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53587077 No.53587077 [Reply] [Original]

How come so many people don't have emergency savings?

>> No.53587092


If I got cancer I'd let it take me

>> No.53587097

I see money in account I must spend. I see no money in account I must spend. Simple as.

>> No.53587113

1pbtid bot thread. likely the same "poster" as this thread. >>53584835 jannies clean this fucking garbage up.

>> No.53587118

I wonder what % of euros can afford 1k for emergency expenses considering their average salary is like 25k a year

>> No.53587138

What do you spend it all on?
No, fuck off.
Things cheaper, but likely it's very similar in Europe as well. I want to know why.

>> No.53587258

it all boils down to our financial system
a debt based monetary system requires spending levels to always increase
this isn't even debatable, they advertise their inflation targets (albeit lower than reality)
saving money is harshly punished
those that do save almost have to put it into increasingly speculative assets
people are dumb, but there is a driving force pushing their behavior

>> No.53587285

they can;t stop eating avocado toast

>> No.53587288

But what's even a benefit of all of this? It seems to induce consumerism which is a drain on resources and time.

>> No.53587292

this is me right now, fuck my life. Working on it.

>> No.53587311

the "benefit" is that it destroys society which is what they want

>> No.53587363

lol because the majority of people are slaves

>> No.53587375

Most people don't spend time in the evening typing. They are out having drinks or dinner. Their weekends are booked with expensuve getaways and shop fir clothing daily when surfing on the internet

>> No.53587393

And why do they do this?

>> No.53587405

Credit access.

>> No.53587410

politicians can always promise more than taxes can pay for
businesses get a steady flow of consumers
consumers are continually distracted from their actual lives (this is an unironic pro), "omg did you try the new caramel mocha grande with gold sprinkles". what they're really paying for is a 15 minute distraction from other things.

>> No.53587414

Because rent is too damn high and wages are too damn low!

>> No.53587455

I get deebly goncerned when my savings account dips below $2k and then go into survival mode for a couple months

>> No.53587479

Boredom. Keeping up appearances. You name it.

Everything is cheap when money is.

If you've ever had a gf, you'd know all free time is filled in with silly activities

>> No.53587509

I think people should probably have even more than 2k.
Is there anything to be done to improve the situation and get people to save up more?
And get out of this bind too?

>> No.53587518

There's a lot of worthless non-whites in Amerika

>> No.53587519

>How come so many people don't have emergency savings?
My rent is $1200/mo. Any funds left over goes straight into the purchasing of pain pills.

>> No.53587536
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Because they invest it all... Right?

>> No.53587553

I've had better payouts just playing scratch tickets.

>> No.53587593

These "studies" are always misleading and made to grab headlines, if you go into details they were only asking how much money people could take out of their savings accounts in an emergency, the number comes out low because most people have the majority of their money tied into things like investments, don't believe that everyone is as poor as these headlines make them out to be.

I for one would have to say I don't have $1,000 in "savings" to cover an emergency expense, because I don't even have a savings account and all my extra cash goes into my Fidelity investment accounts.

>> No.53587596
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Are you the Walmart Wagie?

>> No.53587604
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It creates the illusion of prosperity because it meets the criteria for a highly flawed definition of prosperity. When people say the country is Jewed, this is the sort of shit they're talking about. It's using a bunch of rhetoric and pilpul to needlessly complicate something that should be incredibly simple all so that it can make the people doing the smooth talking and the complicating richer and richer. The bigger the lie, the more angry people who can see the lie get and right now the lie is so big that it encompasses pretty much every aspect of existence. It's huge amounts of effort to convince people that the only way for an economy to operate is to burn down the currency so people go out and spend it on shit that shouldn't even exist in the first place. This sort of extremely myopic, "cut off your nose to spite your face" sort attitude justified through unrelenting and intelligence-insulting deception has come to be synonymous with the worst elements of Judaism.

>> No.53587610

Rent is a problem in my country too, that is true. I lucked out that my parents have property in a city where I study and want to work in, so that helps. Otherwise you either have to live without savings, get a mortgage and be debt slave or maybe live with parents and try to find work where you live.
I wonder how to solve this shit to make housing a bit more affordable.

>> No.53587658
File: 455 KB, 799x800, Screenshot_20230205_100446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's me. What's going on, lil'man?

>I wonder how to solve this shit to make housing a bit more affordable
Me too. Sadly the buisness will be exposed by the time I'd find out.

>> No.53587688

> Called “Yuropoor” daily on biz by Muricans
> Have well over 80K in savings
> 56% of you don’t even have 1K in savings


>> No.53587697

Do you hold any WMT?

>> No.53587726
File: 603 KB, 1079x810, Screenshot_20230205_054534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's my money and I need it now. Maybe if I was making $20/hr or something...

>> No.53587744
File: 47 KB, 1244x661, Capture6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are talking about retirement savings then the average American probably has twice what you have, the headling from OP is just clickbait, stay poor Europoor.

>> No.53587752

Because wages haven't kept up with inflation

>> No.53587815
File: 209 KB, 1175x1524, 1673993852614040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're stupid yolos that squander their money on shit they don't need or can't afford.

>> No.53587871

I’m talking savings account, not a 401K or w.e. the fuck Americans call their retirement funds.

>> No.53587881

Who the hell lets their money inflate away in (((savings)))

>> No.53587919

they are non white

>> No.53587936

>300k net worth
>$1500 in my bank account
ah jeez I'm just so broke thanks for the free health insurance ah oh no bro one single EMERGENCY WEEWOOWEEWOO would take me out

>> No.53587945
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Yes I wonder why

>> No.53588005

Unironically the real answers.

>> No.53588055
File: 30 KB, 320x320, 4FC83872-EBA9-42E1-9819-4A3640E13E6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you vill own nothing

>> No.53588185
File: 41 KB, 524x800, 51LCvryHrvL._AC_UF700,800_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We simply produce so much so efficiently that we have to gear all of society toward consuming or we will not be able to move enough goods to remain profitable. This is a great book on the subject, basically consooooooom before the meme was invented

>> No.53588226

>cans of beans slowly being crushed by pallets of water
Clean it up, wagie.

>> No.53588249
File: 53 KB, 660x716, 1672505108624626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandpa did this, I really wish he didn't. Never even told anyone until he finally went

>> No.53588312

>The bigger the lie, the more angry people who can see the lie get and right now the lie is so big that it encompasses pretty much every aspect of existence.

>> No.53588375
File: 617 KB, 1079x806, Screenshot_20230201_141458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm not a maintenence associate. They make the bucks.

>> No.53588397

Normalfags are terrible with money

>> No.53588481

Not even close. The median US wage is 33k before taxes

>> No.53588508
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>> No.53588522
File: 556 KB, 1050x1656, Screenshot_20221228_072718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell the zoomers this.

>> No.53588527

Im sorry anon. Maybe he just didn't want to be a spectacle. My grandmother passed from cancer last year and watching it all unfold wasn't pleasant at all.