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53583055 No.53583055 [Reply] [Original]

No good news and the data looks like dog shit yet the euphoria took over.
>Big tech mass layoff
>USA president is a pedo with dementia
>Russia in war for almost 1 year
>China ghost towns
>Europe immigrant, fuel and energy crisis
>Millennials don't have kids or houses
>Cat mom looking for men 6' tall and 6 figure salary
>Joe have archaeology degree and 200k student loan

>Car loan subprime in 90° curve 6% month

“You’ll own nothing and be h̶a̶p̶p̶y̶ depressed”
All models b̶i̶t̶c̶h̶ and gurus s̶c̶a̶m̶m̶e̶r̶s̶ in social media posting daily travel and expensive shit. Young generation thinking it's normal... We need reality check ASAP.
After some drinks I'll buy calls because ONLY midwit think crash it's gonna happen soon.
*/ ESL, based department, DEUS vult

>> No.53583061


>> No.53583070

priced in

>> No.53583080

she is asking for it

>> No.53583187
File: 81 KB, 350x366, DOOM QUALIDADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold ICYPEE, VAXSCAM, TRASHALGO and JasonBourne coin. Shorting hmbl, kodk and NKLA. Long in PYPL, SYF, AMD and X steel man.

IWMI by 2025.

>> No.53583196
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>> No.53583200

It's the most obvious bear market rally. Bitshit will hit 30k and then go back sub 20 again. All the entities playing up positive sentiment are just hoping hit their sell target and crash it back down and reaccumulate.

>> No.53583202
File: 45 KB, 700x465, aw6VNd01_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my toe.

>> No.53583226
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>Big tech mass layoff
bullish, capitalism working as intended
>USA president is a pedo with dementia
bullish, intelligence services rule and they know better anyway
>Russia in war for almost 1 year
US competitor tied up in costly war = bullish
>China ghost towns
see above, US monopoly = peace
>Europe immigrant, fuel and energy crisis
no one cares about yurop, also fuel prices are back down at what they were slowpoke
>Millennials don't have kids or houses
population correction = BULLISH
>Cat mom looking for men 6' tall and 6 figure salary
see above
>Joe have archaeology degree and 200k student loan
capitalism working as intended
>Car loan subprime in 90° curve 6% month
pretty nice for my car resale value kek

any other questions bobo or are you still stumbling around blind and disoriented?

>> No.53583237
File: 184 KB, 800x713, shenanigans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding calls because only midwits think it's gonna crash soon.

>> No.53583269
File: 9 KB, 260x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullish, intelligence services rule and they know better anyway
>jews rule beavis

>> No.53583305
File: 284 KB, 780x928, 20221225_220858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also that webm will give me nightmares
>see bear come at you
>shoot it
>it stands up and side steps
>smacks my shoulders trying to wake me up
>>anon stop shooting its not the jews
What the fuck

>> No.53583500
File: 401 KB, 500x284, 90m89v 3q6w47h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh cool. can you like buy banana

>> No.53583704

>Oh good grief, im stuck
>Stepson! Help me im stuck!
>proceeds to put penis in vagina and cum

>> No.53583740

>Big tech mass layoff
burger problem. burgers are overpaid. not a real issue

>USA president is a pedo with dementia
burger problem. means the people interested in keeping the ponzi going hold all the cards, anyway. nonissue

>Russia in war for almost 1 year
war is good for business. literally the only way to keep the ponzi going

>China ghost towns
has been a thing for 20+ years. you discovering the situation because your tiktok friends linked you a youtube documentary from 10+ years ago does not suddenly make this an issue

>Europe immigrant, fuel and energy crisis
immigrant issue has been a thing for 10+ years. fuel and energy are fabricated problems designed to keep the ponzi going

>Millennials don't have kids or houses
not a problem in itself, more like a consequence of the ponzi. we could give houses to millenials (and let them have kids) by stopping the real estate ponzi, but money is not interested in that

>Cat mom looking for men 6' tall and 6 figure salary
mostly a meme, strictly a burger problem in any case. that is, an autistic muh redpilled muh lifting burgerican male problem. as yuropoor i've landed 8s and above in burgerland, it's extremely easy

>Joe have archaeology degree and 200k student loan
joe needs to stop listening to dumb podcasts like joe rogan or the wash-your-dick jewish guy and work a real job

>Car loan subprime in 90° curve 6% month
no idea what this normalfag nonsense even means. buy a car with cash, stop taking on debt for depreciating assets

conclusion: take a break from the internet for a week, your mind is completely fucked. you need to reset so you can make rational decision rather than emotional ones

>> No.53583761

The eu "problems" aren't even problems. Gasoline is affordable again and has been for a while and food is cheaper here than in the US. The epic freezening didn't happen because guess what our winters are mostly mild. The only ones that are eating shit are consumers in the UK.

>> No.53583843

Archaeology is a bigger meme degree than gender studies. Okay, you found someone old broken pot, what does that do for society? At least analysing gender related issues has actual policy implications and tries to solve things in the here and now. Sadly, people still give prestige to archaeology because its full of useless bureaucratic gatekeepers so not a lot of people actually have access to sites to prove any of the existing 'science' wrong, thank fuck for people like Graham Hancock that shine a light on this farce.