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53598769 No.53598769 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know a single person who makes over 90k in this country and I have an educated network of friends and acquaintances across all industries

>> No.53598942

Why would you need money when you live in the most progressive neomarxist paradise on Earth?

>> No.53599023

I started making 105 this year, learn to code chud
inb4 some american tells me my salary gets btfo, I know

>> No.53599028

I make 100k. My brother makes 155k. Both code monkeys.

>> No.53599035

lol poorfag

>> No.53599073

Is it possible to get a wfh codemonkey job in this cucked country? I already have a government wfh job but want to supplement my income cuz I can't make more than 110k in this shit position.

>> No.53599144

This. Why aren't your socialist brothers and sisters sharing the wealth with you?

>> No.53599161

I make $100k welding mining equipment lol.

>> No.53599192

Yes, but obviously you need to do the work needed to get a job like that

>> No.53599213
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Fracking engineer, based I know.

>> No.53599280

I bike uber eat and make like 8-9k a month in summer.

>> No.53599291

what frameworks should I learn to get a sidegig coding job asap.

>> No.53599299

why are programmers the most obnoxious unlikable people on any economic discussion anywhere? always online though, in real life you are all lanky weird femboy scum anyone can break like a pencil

EVERYONE usually provides some ok advice (specially sales people) but programmers are always "kek check out my 9999 quadrillion check learn to code chud (sarcastic remarks)" is it your autism or something?

>> No.53599359

I was just takin the piss man, no need to get so booty bothered and indirectly telling us about all the Ls you've caught in your life

>> No.53599399

My coding job is wfh, very easy, and I am self taught. Degree in chemistry. It was very easy for me to break into the field. I did tutorials and made some web projects over 6 months or so then applied to jobs. Found one in a couple days but maybe I got lucky, idk. Had to grind a bit as an intern making < $20/hr but they hired me full time after a year, then it was easy.

Just learn the MERN stack, probably has the most jobs. Pay ceiling will be lower though, but I think it's easier to start off in something easy then try to transition from there

>> No.53599404

In Canada?
can you post tsomething so i can take a look at actual earnings i've been really curious and might try it

>> No.53599444

sick, I know a bit of JS and java so don't think it should be that difficult to get back into it. Should have stuck with it but crypto became too time consuming.
Also, a lifesci/biochem bro here. Government job is pretty comfy tho with great pension. I just want more so I can retire early...

>> No.53599521
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>> No.53599589
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I suggest looking for work in a different country if you have a STEM degree. You'll find more opportunities and better pay.

>> No.53599709

lmao I can't even answer this without chuckling. it's all lulz mate, we mostly come from playing vidya and fuckin around with console hacking when we were young and look at us now, somehow we make the most money, it's pretty god damn funny you gotta admit. additionally I just stepped on the scale and I weigh 215lbs, benching 305 and deadlifting 505. I'm jacked and make a bunch of money for doing shit all, most of the time. COME ON BRO don't you see the humor here?! don't hate the player etc

>> No.53599805
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Yah, Canada does have a lot of those

>> No.53599820

You need to kill yourself

>> No.53599846

You need it for shelter if you aren't old enough to have bought before we became a real estate superpower.

I make shy of 95k for 4 official days per week and maybe 1 day of actual work, 6 weeks of vacation. Our country is so thick with graft that we can't command salaries like the workaholics down south.

>> No.53599963

We're cats on pillows if we're any good at it. Often with job security by way of legacy apps companies are afraid to let go of or so much proprietary knowledge from automating things that we just get retained to stop us from being hired by competitors. We're the harem eunuchs of the business world.

We're obnoxious because we've probably put in 5 years of 16 hour days coming up to speed and are bitter about being 'kept' and on autopilot for years. In Canada. In the US there's a higher ceiling and a culture where it's less risky to jump into startups. But who the fuck is actually passionate about coding. Most of the good ones in Canada came over from other disciplines that they actually give a shit about and are just doing computer science the same way a person is just doing construction.

