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53606569 No.53606569 [Reply] [Original]

I just inherited my grandmother's house, gonna fix it up and live it in, total monthly payments for taxes and insurance are going to be around $300, it must suck to not have family that loves you.

>> No.53606640

It does suck, anon. I'd give anything to have any family at all. It's just me. No parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents. Just me. I dream of having a family every single day. For now I just put all my energy into getting rich.

>> No.53606844

Find a woman and make a family

>> No.53606879
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Hang in there dude. The only way to experience what life has to offer is to be here. How do you present yourself? Are you a complete autist or can you at least hold a basic conversation?

>> No.53606929

In a way, isn't that kind of liberating? I've sometimes fantasized about being completely alone like that. Not responsible for anyone. No one to dissapoint, or expectations to meet. Just complete freedom, and the ability to go anywhere you please and do whatever you please.

>> No.53606931
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Been in multiple serious relationships, every time believing this is the one forever. Every time ended in me becoming less and less codependent until the point I'm at now which is that I love myself the way I loved all of them. Feeling better than ever.

I'd take a wild guess and say 30-40% autist. Enough to be well above average with tech/computers, but not enough that I have no social skills. I actually have great social skills and am universally liked by everyone I know, unless they have a super toxic state of being and they see something in me that triggers them. Most people I know respect me and like me alot. 90% f people I interact with at work and in my personal life look to me for advice on life. I'm pretty spiritual and super deep into lw of attraction. So for now just enjoying the ride up to generational wealth :)

>> No.53606950

It actually really is 90% of the time. It only sucks when I give my focus to the things and relationships I'm lacking. So I do my best to control consciousness and direct my focus to the things I have going well for me. Which is basically everything other than romance.

>> No.53606968

why is this pinned?

>> No.53606976

What are you in Detroit?

>> No.53607000

that's just the monthly payment for property taxes anon, and I live in a low property tax state, the house is valued at around 500k.

>> No.53607104

The ghost of grandma is going to watch you masturbate.