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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53584090 No.53584090 [Reply] [Original]

>suck a penis

>Eat a poop

>Drink urine

Would you do this?

>> No.53584103

would do all three for 1m

>> No.53584110


How long?

>> No.53584113

I'd only suck a dick...could get nasty diseases from the other two.

>> No.53584114

OP's average friday night

>> No.53584116

it worked for bear grylls

>> No.53584118
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what colour is the penis ?

>> No.53584122


Depends what happened a few hours before

>> No.53584128

Gf and I have tried Golden showers, it's nothing terrible. urine it is

>> No.53584129

Depends on what penis and what urine anon. Penis is easy mode, more than half of the population suck them for free

>> No.53584148

3 easily

>> No.53584152
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>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.53584154


What if you were given 350ml and only allowed to drink it with a teaspoon?

>> No.53584189

Urine is just recycled water
If I get to choose which urine to drink, I’ll pick someone who’ve been drinking water all day after his 3rd or 4th piss
If I don’t get to choose as long as it’s not acidic enough to fuck up my insides should be good

>> No.53584702

Suck a woman’s penis AKA the clitoris. Check mate atheists

>> No.53584711


>> No.53584730

Suck a penis, of course. I'll even swallow

>> No.53584734

No, never, what's the benefit of money if you are going to lose your dignity?

>> No.53584801

Kek fpbp

>> No.53584812

Who’s pee we drinkin?

>> No.53584818

>nobody is picking 2
Fuck it, I would eat a poop

>> No.53584864

I'd do all three for 100k

>> No.53584916 [DELETED] 
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You are given the option to suck the penis on the left or the one on the right

>> No.53584949

The uncut one, duh.

>> No.53584998

I've sucked penises, fucked and cuddled with hairy men for free? Didn't know I could get 1m

>> No.53585012

You could knock back a cup of urine easy enough, people have done much worse for a lot less

>> No.53585022

>engage in this futile mental exercise for our data collection purposes

>> No.53585076
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most pornstars both men and women prefer the feeling of cut dick. not that it matters even in the slightest, but stop giving this topic attention.
keeping your dicks clean helps maintain confidence for a generation already worried about accidents, stds, tattos, debt, and nonvirgins.

>> No.53585081

Drink urine

>> No.53585092

Hairy man here. Wanna hang out some time?

>> No.53585115

Ok some changes are to be made.

For $10,000,000

>Suck a dick and swallow

>eat a 2cm:2cmx2cm shit (so not a log)

>drink 400 ml of urine, but it has to be by teaspoon so obviously slowly and savourily

>> No.53585121

I'd drink urine, in normal conditions is free of bacteria and probably cleaner than tap water. My Id probably confirm this

>> No.53585133

if i do all three will i get 3m?

>> No.53585143

To say that the board is dead and boring would be an euphemisme. I prefer threads like this than seeing pajeets shiling their shitcoins left and right

>> No.53585145

What are the kikes going to do? Send us urine coupons?

>> No.53585157


If you do all 3, you can get $3,000,000 however the challenge will be modified.
The penis cum, urine and the poop will be combined in a glass and mixed for 1 hour. You must then drink this.

>> No.53585161

Option 1 is always the easiest choice, harden it more.

>> No.53585171

right, id say "this board is dead" when its bullrun and there's 5 coins getting 20x threads every hour

>> No.53585175


It is already hard?
The penis will now he unwashed, with 18 weeks of smeg buildup

>> No.53585183

how about while you blend up that beverage I put a .45 into your tip jar and walk away with the 3m and your free drink

>> No.53585197

>/biz/ is only gay for pay

never change /biz/

>> No.53585314
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>the mutilated genital cope

>> No.53585347

You want only western coins to thrive?

>> No.53585417

If its a cute femboy dick i will suck it for far less. Wouldnt dare to eat poop for any amount of money. The piss it depends if its watery or really yellow and stinky.

>> No.53585495

ong i didn't know the statistics until i was about 24 and in college.
i've already fucked. it's like having sex is the first step - done - then there's a depraved sex market for girl 30+ - gucci - the fuck does it matter?