We're trapped in stable, unfulfilling work and we're trolling you. Because we're clever introverts who are often the equivalent of the drama teacher who wanted to be a director.

I'm in pretty good shape though and have a wife and all that. Can't speak to the lanky femboy thing but it's part of the above with the addition of failing with women so hard that they've decided to become geek chic beard fags to trick and hack women into giving them the time of day. Or they're trannies who struck out so hard that they're just there to show women how it's done by out womaning them to hilarious and disastrous effect.

>> No.53600408

I bet you faggots take home like half of that after taxes

>> No.53600426

I deliver pizza, my wife works part time and we clear 100k thanks to gibs and loopholes to earn more while taking gibs.

>> No.53600510

The only wealth Canada has is concentrated in the real estate ponzi and Toronto and Montreal escort agencies.

>> No.53600562

In Mexico, I know people who make over 100K USD a year, but they are like 2% of the population.

>> No.53600572

I applied to 150 jobs for software testing, don't have much experience but I got 0 callbacks. So what the fuck do I learn? I want this to be a part time thing, I make around 90-100k with my painting business

>> No.53600609
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Arriving in Toronto airport, I thought I had landed in India. The security guard is a poojeeta that greeted me. The immigration officer is a poojeet. The taxi driver who solicited a ride is a ... poojeet. I went to Tim Hortons, a coffee store, and the cashier is a poojeeta. Her brown feces coated hands made my coffee and brought my donuts. I wonder if the poo I'd stepped on come from a poojeet's anus. This country is a sea of brown people. If you want the Indian experience without visiting Mumbai, just take the TTC to downtown Toronto.

The poojeets have over taken white people working at the airport. The baggage handlers are blacks and poojeets.

>> No.53600635
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White Anglo Canadians are annoying, entitled little shits. White waitresses threaten to spit and shit in your food if you don't tip them 20%. They whine and complain about low tip. For the cash tip money, they don't pay tax on it. They use the money for drugs and booze. The biggest degenerates you'll find are Anglo waiters and waitresses.

>> No.53600655

so i can travel to the states if i need healthcare instead of dying on a wait list in canada. it is one of my biggest fears in life unironically

>> No.53600668
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The top reasons why white Canadian women are unattractive

1. They're fat and revolting.
2. They believe they are entitled to freebies.
3. Many of them adopt the irritating "girl boss" persona from Hollywood television shows.
4. They are passive aggressive.
5. They created a phony chirpy persona.
6....but they always have a scowl on their faces.
7. They enjoy accusing men of rape.
8. They are devout, hairy feminists.
9. They do not cook or clean.
10. Insufferable human being to be around with.

Actions don't lie. Even your based boy Pierre Poilievre married a beaner.

>> No.53600752


For me I’ve been used to being at the bottom of the social ladder my entire life then as soon as I graduated I started making 100k, job hopped 2 years later and doubled my salary, then by 27 making 300k after 2 internal promos. Lots of SWEs were nerdy losers growing up and now we lucked into making several hundred thousand a year in our 20’s. Of course that’s going to make us obnoxious. It feels good being the successful person that people are jealous of for once, after spending your entire life being spat on because you were weird

>> No.53600775

autistic socially awkward nerd is the new chad

what a timeline to live in

but women still fuck chads ought.

you subscribe to onlyfans

>> No.53600785

Hi. I’m French tho, might be why you don’t know me :)

>> No.53600821


Yes for the most part having money doesn’t help that much, I went from getting 0 pussy to losing my virginity at 24 to an ugly chick, then eventually growing my confidence to get with hotter chicks by my late 20’s. But it still takes a ridiculous amount of effort to fuck a cute chick and I’m not swimming in pussy. However it’s satisfying seeing folks seethe at how much money I have

>> No.53600855

Yes, who else do you think has bid up the price of escorts in Toronto. In 2014 you could get an 8 for $240 an hour. Now they want $400. Hoeflation.

>> No.53600865

>However it’s satisfying seeing folks seethe at how much money I have

You're 29, stop caring about people seething.

grow up, you're not in high school anymore, nerd.

