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53571331 No.53571331 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do about a coworker who begins to act like they're your boss? Issuing orders, changing procedures, etc.

>> No.53571340
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I dont have coworkers, I'm not some wagecuck loser faggot

>> No.53571348

ignore them

>> No.53571354

Not be so weak.

>> No.53571639

fuck his wife

>> No.53571699

What are they going to do? Tell on you?
Kek if you are too pussy to stand up for yourself just fuck up their instructions.

>> No.53571722

Yeah, you or not even fuck their instruction up, but question their demands, ask what they mean by things, try to learn everything you can from them so you can replace them, that will make them uncomfortable and leave you alone because taking someone else's job by skill/knowledge is pretty much futile to fight against.

>> No.53571725

Tell them "you're not my boss, do it yourself."

>> No.53571734

Basically start thinking like what megacorps want to do to you but to your equals that boss you around.

>> No.53571824


>> No.53571865

I like my coworkers and like learning from people, it's actually amazing how much you can impress people just by asking them the right questions.

>> No.53572150

do as your told bitch

>> No.53572284

first you need to understand why this person is doing so
is it because of the feeling of power or is he just lazy slow worker? maybe he is overworked
nevertheless try to act the same, give him orders, ask if they can file up some shit for you.

>> No.53573151
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>> No.53573162

back in my day we had the swirlie

>> No.53573178

You need to sabotage them without it getting back to you
If you can distract them either at work or with home problems, they’ll leave you alone
Be creative

>> No.53573183

tell him he's got alot of great ideas and 'this company is holding you back'.

>> No.53573321
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>> No.53574020

I had this happen to me at my last job. Coworker a little younger than me was constantly checking up on what I was doing and giving orders. I tried the passive aggressive route, but he didn't get the message. I even went to my boss about it and she said to be more assertive. Ok, so the next time he did something I didn't like, I confronted him about it and he blew up in my face. I went to another manager about it and they immediately started defending him. I knew at that point I had to leave and I did. They had their little click and I was an outsider messing things up. up until those breaking points I was just ignoring shit like him and more, but I just had to say something.

>> No.53574232

There's a lot of that shit that goes on at my company. What they don't know is that i'm only still working this job because it gives great benefits, but I barely work at all. Retiring off crypto soon, and they'll still be there wagecucking kek

>> No.53574497


>> No.53574607

Good chance to practice diplomacy and people skills. First, ask him if these directives are given to him by a mutual supervisor. If so, talk to your supervisor about it and clarify chain of command. This is called managing up.
If it isnt a directive from a mutual supervisor, but it is a directive from their supervisor, then talk to your supervisor and let him know. Maybe he and the other lead got together and agreed on this and you need to know. Again, managing up. Boss shoulda told you but we're all human.
If neither one is the case, and he's just giving you direction of his own accord, and you've clarified with your supervisor this is the case, you should let him know immediately that you dont mind helping, but only take direction from your supervisor or with your supervisors blessing.

>> No.53574841
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This is about the way to do it. I have a good relationship with my boss so he usually has my back, but you'd be surprised what a simple CC of their supervisor can accomplish. When I start tagging other higher ups, I usually can push out any of the retards just trying to get brownie points. I work for a telecom company with a lot of beauracracy though so ymmv. If your boss doesn't have your back then really all you can do is stand up for yourself and hope it doesn't backfire

>> No.53574897

Yeah good point. Hopefully OP's boss isn't a pussy.

>> No.53575012

Just fucking leave and when they ask you why, tell them because of that cunt.

>> No.53576037
