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53581550 No.53581550 [Reply] [Original]

>>>/biz/ what would you do if the woman you loved and married turns out to have done porn in the past not light stuff but full getting fucked on cam? You've been married for 7 years and have two kids together, no prenup since you thought you found the one but it's fucked you up... asking for a friend. [webm very much related]

>> No.53581571

I would honestly marry Stoya. I dont give a fuck if she did porn as long as I am the last man she will ever be with

>> No.53581573

>if the woman you loved and married

>> No.53581583

No hymen no diamond anon. Yes you can find one, I did, my brother did, many of my friends did. Don't settle for used goods.

>> No.53581603

Divorce lol

>> No.53581660

Those facial reactions are all fake. Money into mixer into some crypto, disappear. Easy.

>> No.53581736

when you look into her eyes do you still feel love for her, if so then find a way to forgive her maybe couples therapy or simple some time apart. If you are filled with pure unrelenting rage when you look into her eyes then divorce

>> No.53581770


>> No.53581787

this only works for self directed men who know how to handle a woman. a lot of betas need a strong (read: run through) woman to make up for their lack of presence, and that's okay.

>> No.53581912

i would disown the whore if she isnt a virgin on the wedding bed

>> No.53581936

I hate the fakeness of this bitch’s face.

>> No.53581948

ok, groomer.

>> No.53582040

I like it.

>> No.53582153

If your friend couldn't tell that she was a whore before marrying her, it's more or less the same. Tell him to just accept his fate and try to be less gullible on his next life.

>> No.53582171


>> No.53582188
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>Being this insecure
Who cares lmao

>> No.53582195

makes me feel like spittin

>> No.53582218

Tell your friend to start up an onlyfans with her and make money off desperate simps longing for the touch of a woman.

>> No.53582241

It's not a her problem it's a YOU problem, you beta orbiting simp.

How about you should have had some standards and not wifed up some loose hole woman. Every metric shows that girls over a certain age are nothing more than fuck toys. Bag hold and pray you 1/2 wit, take care of your kids though.

>> No.53582254

>he's just insecure

No one wants some blown out whore. There is no objective measure a woman can give you if she doesn't give you her virginity. For all you know she's only with you for money, security, etc./other reasons.

You should know this, and she indirectly knows this.

>> No.53582261

You should ask her if you can fuck another women in front of her. And if she cool with that and she loves you afterward. All is forgiven.

>> No.53582285

>There is no objective measure a woman can give you if she doesn't give you her virginity.
Found the cel

>> No.53582303

so you married stoya?

>> No.53582380

I used to be a degenerate faggot. I had 2 kids by the time I was 23, with 2 different moms, no marriage invovled. I was on the dating scene until 29 when I finally figured it out. Everybody wants to fuck, guess what, a girl that does, doesn't let anyone, and lets you is a gem worth marrying.

>> No.53582398

Pee on her

>> No.53582399
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>he's just insecure
Worry about shit that actually matters.

>> No.53582448

You're first problem is thinking that men and women are equal. We aren't. Women want you to walk them home late at night not because they think they'll get robbed, but because they think they'll get raped. Their entire prospective is wrapped (rightfully) around their pussy. When that hymen get's broke and other men start coming through it's about other shit. When bodies start piling up, it's about other other shit.

If you want a good woman, she needs to give you that v.

>> No.53582503
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LMAO you can't divorce your wife if she had a porn past and didn't tell you. a divorce attorney would get paid and try your shitty case, but a judge will laughably dismiss it. Even if you did get a female judge that OK'd it and you didn't get a prenup, that judge is just setting you up to give her everything you own

Deal with it, you really have no other choice. in fact, get her back in porn, you two can literally make bank filming yourselves screwing each other since she was somewhat popular

>> No.53582510

Heed wtf I'm telling you. It took a lot of my life figure this out.

I know it's socially unnaceptable/weird to say you want a virgin, but you're fucking up no holding that stand above everything else. A girl with 1 or 2 "mistakes" is ok, but these girls that fuck on the 2nd date are nothing but trash, but God bless 'em. Trust me.

>> No.53582521
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End it immediately. For 3 reasons:

1) The cunt lied to you and tricked you into a relationship and into a life you wouldn't have chosen for yourself if you had known all the facts. She stole your agency (and years of your life).

2) If she allowed strangers to fuck her and degrade her on camera for money, and then lied to you for years, it means she's a mentally ill, depraved, worthless piece of shit. No other person would do something like that.

3) You are never going to get over it. The feeling of emasculation and defeat will poison the rest of your life. Everything will turn into shit, your work, your relationship with her, your relationship with your kids, your self image, everything.

The only way to survive something like that is to dump the whore immediately and find a decent woman.

