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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 1171x158, Unidex v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53602839 No.53602839 [Reply] [Original]

Time for some in depth thread. If you are lucky enough to come across this post before the jannies delete it, or gets archived, congrats you dirty nigger. This post is only for 130+ iq Ashkenazi Jews. You pajeets and niggers prob dont understand what im talking about.

Lets talk about Unidex, the aggregator of aggregators. UniDex is not just an aggregator but a suite of trading tools providing limit orders, derivatives trading, analytics, etc.

> UniDex vs Other Aggregators
You may wonder, whats the difference between Unidex and GMX, GNS, VELA etc.

Since Unidex is a meta aggregator, UniDex pulls liquidity from other aggregators too such as 1inch, Paraswap, 0x, etc.
Sometimes, however, it is better to source liquidity directly from the source which UniDex also does. UniDex does not aim to compete with these aggregators and would rather build on top of them. If an aggregator is performing well, UniDex would route the order from it rather than building something in competition.

> Leverage Trading
Liquidity Pools
Here's how UniDex pools work:
- When traders profit, their profit is taken from the pool.
- When traders lose, their liquidation gets added to the pool.
- In addition to trader losses, pools receive interest and trading fees.
Shared liquidity is vital for multiple assets and structured product offerings. All assets trade against a single pool which allows obscure or uncommonly traded pairs to offer deep liquidity, unlike existing leverage protocols that can struggle to fill an order book.

> Trading Pairs
UniDex has pairs for both TradFi and DeFi like ETH, BTC, forex pairs, stocks, and even commodities.


>> No.53602863


> Crosschain
If an opportunity is presented on another chain, the user will be notified they can fill orders from another protocol on another chain. For example, GNS exists on both Arbitrum and Polygon with different open interest caps. The user can build a transaction that will bridge in under 1 minute, and fill on another chain.

> Why buy token?
Protocol fees are extracted from trades and liquidations. This fee is collected and 50% is distributed to token holders directly without staking required.

For example, if the trade is executed on the perp platform. 40% of fees are extracted from the protocol so from there, 50% of the fee is then taken and distributed to holders.

>> No.53602873
File: 404 KB, 1195x754, 1658073944461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>130+ IQ
You're looking for unicorns in haystacks, anon.

>> No.53602893
File: 243 KB, 883x1491, 1647394980169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53602913

>heh this shitcoin is only for heckin based world ruling jews. Goyim are NOT cool enough to buy.

>> No.53602954

>Rubicon 2: electric boogaloo
Let's see if /biz/ is still retarded.

>> No.53603152

Where can I buy unidex from? I don't see it on coinbase

>> No.53603584

Here's the TL;DR for you anons out there:
>"Buy my shitcoin, please"

>> No.53603609

What are you, a pajewt?

>> No.53603731

Checking this out, thanks op