>> No.53600881

The GTA is Indian and Chinese clay, gweilo. They call it Tolonto and Bramladesh for a reason. Northern Ontario, on the other hand, is about as white as it’s geography, and the people are more friendly, but it’s the land of mediocrity and stupidity beyond what you can even imagine.
>vertical car pileups
>snowmobiling on half-frozen lakes
>developing an entertainment centre beside a landfill
it’s a marvel what northerners are capable of

>> No.53600933

Something is wrong with Canada. It's a sick society. The government offers assisted suicide for those who can't afford to live. Taking antidepressants is common. Zoomers celebrate that they're mentally ill. White women continue to be passive aggressive and accuse men of sexual harrassment. White men retreat and fuck poojeets and chinks. Niggeers fuck white women and abandon them. It's clearly a fucked up society.

>> No.53600935

i just got a wfh codemonkey fedgov job

>> No.53600946


I’m just immature like that. But most normies are status obsessed so I’m not in the minority

>> No.53600985

downtown? i thinking of doing in yorkville area

>> No.53601002

i see so many asian woman/ nerdy white male couples in toronto its unreal. they outnumber all white couples. i wonder if asian women just don't understand they're dating nerds or maybe there isn't the same importance placed on being "cool" in asia i don't know. maybe they care more about other things. but i see attractive asian females only ever with nerdy white males its like they don't even want chad.

i know i'm supposed to get with a white chick but honestly, they despise me at worst or see me as "a friend" at best. seems my options are a fat white woman that is only with me until she loses enough weight to get with chad, an average white woman who swaps boyfriends every couple months, or a decent looking thin asian woman serious about a longterm relationship.

maybe they're all chinese spies infiltrating the west using millions of asian women sent to date the nerdiest men they can find under direct order of president xi

>> No.53601043
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In 30 years, Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton will be 80% brown. Pajeets gonna creampie all the white girls. Changs and Russians own all the houses. Whites will beg poojeets for job. Look at the CEOs of Twitter, Microsoft, Oracle ... they're all POOJEETS. White males will beg poojeets for jobs, no doubt.

>> No.53601047
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>maybe they're all chinese spies infiltrating the west using millions of asian women sent to date the nerdiest men they can find under direct order of president xi
Yes. It is all part of the CCP plan of world domination. White people are the last thing standing in the way of a Han-Chinese controlled world. And because they are all bug people, the Chinese women are willing to "fall on that sword."
>WEBM very related

>> No.53601061
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>i know i'm supposed to get with a white chick but honestly, they despise me at worst or see me as "a friend" at best.

White Canadian women are insufferable, HIGHLY ENTITLED and indolent. They're also fat and lazy. Have you worked with white women at the work place? Highly annoying. They also do stupid shit like posting pictures of their gay fucking baby. No Karen, STOP POSTING PICTURES OF YOUR GAY FUCKING BABY ON SLACK. I don't want to "like" your photo.

Don't forget, these Anglo women also get into position of power. They gate keep when they're in HR. If they're a politician, they pass stupid laws. The decline of Canada can be attributed to stupid sheltered white women, the dumbest race on Earth.

>> No.53601110
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your webm is true

white man + asian woman = kids look like asian mexicans or outright chinks


>> No.53601162
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well ... it helps if you stop looking like this

>> No.53601168

>western raised university brainwashed asian liberal woman with a major fetish for the white men she's been trained to hate goes through mental gymnastics to justify her insatiable thirst for white cock

>> No.53601189
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>i see so many asian woman/ nerdy white male couples in toronto its unreal. they outnumber all white couples.

future of canada

>> No.53601201

Makes sense, since "native americans" are really just chinks that migrated over the Bering Land Bridge 20,000 years ago. So Mexicans are really just varying degrees of Spanish Conquistador + Chink/Siberian/Mongolian blood.

>> No.53601202

go back to your board


>> No.53601218

the hell? when did 4chan disable crosslinking This board has gone to shit

>> No.53601237


They must have some crazy breeding fetish with that many kids

>> No.53601314
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>i know i'm supposed to get with a white chick but honestly, they despise me at worst or see me as "a friend" at best.

ngi white women are gross. i only date poojeets and chinks now.