>> No.53585517
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>Muh Dignity
On 4chan

>> No.53585532

i don't want to be too blunt on that, but i'm genuinely curious. do you hold that sentiment because of the ethics alone or is it a more modern take regarding some esoteric medical knowledge? i'm 27 and i've been watching porn since i was like 8 and i've seen roughly 10:1 cut:uncut dicks - and trust me i'm not biased in that regard.

like on a scale of 1-10. is it towards the 7 range average? absolutely fucking unheard of?
i also want to make sure we know /pol/ just has undiagnosed body dysmorphia that they've neglected going to /adv/ for help understanding, because we all know /r9k/ doesn't help with that bs.

>> No.53585535
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>Adult film star Rocco Siffredi (nom de guerre: Italian Stallion) says he found that out the hard way when he was circumcised at 31 for hygiene reasons. Siffredi, who calls his decision “catastrophic,” says that with a foreskin, “you can feel much more fun.”

>> No.53585626

If the urine was "fresh" and dilite and from a woman, I'd do 3 no problem (hell I may well enjoy it)

>> No.53585728

right, and that's the pivot aint it. hygiene? nah. pleasure? of course.
but here's the thing you can't argue that breaks that logic: the parents (not the experts) make the decision to allow the procedure, for reasons A or B. the experts (jews) suggest it and there's no way it's anything but another few shekels, reason C.

you're arguing from either the A or B perspective which suggests you aren't arguing the ethics of the subject but actually the esoteric medical knowledge against reasons health and pleasure; which, lies exactly along the same lines as that supporting perspective:
>"catastrophic...you can feel much more (-less) fun."
nothing more than a bot spreading petabytes of randomly named url porn streaming site content

>> No.53585740

I drank my own urine once as a kid it’s not that bad

>> No.53585762

I'd have no problem with 1 (if dick is cleaned and no STDs are involved) and 3. Not saying I've done either, but for a million bucks that sounds like it would not be that bad.

>> No.53585960

You hot?
You young? <30
Cub type guy
Live in Europe

>> No.53586296

Actual doctor here,
unless there's an UTI, urine is not only the cleanest of these three, it's actually almost completely sterile (or at least contaminated with less harmful bacteria which are unlikely to cause you as much as a cramp). Drink your piss, do it now. Consider it medical advise.

>> No.53586338

I've done all 3, multiple times, and I haven't received my 1 million yet. don't fall for it, bros.

>> No.53586342

>disgracing yourself for the material world

>> No.53586718
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Maybe. 1 or 3 are possibilities. There are conditions:

For option 1, is it clean? how big? race? Will other people find out I did a gay thing? how long do i have to suck? do i have to make them cum?

For option 3, what is the volume? who is the donor? is the donor diseased in any way? Will other people find out?

Almost everyone whores themselves out at the end of the day. It's a million bucks, so if you're not willing to bend a little bit, yngmi... also, I'm willing to metaphorically, but not literally eat shit. I'm not sacrificing my health, which is priceless.

>> No.53586751

I would do all 3 for $10k

>> No.53586786
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Give me my fucking money

>> No.53586807

mine or someone elses?

>> No.53586832

Depends on if there are any rules

>> No.53586852

Can I use a life straw?

>> No.53587357

If any rich degen wants to do this to me for the money I am more than happy to do it. Traumatic it maybe but ultimately the benefit to my life would be huge.
I'm based in East bongland
My tg is mashuptheplace
Please I'm desperate.

>> No.53588727

I'd drink the piss, that's an easy one.
Even more preferable if its my own.

>> No.53589270

I shouldn't be but still I'm surprised by the number of spineless fags here (nvm you actual faggots). You guys realize you can't buy BACK certain things right? This is the whole reason arabs like to shit on girls, because they know in some way it is forever. Same for the sick rich fucks breaking and defiling innocence eyes wide shut style. Surely a major point of making it is so you do NOT have to sell your soul?

>> No.53589278

3 I guess.

>> No.53589336

How much urine?
Who is the urine from?

>> No.53590113

piss is easy. it wont even make you sick and you can quickly guzzle it down

>> No.53590902

suck a penis i'm not a str*ghtoid

>> No.53590917

i suck penis for free

>> No.53591150

I literally drank my urine 4 hours ago. I drink it almost every day and it cured all my chronic illnesses 3 years ago when I did it as a last resort. Urine is not waste like we’ve been lied to but ultra filtered blood plasma that has all your antibodies for any illness, stem cells, minerals, salts, hormones, proteins, vitamins, and amino acids to cure any illness and balance you perfectly.