>> No.53582536

I'd discretly transform all my savings into precious metals without telling her and bury it somewhere i'm sure she couldn't find it.
Oh wait, that's already what i'm doing. :)

>> No.53582541
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>> No.53582549
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>> No.53582554
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>> No.53582634
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>> No.53582639

If you think I would go 7 years wo noticing you are underestimating my online stalking skills

>> No.53582651

same I would marry stoya I consider her porn as a preview of stuff I could do with her
but... it is likely it would be quite different IRL as I wouldn't be paying her and it would greatly depend on her actual desires, not what is in a script

>> No.53582653

Based frens still exist on biz

>> No.53582661

dat bbc!

>> No.53582687

This is the beta orbiter, friend zone, perspective.
>crumb of pussy needing, can I wash your laundry type of guy

Hold yourself and other to higher standards, you seat smelling weirdo.

>> No.53582709

>trusting feelings over rational thought
Are you a woman?

>> No.53582720

You guys are going to think I'm a fag or simp or whatever, but... I honestly don't even care. I was the guy women gravitated to when I was younger. They all wanted to fuck, but I was happy go lucky and had a girlfriend.

If you have fun with a chick, she doesnt mind you farting in her hair as a joke, and you give her orgasms routinely, who gives a flying face about pushy purity? You guys are way over valuing pushy desu. What's so special about your dick or mine, that it requires a sacred untouched vessel for 15 minutes of pounding on a Saturday night?

>> No.53582723

in my experience, even non virgin women will get their act together quickly if youre alpha enough. every woman just wants a manly man to keep them in check. the more roast they are the more alpha you have to be

>> No.53582731

feelings sometimes work better than endless cogitation.

>> No.53582732

Lol *pussy
Cleared my phones keyboard cashe, and now all of my 4chan words are ducked up

>> No.53582733
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>This is the beta orbiter, friend zone, perspective.
>crumb of pussy needing, can I wash your laundry type of guy
>Hold yourself and other to higher standards, you seat smelling weirdo.

>> No.53582761

again ace, it's about her and her own self respect and who you are to her.

Would you be curious and off if she fucked someone with down syndrome regularly? Don't worry anon., you're much better than that tard that used to pipe her.

Why is this even a thought? is my point

>> No.53582793

Bitcoin is getting fucked!

>> No.53582802

>Why is this even a thought? is my point
I don't know why you think the things that you do. I wish I could help, because you guys are cool. I feel like you're standing in your own way. You're setting up obstacles that don't need to be there that negatively impact your own happiness. You want a gf, but do everything in your own power to whittle the pool of potentials down to zero, and then run to the image board to seek validation for why it's a good thing that you do that.

Just be happy. I assure you, your companion doesn't need to be a chaste ritualistic cleansed ethno virgin born from the union of evergreen germanic hillside and pure mountain lake incarnate... You're worth it. Stop fixating on some rigid ideal before you allow yourself to participate. Time is always ticking.

>> No.53582826

Ah, I just read your other posts. I don't know what's going on with you... Sounds like you have multiple kids with multiple chicks, and you settled down with a virgin or something and think all /biz/bros should do likewise? Idk. I'm not here to judge, but I think their needs are a little more basic than what you're selling. You were clearly getting it easy, they're having trouble just talking to girls in their 20's.

Probably an apple oranges type deal.

>> No.53582832


Cope and seethe wine aunt.

>> No.53582843

Is this what /pol/lutters have done to biz?
Was it really worth it sirs?

>> No.53582853

>I would honestly pay 30k$ for your 1995 honda civic. I dont give a fuck if she did a million miles as long as I am the last man that will ever drive her

>> No.53582865

Enjoy life with your mail order daughter wife bride buddy, or whatever it is you're saying /biz/ tf when no gf bros should do. Lol.

For everyone else reading. Just get out there and try to connect with people and stop overthinking your way into loneliness.

>> No.53582907

Is she stirring cake batter?

>> No.53582912

I'm just saying that I've been around with women. I used to be a degenerate social faggot, but wised up. This idea that women can sleep around and do their "thang" isn't conducive to a good long term relationship. From my experience.

It's simply a value assessment, p/e ratio, risk v reward. This is someone you're spending the rest of your life with and gambling your assets on. Growing old with them. I want anons to have a good relationship that meets their goals.

>> No.53582917

>you seat smelling weirdo.

>tfw i smelt the seats of the hot women at work when the office was empty once

i simply feel undermined by this comment despite not placing women on a pedestal as you suggest

>> No.53582929

stfu and go buy more cats.

>> No.53582933


>> No.53582936

>7/10 woman

>> No.53582947

You place them on a seat, then smell that seat.

Borat: HI FIVE!

>> No.53582949

>simply a value assessment
I totally get what you're saying, but when dudes are making the value assessment, they need to be super careful not to accidently add a zero to their own worth in the balancing equation.