>> No.53601349

then you should leave. we don't need whiney pissbabies that lose their shit over a funny pasta

>> No.53601651

Toronto is the capital of AM WF supremacy just look up Sophia diamond

>> No.53601678

i have never once in my life seen an asian man with a white woman and we all know the one little reason why

>> No.53601698

she is a jew you retard

>> No.53601710

I see it all the time and now I see BM AF all the time. Looks like there's no women left for whitey

>> No.53601752

good one

>> No.53602003

>brothers and sisters
Um, xir, this is VERY problematic language

>> No.53602689

This country really is fucked. I just hope they can't keep the charade going and it collapses sooner rather than later.

>> No.53602791

At least the wait lines for Euthanasia are short.
That's a short wait time in Canada I hear.
>Inb4 it really does sound pretty fucking grimdark up there anon. Stay sane and safe.

>> No.53602997
File: 148 KB, 1024x768, toronto2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i can do is avoid unlawful gatherings and wait for my song to come on at work in glorious canadian dystopia

>> No.53603032

I make 90k a month shitcoining

>> No.53603083

That's not actually Canada is it?
I don't know how bad it is over there. Please tell me that's a movie set though.

>> No.53603126

it's yonge and dundas square in toronto

>> No.53603227

Orwell vibes
Bro, just pack up and leave. It's not worth it.

>> No.53603277

we can't leave, they have us hooked on the tims

>> No.53603550

I make 20k a month helping my dad manage some properties, you guys just poor white niggers lol

>> No.53603596

they got bullied in school then were lucky to live in the only time in history where their autism and social anxiety lets them have a lucrative career

>> No.53603637
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>sharing the wealth
Not how that works.
>Why would you need money when you live in the most progressive neomarxist paradise on Earth?
Not how Marxism works either, nerd.
>so i can travel to the states if i need healthcare instead of dying on a wait list in canada. it is one of my biggest fears in life unironically
Pick up a book on medicine, You are Canadian, become your own doctor.
>4. They are passive aggressive.
Found the cucky white boy, who is probably fat.
You have no idea who passive aggressive means.

>> No.53603663
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>In 30 years, Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton will be 80% brown.

>> No.53603688
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You should fuck off to Europe, that is where YOU are from.

>> No.53603733

I know one and he moved his business to the US

>> No.53603765

What does managing properties involve? Sitting back and cashing cheques?

>> No.53603770

That body is built for sex wrestling

>> No.53603825

90k Is a starting salary for rig pigs
Obtainable in a few years if you learn a trade
You must not know a lot of people

>> No.53603847

Hard to get to know anyone when you're hiding out in a basement neet'ing

>> No.53604842
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Canadian borns are desperately trying to ESCAPE Canada. Ony the poojeets are desperate enough to move here. Chinks move to Canada to park their illegal monies into the real estate market and get a second passport. They stay for 3-4 months (summer time) and fuck off somewhere else during the cold season.


White Canadian women are fat and disgusting.

>> No.53604962

That's weird because yesterday a canadian told me he made 300k a year in vancouver as an accountant. Surely he wasn't lying, right?

>> No.53605111

Rich people have a tendency to flee communist countries, anon.

>> No.53605131

>Work 2 FT jobs

considering more than half of IT in this country is fucking stinkers, the bar is fucking low for tech lmao

>> No.53605195

Maybe as a small biz owner employing other accountants.

>> No.53605237
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When I lived in Canada I made more then 90k (self employed) and was paying a retarded amount of taxes. Then you're paying 13% tax on everything you buy (ontario). Everything was expensive and much less freedom.

pic related is what happens when you attempt to travel freely within Canada.

Now I live in the USA and do shit here that would be illegal in Canada like owning guns or travelling.

>> No.53605296
File: 379 KB, 617x346, leaving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not the only one fleeing.

>> No.53605308
File: 433 KB, 617x346, leaving5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poojeets are fleeing.

