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53566617 No.53566617 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53566635

I'm more into the Arousal state myself and is probably why I touch my pee pee when I'm learning new things.

>> No.53566637

Sell books on how to enter the flow state

>> No.53566670

He needs to stop thinking about flow states and more about Eric telling him to fucking kill people.

>> No.53566681
File: 190 KB, 720x720, j3k422do2a001b35.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's in the flow state here

>> No.53566726


Have either of you entered flow state? Its incredible. Your body ceases to even think depending on the task you just fucking do. Its also euphoric because you start releasing adrenaline to ensure you are physically able to meet the high challenge level. You don't have anxiety because you are mentally confident and prepared. A lot of times because you have done the task or something similar before.

I would get flow state when I worked in a kitchen when I was much younger. We'd have 50+ orders that came in nearly all at the same time when dinner rush would start.

You just start working. As long as you get the protein down for the order as it was coming in you'd be fine.

I was like a fucking robot

>> No.53566750

I’m in a state of woe.

>> No.53566841

I get that a lot from snowboarding on sunny days.

>> No.53566896

Sirgay is such a fraud

>> No.53566921

The state of flow is what chads feel when they bully people from the moment they're born and then immediately get laid at 13

>> No.53566936

Yeh I can almost enter it on will. Or at least I can easily divert intense focus on a specific thing. I think most autists (meme definition) do it quite often.

>> No.53566977

I'm intrigued by the mindstate you enter for only small moments where time purely dilates and is by all definition and feeling, slow motion. This isn't a flow state, as time flies in that state. It's like a direct opposite, but generally with a pure adrenaline dump too. I used to confuse it with flow state but I think it's different. Any redpills on that?

>> No.53567064

Read “Stalking the Wild Pendulum”

>> No.53567129

This post is from like 2017

>> No.53567130

This is extreme panic. It's your subconscious determining which side of fight or flight is most appropriate

>> No.53567221

>Itzhak "Ben" Bentov was an Israeli American scientist
I'll check it out but this has me a bit hesitant..
Maybez although I think it's different to that. There isn't a paralysing fear or rash addrenaline dump (fight) as much as a pausing of time where you get to take in all that is around you in a totally different perspective to that you usually have (drug free). Out of body experience people talk about similar things somewhat but I've never experienced that to know.

>> No.53567239

the perfect wagie

>> No.53567850


Ironically I really was. Now I'm developing my own business because the fat man in OPs pic helped me acquire some large stacks to work with.

I routinely got promoted wherever I went quickly too but I'm psycho and would scream and yell at people for sucking at their job. It was mostly directed at upper management. Usually I'd quit before I got fired kek

>> No.53567866


I believe it fren

>> No.53567893

if you can enter flow at will and if you wfh you can get away with working like 5-10 hours a week at a full time highly-paid job

>> No.53567959

And you can call the book “flow state”

>> No.53568223

>if you can enter flow at will and if you wfh you can get away with working like 5-10 hours a week at a full time highly-paid job

I couldn't do it at will. It was more like an automatic response to meet the demand. I had the same thing happen when I worked at a car wash. It was amazing how much money I was making there.

Hourly wage, percentage of sales since I was an assistant manager, and tips. In the winter I was bringing in $30 an hour some days.

Everything was done by our crew the people would pull up, get sprayed down by a hose and soap, go through the wash with more soap and various premium treatments we would upsell and then, hot air blower, followed by quick microfiber wipe down from the crew.

I'd turn the corner to look outside to see how many cars were in line and it would be out to the street 20+ cars and then the visual cue of seeing it would trigger it nearly immediately.

My body knew it was time to fucking GO and get shit done. If we were fast and organized the tips were always much better of course. Significantly better.

>> No.53568257


I remember once when I was in that flow state and a regular that had a nice Mercedes would always come in.

He happened to talk to the owners while his car was getting wiped down and I over heard him telling them "You need 5 clones of that guy" referring to me.

They made me assistant manager about a week later kek

Flow state is no joke though I couldn't even imagine being able tto draw that level of focus and feeling on command.

It was beyond addictive to the point where I liked working and I got bored if it was slow. Legitimately addicted to the chemicals/high my body was producing.

>> No.53568376

Drugs and caffine help me achieve flow every morning but wears off around 2pm