Example: who the fuck am I, that I need some holy untapped vessel to soak my sick into for 10-20 minutes in between living the rest of my life? What am I a fucking sultan or something? I stopped thinking my way out of being happy when I was like 15. It's uncomfortable at first, but just having sobering to watch a stupid show with, go for a ride and talk while drinking coffee, daydream about business with, and occasionally bang like monkeys, is pretty rad. Thank God I didn't do a 3 stage interview asking her about body counts like a high inquisitor. If miss out on all of the snuggling.

>> No.53582954

Actually yes I would much rather she fucked a dude with down syndrome than a regular guy. It's like if a girl fucks dogs, she's just trying to get off, there's no emotional connection there.

>> No.53582971

>adding or subtracting a 0 will let reality set you straight

Weird wine aunt lady with a bunch of cats that's replying to me has a point, get around as many potential m8s as possible. #beyourself and see what happens. Body count is a measure for serious relationships.

>> No.53582985

Seething roastie.

Seethe and dilate all you want, the TRUTH will never change. Men are disgusted with you. You will forever need to hide your past and how many lowlives you allowed to use you like a cumrag. You will know that your true self is unlovable.

And since repugnant behavior like yours leaves physical marks, you will fail to hide it. No decent man will ever want you. It's lowlivs or being alone for you.

>> No.53582986

No because if your wife has done porn, even if you love her, there is a 0.001% chance she actually loves you back.
Having sex with hundreds of men for money destroys a woman's ability to love herself, and to love others. They are spiritually broken, and just putting on an act.

>> No.53582989

She lets you fuck, is there an emotional connection there? How do you know?

What is she doing with Spike when you're at work? Wouldn't you rather she hadn't fucked anyone, let alone tards and dogs. Stretch that out into a spectrum or reasonable.

>> No.53582994

>for 15 minutes of pounding on a Saturday night
Some of us want more than that.

Some of us understand that whorish, degenerate behavior is both a symptom and a cause of deep, rotting issues.

Some of us are better men than you.

>> No.53583007

Jesus fucking Christ. This is why we have shit women: there are millions of shit men who enable their existence.

>> No.53583009

You use the debating tactics of a 12 year old boy. Or a woman.

>> No.53583015

>You want a gf
No. You want A gf. Any gf. You're so worthless, so insipid, so animalistic, that you'd be fine with any female human willing to concede you some pussy crumbs. But that's because you're a very, very low level man. Don't assume we're all like you. We want DECENT women, not just any woman.

>> No.53583019

>try to connect with people
If you can "connect" with a vapid, degenerate, worthless whore, that only proves that you're as repulsive as she is. Only pigs like to roll in shit.

>> No.53583022

>serious relationships
You know where I think things went off the rails? People not getting together right out of high school since the late 70's. People do have a tendency to pair bond a bit better when love is still magical. I don't think it has as much to do with miles of dick as /pol/ does, but more to do with actual psychosocial stages of development.

Postponing life stages is unnatural, counter evolutionary, and damaging for everyone involved, but still... happiness can be found by anyone looking to get out of their own way, and anyone who doesn't narcissisticly over value self to the point that they're scrutinizing all potential mates off the table.

>> No.53583024

>We want
OK, but what do you have?

>> No.53583038

>you're as repulsive as she is.
I'm happy. Is everyone? If everyone isn't happy, but everyone wants to be, it would seem I have something valuable. Maybe I'm just coping, because I'm clearly inferior to a specimen such as yourself, but at least I'm coping happily.

>> No.53583044

I phrased it very poorly but this is actually getting at my point. With other guys, the potential for emotional connections, both real and fake is there. With a retard (actual retard) or a dog they're not putting in more emotional effort than just masturbating, while if she used normal men to get off, there is some work being put in there which calls into question that she isn't just doing the same for you. Obviously this isn't an ideal circumstance either way and you're also correct that I'd rather avoid this entirely, but given the options between the two explicitly that's my preference.

>> No.53583051

Porn has nothing to do with abuse, contrary to the atheist propaganda. And another thing atheists push for is ''sex is about power'', as another delusion to avoid seeing that atheists are just hedonistic coomers exactly like people before them. (atheists love to view themselves as having the moral high ground, but once they see they have nothing to offer than the previous ruling classes, they loose their only narrative they used to take power)

Yes women love to be fucked by Max Hardcore, James Deen, Woodman. Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.
Women don't love the guy infatuated with beautiful women. What In their teen age men know unconsciously, then very much consciously in their adult age, is that women
-never value the eternal beta orbiter
-women will have debased sex with the first stranger who ''makes them vibrate''

Women don't give a shit about relationships. Women just want to larp over a few days as the non-slut girl and then they want the sex, and they want it bad.

