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53561676 No.53561676 [Reply] [Original]

>I wrote “kek” in the office chat

>> No.53561714


>> No.53561735
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just say you meant to write heh but you were half asleep. k looks enough like h that its believable. do not acknowledge that kek is even a term, pretend like it would have to be a typo because kek does not have any meaning.

>> No.53561770

When did kek become a no no word?

>> No.53561813

no one is going to care

>> No.53561830

It's a world of warcraft meme you dip.

>> No.53561877

This, but lel instead. L and K are right next to each other on a keyboard
They’ll think you’re weird for saying “lel”, but not THAT weird

>> No.53561893

Everyone knows this. Being on WoW after Cata is worse than being on 4chan after Jan 6

>> No.53561904

>accidentally posted a blacked.com link in the KKK group chat

>> No.53561908

Say you meant to write I am a good subservient goy, master, but it corrected to kek.

>> No.53561912


>> No.53561926

>mfw normies laughed at me for saying lol out loud in mid 2000’s

>> No.53561929

>Jan 6
Normies don't even know what this means. If you say the term Jan 6 unironically then you're a terminally online dipshit whether you're a far-right incel or a far-left commie troon furry.

>> No.53561930

You are getting fired. Anyone who looks that up will know that it is an alt right nazi incel word.

>> No.53561950
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When it got posted to the ADL hate list.


>> No.53561960


>> No.53562031


>> No.53562457

lel is far more worse than heh

>> No.53562581 [DELETED] 

just say you play world of warcraft you dumb shitdick

>> No.53562624

for some reason this thread reminds me of zoomer seinfeld. george typed kek in chat and has to explain to everyone what kek means and that he is not a 4chan user. jerry tells him to buy a bunch of world of warcraft toys and set it around his desk and have everyone visit his office. only for there to be some other 4chan reference somewhere. the b-plot has kramer doing something racist as usual.

>> No.53562656
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The boomers in my office send emails with just "ACK" to each other as an acknowledgement they've read the message.

>> No.53562697

ya i liked that episode

>> No.53562715

>the b-plot has kramer doing something racist as usual.

>> No.53562722

If you're not in IT, that's cringe as fuck.

>> No.53562797

ahh knights of the round island... home

>> No.53562816

Checked and keked and leled

>> No.53562828

Don't worry, thanks to Twitch it's almost normie tier terminology at this point.

>> No.53562879

>just be yourself
in work or just generally in public. ACT, NORMAL. or at least try your best to.

>> No.53562936

>When did kek become a no no word?
The muskrat has used it, which means it will have been relayed to Karen's naughty list after being mined for it's meaning and origin for conversion to normie speak.

>> No.53562996

>lel is far more worse than heh
Next you'll be telling me :smiley_emoti: beats `.^P

>> No.53563018
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>Accidentally called my home office the goon room in morning standup

>> No.53563058
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>> No.53563097

Lol to lel to kek is actually what happened. Kok would have been better but /b/tards had to meme with lel 1st.

>> No.53563119
File: 45 KB, 700x463, C74B9FF2-A2BE-453A-9409-F81035D226AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used kek in the office chat
>fellow autist also writes "kek"

>> No.53563124


>> No.53563177


>> No.53563194

As long as it wasnt "american grandma gets her toe sucked by a trans nigger" its all good man

>> No.53563256

>gr8 b8

>> No.53563271


>> No.53563284


>> No.53564508

That’s true but saying you meant to type heh leaves everyone asking where your fingers went wrong

>> No.53564647
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>> No.53564680

This, if anyone says anything just play dumb and say you saw it on a normie site like Twitter or YouTube.

>> No.53564740

mf just say it's from starcraft

>> No.53564746

nice 777 id bruh

>> No.53564826
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>> No.53564932



>> No.53565059

I mean it comes from WoW so you can just say that. What did you kek at?

>> No.53565090

does the ADL literally say anything they dont like is antisemetic??

>> No.53565178

Kek it's literally over for you retard.

>> No.53565326

I worked with a manager who always did this shit in chat until I finally asked wtf they meant.
This exactly what I picture every time I see that stupid abbreviation.

>> No.53565340

I posted jajajaja and now they know I'm an illegal

>> No.53565348


>> No.53565397
File: 49 KB, 200x200, B8B01E79-E8E2-428A-89DA-10AC4E3D5675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally said hypno goon mantra out loud in the zoom meeting

>> No.53565595

I accidentally live in your bathroom ceiling.

>> No.53565621

>being this divorced from reality

>> No.53565629
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>I accidentally wrote "Sieg Heil" instead of "Best Wishes"

>> No.53565637

Delete this

I bought a house last year and I keep thinking someone is living in the attic beacause I hear all types of noises

>> No.53565667

It's either birds or niggers.

>> No.53565669
File: 64 KB, 680x838, 4817C2C1-40D6-4D91-98C1-6A46480B43BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's my boy

>> No.53565695

Mein nigger

>> No.53565706

Which one am I?


PS: I'll pull down the ladder and check if you're alright

>> No.53565731

So there are rogue niggers in your loft then

>> No.53565745

Here to save you with some lore:
KeK was how world of warcraft translated lol
just say you used to play it when young and dont know bout other shit.

>> No.53565892


>> No.53565929

It comes from starcraft, zoomer.

>> No.53565972


>> No.53566040

At least put more effort in when you make claims.

wow has 2 factions and one side cant read other faction chat - game will change words. LoL for enemy changed to kek. Thats a real thing.

>> No.53566209

>make claim without evidence
>expect evidence to refute it
Oh so you're retarded too.
Yes WoW uses kek. It does so as a reference to Starcraft.

>> No.53566217

t. lacks a radio loicense

>> No.53566271


>> No.53566331

What’s a good discord group to go on for biz stuff

>> No.53566343


>> No.53566378

What was the app? Was it Teams?

>> No.53566554

Kekekekekek is the Korean version of huehuehuehue. Which got popularised in the best by starcraft and then added to wow

>> No.53566563

say that you play wow

>> No.53566577


>> No.53566594

Just say you play wow classic. Judging from my raid team, the population of the game is mostly 28-40 year old desk jockeys.

>> No.53566674
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I liked this episode

>> No.53567096

>the ceo wrote kek in the office chat

>> No.53567238
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>> No.53567343


>> No.53567417

implying someone from 4chan didnt react like a sperg and its not already over for OP

>> No.53567745
File: 166 KB, 918x1497, A95FF1EE-9A29-4D7F-9AB8-063CDF955C28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw called something based irl after a couple beers with friends

>> No.53567790

>lol is normie tier
>lel is 4chan-tier (excluding /pol/)
>kek is /pol/-tier
do I have this right?

>> No.53567916

caring about this shit is faggottier

>> No.53568105

what tier is jej?

>> No.53568585

fucking boomers and their blatant transphobia

>> No.53568699

>teacher showed a meme that started on 4chan.
funny how 4chan is the vile pit of the internet but most memes that have gone mainstream and stuck have come from 4chan.

>> No.53569468

>accidentally said "I am calling for total niggerdeath" when I meant to say "we should talk another day" to my coworkers at KFC during a meeting

>> No.53569546

Because they're a minority. Don't worry about it. Only applies where people know about it and don't know you well enough, you should be ok in most scenarios. No reason to even use it these days except to promote Trump since his campaign technically just started and we need him again in 2024. Kek