8228c88b1d29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Technological and logistical advancement hasn't helped the poor

Maslows hierarchy of needs from most to least fundamental
>Social acceptance
>Social recognition
>Self actualization

Even the poorest of poor in the Anglosphere/Europe/East Asia have the first three needs met. This is because tech/economic/logistical advancement has made food, water, and basic shelter really fucking inexpensive. To pretend otherwise is facetious.