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53569874 No.53569874 [Reply] [Original]

All you really have to do is foresee the future, look at where we are heading as a society and invest in that.
Ask yourself
>"Would you invest in Motor vehicle first time you heard about it ?"
No you wouldn't this is why you wont make it. IF you believe in something and can actually see the company work towards that goal. That you believe is the future. You cannot go wrong.

>> No.53570004

>"Would you invest in Motor vehicle first time you heard about it ?"
yes i would because im a genius chad unlike op who is a beta little bitch who made a post repeating some garbage an "investor guru" fed him(and getting paid for it!) because op is an unoriginal s○iboi foreverly needs someone to tell him what to do and how to think

>> No.53570026

Ill give you two keywords nigger boy
>"AI" and "BTC farms".
DYOR gl fag

>> No.53570040

Yeah I'm cool with my investments.

>> No.53570061
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Based timecowboy

>> No.53570082

That's why I'm heavy into Uranium. The greenies will have to wake up one day and realize it's the only way.

>> No.53570096

honest to god if it is some mumbai prize winning crypto project ill come back and hunt you

>> No.53570297

>Asteroid mining.

>> No.53572125

That's what I did, and why I don't have to wagecuck ever fucking again. And by the way..., people who say $1 million isn't enough... don't actually have a million.

>> No.53572165

>technology that alerted aliens and underground mantis people to make contact with humans and tell us to fucking stop

>> No.53572625

No. You are wrong. I saw the future but managed to get bored waiting for it. Seeing the future is useless if you can't park your money for 7-10 years. In 2015 I bought PEMIF at 2 cents a share. I sold for maybe 5 cents each in 2018 right before it 100x'd to $2. I have about 12 similar stories of trades that I am too impatient for. So again, no, seeing the future isn't going to improve your portfolio at all.

>> No.53572755

How do I invest in miscegenation