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5357576 No.5357576 [Reply] [Original]

What Will It Take To Stop Bitcoin From Effecting Alts?

>> No.5357598

Alt/USD pairings

>> No.5357702

God I hope more of this happens.

So sick of being chained to BTC's retardation.

>> No.5357720

only reason why btc has such a foothold in the market is the USD pairing and you cant buy anything with this meme internet money anyway crypto is like fiat except a least fiat is backed by patrol BTC is backed by the USD lol so basically pair the alts with USD BTC is finished but if USD collapse all crypto collapses at least thats my theory we need more mainstream adaptation for crypto generally

>> No.5357888

Didn't stop Ether and Litecoin from eating dogshit.

>> No.5357898

Kill blockstream core completely. There will be pain but it must be done

>> No.5358518

shes got FASD

>> No.5358627


you idiots are fighting the wrong people
THE DEVS ARE our last saving grace

FUCK YOU CASHIES for thinking it's cool to undergo a flippening. and fuck coinbase for listing that shit contentious fork. what a disaster.
seriously if you can't see by now that Roger Ver is the true enemy of crypto then you're deluded beyond recognition. Roger ver is Bitcoin JUDAS!

he's a billionaire and doesn't give a FUCK about what's going on.

>> No.5358697

Bittrex better hurry the fuck up with more usdt pairs.

>> No.5358836

I bought around 28k BZC, how fucked am I?

>> No.5358855


>> No.5358886

>THE DEVS ARE our last saving grace

No, they're not. They don't do anything except shitpost on Reddit, while fees are rising higher and higher.

>> No.5358931
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>saving cryptos
the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.5359481

Just hold alts. Everyone will buy alts. Time goes by, alts will be more easily accesibble to get with USD. Exchanges will use Ripple ($XRP, https://www.binance.com/trade.html?symbol=XRP_BTC ) to transfer USD instantly to your wallet.

No need for bitcoin. Its useless for everyone. Blockchain will be one of the biggest inventions of recent history, but blockchain does not need bitcoin.

>> No.5359545

this and for more exchanges to offer it besides retard coinbase

>> No.5359598

Why is that a bad idea? Seem perfect to me.

>> No.5359690

USDT or any other tethers (I saw NZDT before too) becoming the standard instead of BTC.

>> No.5359750

How can decentralized exchanges solve the USD question?

There needs to be a way for them to accept wires, credit, or money orders. So people can get around retarded regulation to trade fiat. Physical trade for fiat is the cancer killing crypto.

>> No.5359795
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>contentious fork
They made their own chain, Segwit was contentious as it took over the chain and changed protocol without a HF.

>> No.5359990

Imagine a world where you can just go to Coinmarketcap and buy whichever shitcoin you please with fiat.

>> No.5360058
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>> No.5360065

Lowered barrier of entry will invite normies in. We don't want normies in

>> No.5360192

What will it take for OP to use proper grammar?

>> No.5360218

affecting. dumbass

>> No.5360425
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we're probably only a few years away from market maturity...

>> No.5360619
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>There needs to be a way for them to accept wires, credit, or money orders