Also… you already drank and breathed in your moms then your own urine in the womb. It’s how your lungs were formed, amniotic fluid is urine.

>> No.53591183


I literally drank my urine 4 hours ago. I drink it almost every day and it cured all my chronic illnesses 3 years ago when I did it as a last resort. Urine is not waste like we’ve been lied to but ultra filtered blood plasma that has all your antibodies for any illness, stem cells, minerals, salts, hormones, proteins, vitamins, and amino acids to cure any illness and balance you perfectly.

Also… you already drank and breathed in your moms then your own urine in the womb. It’s how your lungs were formed, amniotic fluid is urine.

>> No.53591309


>> No.53591314


>> No.53591325
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Actual doctor here.
Don't listen to this piss drinking faggot

>> No.53591332

Not only is is sterile but it’s filtered blood plasma that has all your antibodies that cure any illness imaginable.

>> No.53591358

Amniotic fluid is urine you stupid faggot.

Not only that…. But I’ve been chewing for 25 years and last year I had an awful tooth infection that needed a root canal. Loose tooth and near unbearable pain. Did tea tree oil, salt and water, coconut oil pulling. Nothing worked I was FUCKED. Then I was like would the urine work for this too???


Found this article with tons of testimonials.

Held my urine in my mouth 15 mins at a time 3 times a day. After the first time I did it the pain went away, then would come back but less and less each time. Within 3 days the infection was gone. Tooth firmed up. Bleeding gums stopped and my receding dead looking gum lines started regenerating and looked alive again

>> No.53591448

Why does your body pee it out then?

>> No.53591665


>> No.53591694
File: 87 KB, 473x1024, A05BECEE-8EE8-453E-9545-204109D9FAA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kidneys are a filtration organ not an elimination organ… your blood is being balanced when you pee but it’s discarding good things not bad things. Including antibodies for any illness. Any issue I have now I drink it and I’m fine. Panic attack coming on and anxious with an increased heartbeat? Take a gulp of urine and INSTANTLY it goes away.

>pic related a girl I was taking to with a bad eating disorder

>> No.53592638

you're severely unwell

>> No.53592642


>> No.53592686

You are retard it's not sterile. Especially if female it's ridden with bacteria and fungi. Sterile your ass.

>> No.53593087

this lol you idiot
but if i had to choose one it would be suck a penis obviously

>> No.53593102

I'd drink piss for $1 Million, hell I'd drink piss for $100,000

>> No.53593119

If i suck 10 dicks. Do i get 10 Mil ?

>> No.53593153

Only if I get to choose the order I do them in

>> No.53593169

Hell seconded- drinking piss is no big deal. I’d do it for 50k!!! Shit there are people on this board that have been telling you non stop for YEARS that drinking your piss cures all diseases!!!

>> No.53593390

>thread has been up for over 15 hours
seriously fuck this board

>> No.53593617


>> No.53593623

Why? I’ve broken free from the matrix entirely. Pee is waste is the biggest lie in humanity

>> No.53595350

Drink urine, already drank my own pee once and while it's nasty it's over pretty quickly.
I imagine eating dung gets shitpieces stuck in your teeth and well sucking wouldn't be very straight.

>> No.53595376

This. Add some MIO energy drink and maybe it wouldn't be too bad. At least worth a mil.

>> No.53595403
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>> No.53595479
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But I don’t have a million dollars to do even one of those things.

>> No.53596102

Urine is the safest, least gay option

>> No.53596298

The bladder jew

>> No.53596687

Drinking piss is all gravy as long a its fresh, warm beer tastes worse. Gimme the fucking money

>> No.53597477

No. I would never and will never subject myself to anything for fucking money
Even if it was a trillion dollars.
It’s disgusting and pathetic and unforgivable kill your fucking self

>> No.53598655


>> No.53598903

This desu
I've been drinking a glass of urine right after morning for a year now, this plus nofap has given me godly levels of strength and concentration

>> No.53598928

((They)) fear the man who drinks his owm urine.