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53585741 No.53585741 [Reply] [Original]

give it to me straight, /biz/. is buying a twin home a retarded cope?

>> No.53585751

you're going to have loud ass neighbours. there are ALWAYS loud neighbours.

>> No.53585770
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Works for a starter home, then sell for a larger one when you have Kids. /Biz/ will start seething about any house not in the middle of nowhere on 20 acres for $60,000 though

>> No.53585783

yeah that's the biggest concern, since i already deal with this shit in my cuckpartment. also most twins seem to be shitters, and i personally don't want to be the obnoxious asshole neighbor making noise with DIY improvements all night.

>> No.53585789

>sharing a building
It is a glorified duplex, ie, multi family apt building, ie condominium

It is fucked.

Maybe a good stepping stone but not an ideal home for long term permanent living

>> No.53585812

You would better off with an appartment, better save to buy a normal house mate

>> No.53585817

Where do I get this payday
Even though I drive drunk regularly, I'm god's smartest driver and therefore have never been caught

>> No.53585953

Don't listen to them op. Train houses are the future. These single family homes have too many negatives and are already obsolete. In fact if you really want to beat the system you should get a condo with a big hoa to take care of everything.

>> No.53585978

my choices are realistically 1) twin home cuckoldry within 1 hour of DA CITY or 2) a real home on 0.5 to 1.0 acres within 2 hours of DA CITY. i currently work remotely but who knows how long that will last.

>> No.53586029

I would only consider that if I was buying both of them. Detached housing is definitely what I am looking for, and with my neighbors far away.

>> No.53586047
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>Detached housing is definitely what I am looking for, and with my neighbors far away.
Based isolationist enthusiasts

>> No.53586269

please do not buy thesw they are disgusting fake poverty """homes"""
i'm from the uk and semis, as we call them, are the most common property here and they are absolutely unliveable foul domiciles
either cheap out and live in an apartment or buy a real home there is no reason to spend more on something that is still a temporary and unpleasant home
there is possibly an exception to this if you have a kid who is ~4 or older
it's not the fucking future it's hell and anyone who willingly suffers it is a goblin with no understanding of what makes life pleasant
even just having a single foot gap between homes makes them infinitely more habitable
the worst case is you have loud unreasonable neighbours that let their side of the shared wall go moldy but even in the best case you can live freely, play music, or drill into your four walls
they're oversized slave pods for subhumans who wouldn't even want to shape their own home if they had the ability to

>> No.53586303

even in a single family home in a small suburban town (<30k pop) with space on all sides of you, having a neighbor can be problematic.
having someone share a wall with you is not ideal unless you have absolutely no other choice.
the goal is to get as much space between you and the people around you as possible.

>> No.53586600

Lol leave op alone.

>> No.53586637

Jesus that looks grim

>> No.53586701


this anon is correct. These are very common in the uk and fucking suck balls. I grew up in one and bought a proper detached home as soon as I could. I can’t believe these are coming to the US. The uk has them because we have very little space.

>> No.53586739
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that's actually a very nice example. most of them are far uglier.

>> No.53586838

>All that empty space around it
Why do Americans build these? We build them in the UK because we have no room but Pennsylvania is almost as large as England and most of it is empty. Never buy one of these they are awful you're better off buying a cheap flat or something until you can get a real home. It's not worth paying so much more and still having all the same disadvantages.

>> No.53586952

If you own both units you can start yourself on the path of becoming a slumlord. House hacking is kind of BS, but if you live somewhere that's growing you have a chance to make it work. I live in Phoenix, so many people are moving here every year and supply is not able to keep up. So if you can afford to lock in a duplex and house hack, odds are good it'll appreciate in value and there'll be good opportunities for tenants. Then you have a more valuable property to sell, or you can keep it and rent both units for income after you are done with it. It becomes doable because there's tax advantages to house hacking, and you can potentially qualify for a bigger mortgage based on the income of the unit you'll be renting. But the problem is the conditions I listed above also mean prices are exploding and normies like me can't keep up. Duplexes are way too expensive to afford with financing unless it's a complete shitbox.

>> No.53586970

>city apartment
Noise everywhere.
>twin house
Very noisy neighbours.
>suburb house
Boomer who mows his lawn twice a week at 6am sharp.

You're screwed no matter what.

>> No.53587544

i live in an european residential/urban rowhouse and rarely hear my neighbours because the walls are solid concrete. Stop using plywood sheets and drywall

>> No.53587565
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>the virgin twin home
>the CHAD multifamily brownstone

>> No.53587616
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>been living in comfy appartment building for 5 years
>first 4 years were dead silent
>get new upstairs neighbours
>dude is constantly talking loudly with his friends

i've already been there once but he just doesnt understand the problem or doesnt know how loud him and his friends are

ive considered moving but I bought this house and houses are even more expensive now and dont really have the money to move anyway

at one point I wished to just continue life deaf

>> No.53589089

It's just a matter of when if you're living in a house stacked or sandwiched between other homes

>> No.53589339

I'm your loud ass neighbor.

>> No.53589358


>> No.53589360
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I hate loud neighbors so much it's unreal.

>> No.53589840

It's ok if you're Tavistock Beatles, walking through separate doors into the same house singing a gay song.

