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5359203 No.5359203 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5359462

without a doubt

people think lightning, tangle, bigger blocks are going to be realistic scaling solutions?

tangle - centralized
lightning - centralized, and just as bad as banks
bigger blocks - not effective enough

nexus is building the 3d blockchain, this is going to be the new crypto norm unless hashgraphs get here first.

3d blockchain is the only on chain scaling solution that will exist and be effective

>> No.5359609
File: 1.59 MB, 1199x899, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5360074

Me no undastand.

How does this work? Normie firendly explanation plz

>> No.5360331


3d blockchain = 100k transactions a second on chain
on chain = no big government control it like banks, no big corporation (blockstream) control it like bitcoin/bitcoincash

quantum resistant blockchain = in the future very powerful computers cant hack it like they will be able to hack bitcoin (google quantum computing bitcoin to see how quantum computers will make bitcoin worthless in less than 10 years)

meshnetwork/low earth orbit sat network = devs dad runs a rocket company. He gonna setup a fuck load of satellites in space so pajeets and other 3rd worlders can use this currency WITHOUT NEEDING INTERNET OR CELL RECEPTION!!! literally own a phone, connect and make transactions

devs dad also going to sell use of his sat network to govs, businesses, and other people. already has a rental car company signed up who wants to track their fleet on the sat network. HE IS GOING TO MAKE THESE PEOPLE PAY FOR THE SAT USE WITH NEXUS!

buy this fucking shit normie scum

>> No.5361156

Yes! I am getting excited. This has so many great angles to hype from. Satilites! 3D ledgers! Unblockable space sci-fi hivemind network!
All nexus shills have to do is figure out how to tell this story clearly and it will explode

>> No.5361237

Solves the main problems plauging bitcoin-and-clones too: that it's centralised and slow.

Is nexus a mined currency?

>> No.5361283

Yeah I think they are really going to explode over the next two years, the contract makes everything official and both parties will have to deliver.

>> No.5361407


gpu mining, cpu mining, and staking, so its impossible for a 51% attack

>> No.5361593

I really want to want this coin, but their philosophy sounds like a bunch of anarcho-utopian bullshit. Don't get me wrong, I love anarcho-utopian bullshit, and crypto-in-spaaaaace is a really fun idea, but it all sounds very grandiose and improbable from down here on earth where all my bills live.