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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53569634 No.53569634 [Reply] [Original]

to integrate on some game changing project, I would've called you a fag fudder. We lost the plot
>PayPal project from years ago disappeared off the map
>No more Tesla projects like the cool API project from years ago
>Couldn't integrate with companies like Yahoo Finance or Bloomberg on a few stock price feeds
>The Splunk partnership was DOA, nothing cool came of it
>Still not validating Arbitrum transactions/decentralized sequencer is vaporware
>Companies like Google and T-Mobile just turned out to be boring nothing burgers
>Could've worked with Lyft or Uber on some subsidized rider insurance
>Could've worked with UPS or FedEx on some cool package locator project using oracles

We never got anything cool or next level. It was all the same retarded bullshit, VRF being used on bullshit crypto casinos or some VRF for a costume in some shit game no one plays. Adelyn was fired 3 years too late

>> No.53569668
File: 477 KB, 1506x1452, 95pussen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hold LINK and apparently that makes complete strangers very upset

>> No.53569686

do u see these tve reflect on the price?

>> No.53569691
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i don't look at the price

>> No.53569713

What does that have to do with us continuing to post daily about some shitty slots VRF at a chink Binance casino? Why aren't we securing Proof of Reserves for a single big exchange? What happened to Sergey saying lots of demand? I sure don't see it

>> No.53569735

it makes them so upset that they spend hours every day pushing low iq fud and pointless spam for free
link could actually rug and most holders would still be way better off than these faggots and losers lol

>> No.53569737

>What does that have to do with us continuing to post daily
i dunno bro, i can't explain that part either

>> No.53569748

Perhaps the service chain link provides... is not needed?

>> No.53569751

for course we are all in it for the tech

>> No.53569919

>I actually hold LINK

You're a retard just like >>53569737

I'm not a fudder Im a bagholder trying to understand why our wheels are spinning. You people hopefully lose your seed and seethe for the friendly fire

>> No.53570435

How come no one makes these types of threads for something like Uniswap? Other people need financial advice as well. The linkies have been getting fed financial advice for years!

>> No.53570489
File: 126 KB, 750x964, lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's one thing the LINK shills and fudders have in common, it's that they both 100% agree that LINKies are the number 1 center of attention on this site and literally everything else is a microscopic, distant second.

>> No.53570518

Damn shame anons lost out on LINK. Crypto is a scam. Forget about "making it" the Jews control BTC and dump the market everytime LINK breaks out. There's nothing to be gained from crypto anymore. It's best to just bow down before our Jewish overlords. They won. We lost. It's over frens. Crypto will never defeat the FED. BTC follows NASDAQ when it is not dumping to stop LINK breakouts. It is over. The best we could hope for are a couple of government people changing their profile pics to glowing eyes shops on Twitter and the next Elon doge scam. I'm sorry my white brothers and sisters truly I am sorry but we lost and the Jews have won.
Everything was just not meant to be.

>> No.53570554
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it was a nice dream, atleast
time to unstake and market sell my stack.

>> No.53570581

ummm I can't unstake wtf this wasn't in the white paper

>> No.53571059


>> No.53571269

Oracles are not needed. Outdated tech

>> No.53571277


>> No.53571290

Oh fuck off, anti-White kike.

>> No.53571347

BTC will never end the Fed following NASDAQ trends retard. It does not escape inflation and it has no adoption even that third world guy is holding paper BTC lol but it does create really cool glowing eyes profile pics which is BASED AND REDPILLED BY THE WAY

>> No.53571524

But privacy, data & ID management is needed in web3

>> No.53571695

I skimmed through your post and decided it was made by a total faggot, but I'll humor the lurkers by responding that's it's outpaced inflation and NASDAQ by insane magnitudes since its inception.

>> No.53572319

Privacy is fucking dope, but how are they managing ID on web3?

>> No.53572538

That's not true, they are the best web3 project I've known so far, after ORE

>> No.53572730

Kys filthy pajeet

>> No.53573391
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>> No.53574822
File: 150 KB, 568x1200, 1675531078043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey got what he wanted. He only has 500m more tokens to dump

>> No.53575082


>> No.53575137

Not just financial advice, I think web3 and DiD projects are deserves more attention. since more adoption into the web3 space is increasing by day, HBAR & ORE are my best bid

>> No.53576305

Deco, privacy+id. Zero knowledge privacy

>> No.53576314

Fuck off indians

>> No.53577338


>> No.53578974

Anon, Can this project handle on-chain data IDs seamlessly across multiple chains.?