>> No.53589886
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You have to admit some aspects of it are based

>> No.53589996

yes if you buy both halves.
Otherwise is a jewish illusion that resembles a livable houshold, but it isn't.

>> No.53590027
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Retvrn to tradition

>> No.53590089

the retarded EU saw to it that gypsy mafias took over these sorts of buildings all over europe

>> No.53590272
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>give it to me straight
here it is
like this pathetic incel board's unrealistic standards towards women, its unrealistic standards towards housing will leave them without a roof over their heads
do you need a roof over your head? do you need a start on a property ladder? do you need to make your housing expense fixed rather tha variable? do you need better living conditions than a squalid 1 BR apartment? or don't you
there's your answer

>> No.53590306


I live in one, it's a coinflip. Got lucky and my neighbour is not retarded

the day they moves out and I get stuck with loud people Im fucked

>> No.53590401

If you buy a duplex, you have to worry about one immediate neighbor. If you live in a quad, you have to worry about three immediate neighbors. If you live in a full condo complex, you have to worry about six or more immediate neighbors. It's dumb to buy one if you live somewhere with plenty of single family housing, but if that's too expensive, a duplex isn't the worst.

>> No.53590451

i was aware of all of this, but thanks for laying it out like that. it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.53590463

>twin home
Do europoors really?

>> No.53590701

Stick to one, unless you have a landlord hard-on. Attached is way too close. They will grow to hate you for lording over them. Every time they fuck too loud or have an argument, they will worry that you heard them. They'll start to avoid you after the first year. Evert time you try to put the tenants at ease with whatever bullshit you're talking about, they can't wait for you to stop and go away. Generally, t's a bad setup. Don't do it otherwise unless you have some kind of weird talent for that shit.

>> No.53590761

just giving you a (You) to say i get you, anon
worst part is normals who don't get how soulcrushing this can be

>> No.53590805

To me main reason behind buying s home is to have whole property for yourself. This includes not sharing any walls with noisy neighbours. Twin home takes away this main advantage

>> No.53590896

my brother rents a unit in a place like this in logan square. it's actually quite nice but I haven't spent extended time there
one time his central heating went out tho and the landlord didn't fix it for like a week and it was 50F inside

>> No.53590910

when I lived in LA I heard multiple domestic violence scenarios in the apartment unit directly above mine. I never called the cops or anything tho because it sounded like she deserved it

>> No.53590976

I used to live in a duplex like this once. The girl living on the other side was really cute and made boner-inducing sex noises, so I started removing wall fixtures to thread a boroscope in and have a watch. Haha just kidding unless...?yeah I could be on the other side of your wall, is that okay with you?

>> No.53591088

i shared a wall with two young kids for a period of about 6 months. it culminated in him threatening to taze her, her calling the cops, and then him pepper spraying himself and blaming it on her. about six cops were outside of the unit when they arrested them both and charged them with domestic disturbances and drug possession.

>> No.53591181
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Buying while homeownership premium is this high is not advisable, definitely don't buy a condo, shit dumps harder during corrections and the market is less liquid

>> No.53592363

well look memes aside the construction of the building you shared, the noise through the wall is NOT going to get through

American stick-built houses next to each other will transmit more sound through than a wall of that building

>> No.53592454

They're glorified apartments. Everyone who lives in them rents. It's fine for a starter property in your 20s, but eventually you're going to move to a detached house. Then you'll get tired of neighbors with barking dogs, wind chimes, screaming kids, etc. and want to get acreage.

>> No.53592466

>both of my properties rent for double what my mortgage payment is

Damn it feels good to have bought before 2022.

>> No.53592692

>in chicago
sounds like a beautiful day

No I got really lucky - my landlord is my friend's dad and if I have an issue he's got a guy here to fix it in 20 mins every time.

I'd definitely like to get a multifamily over there too. these seem pretty reasonably priced/have a good cash flow. I live in lakeview and you cant find a building like that one for under a million

>> No.53592741

>and the market is less liquid
Not in Socal/Bay Area; all starter single family homes are 1mm+ and sit around particularly long because of high interest rates, which means everyone fights over 500k condos instead

>> No.53592827

>shares walls
It's an apartment

>> No.53593038

i bought a cheap little flat in 2018 for $60k. Ill nevr understand how normies can make 4x what i do and not own rentals.

>> No.53593630

They can't save. They spend everything that they earn.

People had insanely cheap housing in 2011-13, followed by a 8 year bull run. And they're still working.

>> No.53593834

>on 20 acres
kek what is this a poor cope. I have 120 acres :)

>> No.53593974

As that guy said, I'd check the common wall to see how it's made.
If it's a big solid wall with proper insulation you'll be quite okay.
Also in Europe they tend to be smart about the distribution and leave the corridors or stairs next to the shared wall instead of rooms so you have an extra buffer for privacy.
If need be if you are the owner you can insulate the wall on your side and.offer next door owner to insulate his side at a discount as your contractor will already have a lot of fixed costs paid.

I'd rather own one of those properly built than a single family Mc-unit made.of cardboard where you can hear your neighbours through the poorly made windows anyway.

Also when I first read your post I thought you asked about buying the whole building. If you can afford to it's a good idea to be able to rent next door.

>> No.53595873


>> No.53595892

>should've been the first post