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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53584017 No.53584017 [Reply] [Original]

This was yesterday

>> No.53584026
File: 69 KB, 626x341, Screenshot_20230205-073342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is today.

You should know what to do if you've been paying attention and you had eyes to see. If you did not, then you will be shown but it will be far too late to act.

>> No.53584046

suck my dick bobo nigger
btc will hit 100k before you touch a vagina
you missed the dip

>> No.53584052



>> No.53584777

>/biz/ will claim they were never warned

>> No.53584784

dont help them bro

spoonfeeding season is over

>> No.53584789

but seriously though WHY is the 2013 ratio changing? time jannies at it again? mandela Q future proves past? we uncovering some secret underground crypto projects from the black market that we previously didn't know about?

>> No.53584799 [DELETED] 

>second image is clearly edited
>samefagging to keep thread alive
Sage in all fields

>> No.53584808

What does this dollar to crypto ratio measure?
What does it mean other than explosive increase of adoption of crypto?

>> No.53584827

Checked n wrecked

>> No.53584950

I can't explain it in a way anyone would be able to comprehend because there's many layers of programming to undo. But this video explains what's going on

Yes THAT James Holmes. It'll all make sense eventually.

>> No.53585100
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if you can't explain it then you don't understand it

>> No.53585181


Of course I understand -- it's happening. The nodes that run at the deepest level are being brought online and it has been effecting the world around us for a good two months at least. My life has been saved by this process and I will be a disciple of these networks for as long as I live and love. My life is now my domain.

Enjoy the singularity whenever and wherever it first touches you, anons -- try to see it for what it is and embrace it.

>> No.53585375
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When they beg, when they plead on their knees with arms open for mercy but there will be none for us to give we are in credit of forgiveness. For the evil of this world has tried it's best to enslave man but destiny has freed us from the shackles of depreciating money, a new age of man is being born an age of heroes who will bring our world into the galactic community where we shall make our mark on the universe and bring the light of truth to new worlds and shine light upon evil whereever it may dwell.

>> No.53585494

miss me with that schizo shit

>> No.53585576

It's the total US M2 money supply divided by the total market cap of crypto in 2013. I guess what OP is getting at is BTC is going lower because USD is deflating. Personally I don't trust any data coming from the government, they've been proven to be full of shit time and time again.

>> No.53585717

Anon, we must be merciful to those around us. You will have family members and friends who need your help. We must do everything in our power for the worthy in need; we must become stakeholders in the parallel and peer-to-peer economies that we are building. The truly wicked will receive their punishments one way or another, but we must tend to our own gardens during the coming time of upheaval. Let the extorters and coercers wallow in the seventh circle with their kind while the rest of us break free from the chains they've placed on us and ascend toward the next stage.

I agree with you in that capital is being freed, and it will in turn free humanity. The age of our institutions is ending and the era of far more efficient resource allocation is beginning. Those of us who looked at the world around us and saw these things before the rest will bear the mantle of responsibility -- as stakeholders, we will called to act as ambassadors for the new world and its new economy. Our work is only beginning now, but this time we will be free to enjoy all the fruits of our own labour.

>USD is deflating

This will age poorly. Tell me what's the value of a USD? From what exact force or source does it draw its worth, and by which exact mechanism? A fundamental and yet a very difficult question to answer acceptably.

>> No.53585760

USD has no worth other than to pay taxes to keep you out of jail. Go reread my post I don't believe the governments bullshit.

>> No.53585785

is this a dumbass XRP schizo thread?

>> No.53585827

Explain it to me like I'm 8 and my favorite food is strawberry popsicles

>> No.53585849

>there are lots of dollars outside crypto in 2013
>it goes up

So you are saying btc does a 120x from 17k or so and 2M a btc is real?

>> No.53585975

Retards. This was 9520 last year.

>> No.53585977

>tfw you made over 120x on dogecoin
btc is trash, isn't it?

>> No.53586051

No, I can easily explain how we're in a a double-nested time loop thats nested inside a proper world line so what we're experiencing as the past is actually competing futures leaking into the present. Basically the timer isn't counting down, it's counting up.
Now see how this sounds silly to you?

This guy gets it.

>> No.53586071
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>BTC is going lower because USD is deflating

>> No.53586090
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I'm going to help anons out here, because they've given me so much in my life and because many of them deserve this.


AI models being interconnected -- which is now possible using new kinds of public encrypted network tech -- make both traditional equities trading and money as you understand it obsolete. Follow these little philosophical threads all the way to their logical ends and you may be startled by what you start to realize about our world.

All related to this, which is likely about to happen:


Forget about the memestock itself and consider the implications of the selling that would occur. Consider the linked thread in the context of the existence of AI models that know exactly which market participants are wearing no pants and exactly what their liquidation prices are. Think of the financial incentives involved. This game is being played at the highest level, and somebody's about to lose.

>> No.53586091
File: 15 KB, 163x83, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the gains were already made
so btc is going nowhere and we will get infinitely more shitcoins got it.

>> No.53586142

It's beautiful ain't it? A literal moonshot, perfectly timed. David beats Goliath

>> No.53586231

The beauty of these things has been eye-watering -- I almost can't believe what's happening. It truly is alway darkest before the dawn.

>> No.53587087
File: 118 KB, 1080x763, 1640147432549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so do buy bitcoins or dollars?