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File: 136 KB, 500x566, zuckerberg JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53608751 No.53608751 [Reply] [Original]

>bets everything on the metaverse (literally bleeding billions because of it)
>turns out AI is the next big thing and there's literally no use case for the metaverse except in gaming and porn
>even the really stupid idea of working in the metaverse is overshadowed by the prospect of AI being used in the workplace

Has a business mistake of this magnitude even happened in the past 20 years?

>> No.53608810

>ceo is some rando from harvard who got lucky
Kek, many such cases.

>> No.53608817

Sometime jew get what you deserve

>> No.53608848

Microsoft under Ballmer was worse, they completely lost the smartphone market to Google for literally no reason.

>> No.53608985

>except in gaming and porn
Pretty big fuckin' use cases desu.
I imagine in the future AI and the metaverse will be used in tandem to create the ultimate coomer experience.

>> No.53609252

Have you seen their last earning report and stock action??

>> No.53609291

>there's literally no use case for the metaverse except in gaming and porn
You dumb nigger do you realize just how massive those markets are?
That's literally all zoomers do, stay indoors and consume vidya and porn all day.

>> No.53609298

Vrchat does it better and for free
Metaverse has like 10 actual users worldwide

>> No.53610378

>no use case for the metaverse except in gaming and porn
> AI is the next big thing
put two and two together anon, what comes next?

>> No.53610547

Didn't VR chat add anti cheat, killing off mods?

>> No.53610560

The metaverse was a desperate attempt to link VR with social media, and to link social media with everything else that uses VR. Except numerous companies had a huge head start on virtually every case use of VR over facebook.

Yeah he fucked up, but there's been vastly bigger fuck ups.

>> No.53610576

Horizons isn’t where the money is being spent. You retards oust yourself every time. Dunning Kruger at its finest.

As soon as apple unveils their XR stuff Zuck will be vindicated and you faggots will memoryhole every stupid take you’ve had

>> No.53610583

Not a lot of people have given this much consideration but Meta have the most data of any company, even Google, on people's online behaviours. They only need to wait until the AI companies need that data to produce models for their AI to target humans, react to humans and include humans and they'll absolutely clean up.

>> No.53610722
File: 47 KB, 516x523, Bill_the_Sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microsoft lost smartphones to Apple rather than Google - Ballmer fell out with Gates over phones/hardware - he was pushing for it, Bill wasnt convinced. They eventually half-arsed the Nokia purchase, half a decade over the launch of the iPhone, but idk if you can put the blame entirely at Ballmers door by then, it was simply too late to get a foothold. Bill wasnt convinced about a lot of stuff, picrel, and his singlehandedly saving Apple from bankruptcy in 1997 may not have been his greatest idea ever either, in retrospect.
And everyone sleeps on some shit that is obvious afterwards - you could have bought Google outright for $750k in 1999. Larry and Sergey literally never had any other plan than launching, selling and gtfo asap - but there were no takers, not until it got big enough to float and they could disappear several $B richer than the $1m or so they had planned on.

>> No.53610733

There's a fuckload of money to be made in VR porn. Zuck is too much of a cuck to do it though

>> No.53610831

>implying the metaverse will ever allow mods
it's facebook anon. if it isn't child porn or advertisement, they won't give it a chance to exist.

>> No.53610859


It's not about the fucking metaverse, it's about the money.

Metaverse is a meme. Nobody asked for this. It is literally like "Oh VR is gonna be the next big thing, how do we absolutely milk it dry?" BEFORE it was actually a real thing. VR is a niche, an experiment. Nobody is playing it or using it except very few nerds. It's like some investors saw the "Ready Player One" movie and decided they wanted to get in on the action.

This is where the big problem lays. VR is not a thing yet. It is very expensive and uncomfortable and there are less games than the PS5 has lol. But yet people say plots of virtual land yet in some facebook game which has worse graphics than some nintendo games from 20 years ago.

It was destined to fail from the start, because it's sole purpose was to make money, not make a fun experience

Zuckerberg fucked up because he thought his facebook populairity would be just as succesful as gaming populairity but unless you can literally buy a $100 headset the size of sunglasses which you can hook up to your smartphone, nobody is gonna buy a $3000 dollar gaming PC and a $2000 10-pound headset to play some fucking pokemon quality shitty unfun videogame and then also spend extra money buying dumb gimmicks within this dumb game

Perfect example for how investors need to understand what they are investing in. VR isnt even a thing yet. It is a pure tech gimmick

>> No.53611954

I'm higher than a kit on pure hopium and I think the Metaverse WILL pan out in the zucks favor. current development is basically a headstart for when we do get the $100 sunglasses headset as >>53610859 says. Meta is positioning themselves to be in charge of the definitive VR gaming and social media platform. Ready Player One WILL be a reality one day, and Zuck is just one of several dozen billionaires that see themselves as the visionary that will make it real.

>> No.53612103
File: 640 KB, 1125x936, A71C77AA-964D-40AF-8738-34CFFB132CB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
