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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53617434 No.53617434 [Reply] [Original]

New Burry tweet

>> No.53617465

How is he posting in July? Lmao

>> No.53617467

what a faggot

>> No.53617470
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What does it mean?

>> No.53617492
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>> No.53617493

OP is a mutt so the dates are retarded

>> No.53617510

Non-American users see the day first. It's how they roll.

>> No.53617529


>> No.53617551
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>> No.53617563

>just two more weeks

>> No.53617604

Time Machine.

>> No.53617626


>> No.53617648
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Thoughts on investing into crypto index funds?

>> No.53617682

I think he's comparing March 2002 to where we are now on the s&p. People probably thought the market was recovering at that time.

>> No.53617685
File: 332 KB, 271x2320, 6EBFE944-BB5B-48D3-8DDA-7AF1B39C0449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a more deluded creature on this planet than the eurokek?

>> No.53617784

yea im retarded
benelux L

>> No.53618058
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>> No.53618086
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>> No.53618177

he went full autist

>> No.53618204

I thought that retard deleted his account

>> No.53618239

He does, like every couple of weeks.

>> No.53618246

but wht

>> No.53618899

death heartbeat aka he's dead Jim

>> No.53618900


>> No.53619201

Burry started the hedge fund Scion Capital, funded by an inheritance and loans from his family. He named it after Terry Brooks' The Scions of Shannara (1990), one of his favorite novels. He quickly earned extraordinary profits for his investors. According to author Michael Lewis, "in his first full year, 2001, the S&P 500 fell 11.88%. Scion was up 55%. The next year, the S&P 500 fell again, by 22.1%, and Scion was up again: 16%. The next year, 2003, the stock market finally turned around and rose 28.69%, but Burry beat it again, with returns of 50%. By the end of 2004, he was managing $600 million and turning money away." Burry was able to achieve these returns partly by shorting overvalued tech stocks at the peak of the internet bubble.

>> No.53619306

In other words, he's way smarter then every smoothbrained /bizlett/ here combined and people should probably head his warning. It's time to short everything

>> No.53619377

he's autistic and willing to pay double digit apr funding for 5 or more years in order to see his theses play out. there is nothing about this dude you want to emulate

>> No.53619410

>It's time to short everything
you know you can look up Scion open positions right now, right? dumb fucks like you will probably be surprised to see that he has a lot of longs open at all times

>> No.53619441

did you expect anyone to read that?

>> No.53619577

Whoever wrote that wall of text is truly a midwit. You can’t divide a meter in 3 because you get decimals? Really???
Do you really need a marking on your ruler because you can’t make basic algebra in your head? Amerimutts are truly retarded.
Yeah now you don’t have to divide by 3 you have to remember all these random conversions between foot leg arm inches ounces cups tablespoons fluid ounces, nigger dick length, it’s so easy compared to a simple fraction, remembering all these stuff is much more simple and natural, how else are you going to measure the corn syrup you put in your hormone filled beef drenched in antibiotics?

>> No.53619586

Thats called hedging fagmo. I wouldn't even consider taking your advice over his. You little/bizletts/ are so deluded

>there is nothing about this dude you want to emulate

he's uber rich, you are uber poor and literally retarded.

>> No.53619726

explain this to me like i wear a mask in the park

>> No.53619766
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Line go up
But sometime line go down
Look at chart hard

>> No.53619805

hello newfag

>> No.53619817

>I would like this stick cut to 1/3rd of a meter
>That's physically impossible
>the stick would be 0.33333 repeating indefinitely in meters

>> No.53619836

>We didn't put Ethereum in the picture because... Well because it stinks!
BTC tards will never let us live in harmony

>> No.53619873

At least we have food

>> No.53619898

What the fuck is he trying to say? WHat the fuck does this mean?

>> No.53619995

i have no clue

>> No.53620070

thanks i don't know what the fedl01 could be

>> No.53620086

physical reality does have limits, you stupid retard

>> No.53620346

In 2005, Burry started to focus on the subprime market. Through his analysis of mortgage lending practices in 2003 and 2004, he correctly predicted that the real estate bubble would collapse as early as 2007. His research on the values of residential real estate convinced him that subprime mortgages, especially those with "teaser" rates, and the bonds based on these mortgages, would begin losing value when the original rates were replaced by much higher rates, often in as little as two years after initiation. This conclusion led him to short the market by persuading Goldman Sachs and other investment firms to sell him credit default swaps against subprime deals he saw as vulnerable.

During his payments toward the credit default swaps, Burry suffered an investor revolt, where some investors in his fund worried his predictions were inaccurate and demanded to withdraw their capital. Eventually, Burry's analysis proved correct: He made a personal profit of $100 million and a profit for his remaining investors of more than $700 million. Scion Capital ultimately recorded returns of 489.34% (net of fees and expenses) between its November 1, 2000 inception and June 2008. The S&P 500, widely regarded as the benchmark for the US market, returned just under 3%, including dividends over the same period.

>> No.53620631
File: 150 KB, 1918x1018, 2023-02-07 22_17_39-ETHBTC 0.071780 ▲ +1.23% BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ETH is in there, it has yet to get back to its 2017 ATH vs BTC. I'm not saying don't buy shitcoins in hopes of (temporary) higher returns but buying a basket of shitcoins and holding it longterm is a bad idea as that chart shows.

>> No.53622353


>> No.53622389
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>> No.53622539

None of that has anything to do with the metric system, mouthbreather.

>> No.53622617
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>> No.53622839
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wait till you braindead pajeet coin scammers look up what these indices mean

it's a question of whether they would rather risk ww3 or all the bullshit it would take to unwind this financial collapse

>> No.53622845

But what if he is wrong?

>> No.53622876

seeing this autistic fuck lose money shorting is my fav past time

>> No.53622896

I don't get it either lmao

>> No.53623032

he'll just keep saying it every couple of months and maybe one day he'll be right and say "see i told you".

>> No.53623124

If WWIII happens I think that means Bitcoin gets wiped out. There will be a whole lot of gold and silver left behind though

>> No.53623156

based difference seer

>> No.53623178
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>> No.53623209

Amerimutts are ngmi.

>> No.53623565

merica and the methhead/burgers r so fucking fucked I'm seriously considering costa rica