The second strategy women build to avoid viewing themselves as slut is their fantasy of ''summer love'', which is just the situation with the ''stranger which makes them vibrates all over'' extended to a few weeks of casual fun sex with no string attached and zero bad consequence for the girl (especially no pregnancy, which is reached thanks to normalization of abortion).

And by the way, women cannot be tainted, because women are not pure to begin with . Purity of women is myth, built by men but which women find very very useful. Jews know that women are whores, contrary to romans who think women are pure lol. So jews only define jewisness through women, because only the mother is sure to be known by the community. On the opposite side is literally homosexuals like greeks and romans who keep basing their lineages on purity of women, which we all know is a lie.
This is why I will always respect more jews than goys.

>> No.53583054


What a girl utterly despises are 2 things:
-being called a slut, but only outside of the romp
-having physical contact with repulsive orbiters (but still wants all their attention and all their money) which is why tinder and other onlyfan are a godsend and makes women thrive in democracies

>> No.53583057

>People not getting together right out of high school since the late 70's.
>I don't think it has as much to do with miles of dick as /pol/ does, but more to do with actual psychosocial stages of development.

You're 100% correct in my eyes. I should have married my high school 1itis, son's mother. But a I was a fucking retard. Women's brains solidify permanently around 20 and men 24. I had formed her by simple sake of being "alpha" and she was a glove on my hand shoe on my foot girl that I did really wrong, and please God forgive me for that.

Again, you're correct. Things get much more complicated as you age, and 15-20 year old girls are gems. No pedo stuff.

>> No.53583063

I'm the most attacked contrarian (by 4chan standards) itt, and I would never talk to a girl who fucked actual retards or animals. Lol. That would be a sign of a major underlying disturbance.

>> No.53583073

>That would be a sign of a major underlying disturbance.
Which on some level I can kind of appreciate? I'm pretty fucked up too, as you may have figured out from a woman fucking retards or dogs not being an immediate red flag for me lol

>> No.53583092

>Enjoy life with your mail order daughter wife bride buddy
This is based though, princes used to have their wives chosen for them by their mother and the wife sent to marry him by her father, and they used to stay together and have many children.
Stop repeating that jewish meme that to be happy with a girl you must connect and have common interests, the only common interest between real men and real women is sex, the man goes out to work and struggle because he can take it, he manages stress better, he has honor and loyalty and other values that are also lies but benefit society as a whole, the woman stays home and looks after the kids and cooks and cleans because she can manage routine and stability better, and she gets along with the kids better since they're biologically hard wired to love her and she them, nuclear families form this way, people grow old together and die, the children rince and repeat, it's not much but it's sustainable.
Now you're parroting some jewish points whose goal is to take one of society's central pillars: marriage, and removing it completely (marriage doesn't exist anymore, whatever inherited the name is not the thing itself, like removing wheels and chairs and engine and doors to a car until it's just a piece of metal and still calling it a car), do you know what happens if you take out a building's central pillar and replace it with some new shaky untested material that is netflix and tinder and shit? well it collapses like we are collapsing, but hey keep thinking it's muh supply chain, muh pandemic, muh putin, ...
It's jews printing money for themselves and subverting your low IQ brains so you don't object, and it makes sense, I can easily take a 50$ bill from your pocket if you're getting fucked by Tyrone while I'm doing it.

>> No.53583097

I think you and I are brothers. I don't want to be too presumptuous, but I think I'm just less angry than you. I don't mean it in like a gay umad way, but we have the same ideas but take different action steps from those ideas because of how things shook out earlier in our lives.

>> No.53583111

I find it really interesting here that you're both making the same arguments when one is complaining that the guy cares too much about sex, and the other is complaining the guy doesn't care enough about sex, especially when at the end of the day you're making almost the same argument.

>> No.53583118
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>Porn post
>86 samefag replies
>threads still up
Great job.

>> No.53583147

Stoya was something else. She will never be topped.

>> No.53583161

And all I'm saying is, dudes shouldn't over think chicks (pussy on a pedestal) and shouldn't overvalue themselves (3/10 would not bang). Just be happy with what's possible in an imperfect world, in which none of us are perfect either.

I'm not saying like date a pornstar, or whatever the topic of this bait lightning rod thread is. Just make lemonade despite the social fabric being vastly different than it used to be.

Don't be Young Goodman Brown basically.

>> No.53583169

based a.f. frfr no cap, anon. You and people like you are why I like posting on the this antonymous forum. So much to learn from anons. and deciphering intention is much easier than IRL.

>> No.53583184

Kill, then eat her. Only way to stomach it.

>> No.53583208

Ok, Mohammed

>> No.53583234

Cope, seethe, dilate whore or married to a whore.