>> No.53605468
File: 1.95 MB, 1672x768, 1644973048318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The White people of Canada fought back last year.

>> No.53606024

what is this photo?

>> No.53606423

>t. doesn't live in Alberta obviously.

>> No.53606443

I earn more. I got my bonus today, well, half of it given my marginal tax rate is 50%.
I should have speculated on assets in Canada, they get a free ride.

>> No.53606515

Seems like a "sovereign" citizen who hasn't been paying his parking tickets lmao

>> No.53606516



>> No.53606619
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Almost $10k in fines for traveling during covid. Canada was a police state for several years and put "health nurses" at all border entrees (air, land and sea) who would threaten you with fines if you did not submit to house arrest for 2 weeks, disclose your medical status, pay ~$200 for a nasal test, disclose the address where you will be putting yourself under house arrest so government workers can make random wellness checks on you to make sure you are complying, disclose your phone number and install a tracking device (Arrivecan) on your phone.

In my experience the power tripping cunt of a nurse who I dealt with actually stole my Canadian passport to coerce me to anwser her questions (I didnt) and they later destroyed my passport.

Fuck Canada. Gay ass country.

>> No.53606703
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They're quarantine fines

>> No.53606745

this is my destiny as a white man if I stay in Canada. hot and even average white women are not interested, but I've dated attractive asian women. Maybe Europe is better? Any canucks have any success finding an attractive euro wife?

>> No.53606907

>tfw l2c and in a tech startup where I’m building tools and being a data wrangler (on top of my actual job) but no-one bigger wants to hire me because I don’t want to spend another 4 years in homosex uni for CS autism
Don’t even have a degree but I could have it in like 2 years if I really wanted to go back to school

>> No.53607286

what are my odds of getting a six figures wfh job without formal education? Is it even worth it? My current job takes me around the province

>t. engineering technician making 60k

>> No.53607302

is that in CAD? Because if so then that's pathetic, 90k CAD is what like 60k USD?

>> No.53607399

After tax it’s more like 49k usd, and only 10% of the Canadian population makes over 100k

>> No.53607428

however most Canadian home owners have had free money for a decade as CAD becomes worthless vs shelter

>> No.53607838

Is that you in the picture? Good for you big guy. Looks like a nice mom lady with big jugs

>> No.53607901

>8.6 hours a day biking in the hot sun
Yikes. Also are you a literal pajeet? I live in Toronto and I've never seen a non-brown person doing uber eats.

>> No.53607935

It's been 3 years since that happened lmao, you don't seriously think it's still like that?

>> No.53608095

have you ever walked through a city and seen ads targeting children with transsexualism, billboards, posters, bus shelter ads? because i've seen it in toronto. the ads paid for by the city, through tax dollars.

>> No.53608194

why they all look like roaches
he looks like a little molerat

>> No.53608223

that woman does not represent every asian woman
that man does not represent every white man
you should give me crypto for educating you but this time's free

>> No.53608240

I don't know a single person who makes under 90k in this country and I have an educated network of friends and acquaintances across all industries

t. made 150k+ last year at 32yo, buyside asset management

>> No.53608320

I grew up in Toronto but I moved up north for about 10 years, worked all over Bancroft, Denbigh, Lindsay, Ennismore, Haliburton, been to North Bay, Temagami etc etc, and this is 100% factually correct.

Also Ontario is by far the rudest most obnoxious part of Canada. Have lived in both the Maritimes and the Prairies. Everyone is friendly pretty much everywhere outside of the GTA. But admittedly Toronto is a very harmless and inoffensive city by American standards.

I make about 70k a year rn before tax doing skilled, blue collar work in a middle management position.

>> No.53608323

FUCK POOJEETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.53608502

Working in the oilsands earns you over 90k alone. Where do you live?

>> No.53608617

Lol I bet OP works in education.

>> No.53608679

canadians dont deserve money. they deserve 10 minute cities. canadians do not have souls.

>> No.53608912

eh buddy cool it with the casual anti-canuckism