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53601925 No.53601925 [Reply] [Original]

>called a show “kino” in front of my coworkers

>> No.53601943

>posted on /biz/ instead of /tv/
just kill yourself already

>> No.53601949

>germanic for cinema
Okay, so you outed yourself as a hwyte supremacist neo-nazi serial killer. What now Heinrich?

>> No.53601978

it's unfortunate kino, is one of my favorite 4chan words and you ruined it

>> No.53602109
File: 117 KB, 2048x1144, 1B952B33-2E9B-4FFD-BC73-32C6ABCB279F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told a coworker that our milf boss was pretty based but he knew what I meant

>> No.53602271
File: 24 KB, 512x384, tumblr_lliuunnAaB1qjealpo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What show?

>> No.53602312

Based on what?

>> No.53602398

The 1619 project. I'm also trans btw. Id probably changed

>> No.53602724
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>oops haha
>i have been learning japanese
>yeah konichiwa

>> No.53603266

Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.53603405

What does this mean? I don't browse /tv/

>> No.53603422
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>>yeah konichiwa

>> No.53603453

Based on a true story

>> No.53603461

What does that word kino mean?

>> No.53604360

i said something was based at the gym once, gymbro just kinda ignored it not sure if he was confused, thought i was mistaken, or actually knew what it meant

>> No.53605151

>I told a coworker that our milf boss was pretty based but he knew what I meant
Get on my level. We on the Dutch generals like to translate meme words into Dutch, so "based" becomes "gebaseerd".

So I literally said something was gebaseerd and people just look at me like im insane. I also literally say kek out loud involuntarily because thats what i do when im alone on my pc too.

>> No.53605190

They probably just thought you were saying "keen" in a funny way.

>> No.53605218

at least OP isn't a fag

>> No.53606357

I ocassionally my friends nigger unironically and they just ignore it

>> No.53606399
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>Logged onto zoom morning standup meeting
>Forgot to disable my camera
>Everyone sees my eyes pulled sideways from the scotch tape I used for my Japanese Duolingo lesson (again)

>> No.53607261

Get on my level. I say based all the time and I do so knowing full well that people don't know what it means.
I just say it with such clarity and authority that it makes THEM think they are in the wrong, which they are. My wife also says based a lot, and she is.

>> No.53607866

ask /lit/ , call them psueds

>> No.53607986

he unfortunately is, regardless, nonnegotiable

>> No.53608030
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>> No.53608043

fucking kek

>> No.53608042

kys normalfag

>> No.53608145
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>> No.53608178

>went to lunch with co-workers
>Asked me how the food was
>called it "goyslop"

>> No.53608276
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it s hard to turn back ON the filter after 3Y WFH

>> No.53608278
File: 25 KB, 406x406, 42166C40-4CAC-47FE-B128-0942AA7BFB88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a white coworker who started talking about he is a bit “redpilled” and prefers his woman to stay home and be traditional. He also likes american psycho
I have a strong feeling he browses this place

>> No.53608303
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I believe you mean kinochiwa

>> No.53608342


>> No.53608408
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>activated the swarm protocol in public again
Every time, what the hell.

>> No.53608933
File: 2.36 MB, 320x240, You're a nigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that this guy can act like such an absolute cringe faggot and yet is still perceived as cool.
Yes I'm mad.

>> No.53609016

no one with two functioning synapses believes he's cool

>> No.53609038

Based and Human Instrumentality-pilled

>> No.53609090

>wow Neon Genesis Evangelion, what can he do?

>> No.53609096

Same in Russian

>> No.53609416

do you not see him feeding pornstars with a knife

>> No.53609790
File: 69 KB, 750x1000, 46F88597-CC3A-47C2-B6E5-10B94DD33B36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pornstars r kewl
pornbrain coomer retard

>> No.53610259

>pewnbrun k-keeewwmmm wetod
shut up dork

>> No.53610272
File: 3.05 MB, 1669x2102, 21FA2F7B-92D6-45CA-A037-1AC62FCA7543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my DICK faggot

>> No.53610274

>No verification required.

>> No.53610285
File: 52 KB, 900x900, C9E0FF98-4B53-48C4-A861-EF831645FBE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my DICK faggot

>> No.53610350

It's mr. meme!

>> No.53610405

I've said based around my friends for a while now, they use to chuckle at it back when it was newer. I don't say it too much anymore.

>> No.53610408

so unbeknownst to Goki and Vageeta, they were about as identifiable as they were on the leaderboards thanks to their combined hubris

>> No.53611723

This is the most soulless thing I have seen this week.

>> No.53611779

For me its my whole life, and i have seen a lot of soulless shit

>> No.53611831
File: 28 KB, 314x320, 4412478959_c6511c4a59_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that what they look like nowadays?
The absolute fucking state.

>> No.53612091
File: 2.51 MB, 498x389, diamond-diamonds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level. I would do the Roman salute while calling him a faggot in public. I would shave these whores bald in front of my boss.

>> No.53612743

based wifeposter

>> No.53613504
File: 308 KB, 564x704, 618C20D2-8726-449A-92CD-841D1FEA582D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I haven’t cared what coworkers or normies think in over 15 years