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53561663 No.53561663 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53561709

Chainlink price feeds confirmed to be used by the protocol.

>> No.53561710

Wait a minute this has nothing to do with ch... hahah

>> No.53561728
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>In essence, anyone can report any value as the price of a token. The only requirement to be a reporter is to stake 10 LINK tokens (Chainlink protocol token). If the reporter reports incorrect price their staked amount (10 LINK) is slashed.
>At the time of writing the price of LINK is close to $7 so by just staking ~$70 the attacker was able to become a reporter for Teller oracle.
After becoming a staker the attacker simply reported a very high number (5e27) as the price of WALBT.


>> No.53561740

it's over for linkchuds

>> No.53561782


no results found

>> No.53561796
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>> No.53561801

LINK is finished holy shit! Matic bros killed LINK!

>> No.53561807

"Yes I think chainlink was also integrated."

>i think

>> No.53561818
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>The year is 2050
>Every coin in top 50 has at least 1 trillion market cap in valuation.
>Link price remains at $6-7 range.

>> No.53561819
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What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.53561823
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lamo TRB is stable, up against BTC even

>> No.53561834

So chainlink was not involved in this fuck up. As usual.

>> No.53561849

>This was once revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.53561861

He doesnt even know if link was involved but he still has to say their name.

>> No.53561880


>> No.53561947

because tellor is a REAL oracle project. sorry linkchud

>> No.53562007

Youre not an oracle project unless you get hacked for at least 100mill.

>> No.53562048

Let's just wait for Sergey to blame the users

>> No.53562101

Why would Sergey speak for Tellor?

>> No.53562111
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Gues its more catfood for stinkies.

>> No.53562146

>Yes I think chainlink was also integrated. There was some aggregation or ratio of both price feeds. But since the price by Tellor was so high, chainlink price was nullified

This is what happens when you think mixing quality with garbage is somehow more secure

>> No.53562153
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They will all bend the knee in time.

>> No.53562174
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>Uh, well I think Chainlink might have been integrated
>But when there's a ridiculous outlier in what different oracles report, we automatically assume that outlier is truth and discard the unwanted normal-looking data.

>> No.53562179
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God that feels good.

>> No.53562230
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with every pajeet tier exploit of chainlinks 'competitors' we only grow stronger.

>> No.53562274

Fucking a this space is a complete joke

>> No.53562320


>> No.53562328

of course sir gay speaks for all oracles or are you saying oracles are easy to copy and link is worthless?

>> No.53562352
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>> No.53562409
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>> No.53562501

Lmao chainlink "competitor"

>> No.53562535

>They should have used the standard, sucks to be them
he's tone deaf like that, just shit on people's losses

>> No.53562594

Who fucking cares. The network is not in effect and we still have kyc nodes. Staking v.01 is still shit. Fuck Sergey

>> No.53562600
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user error

>> No.53562602

>cringelord larps as game of thrones character
>the heckin knee bend right guysth!!!

Checks token price, nothing. Soon guys just be pati—ACK

>> No.53562821

Its the stakers fault.. They were supposed to secure the price feeds. I say slash them all

>> No.53562955
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tell me child, how many LINKS did you lose to scams?

>> No.53562969
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>> No.53562988

chainlink oracles were used. they reported the correct values. These retards mixed chainlink oracles with tellor oracles who reported 80 gorillion the exploit still occured since it just took the mean.

>> No.53563088


>> No.53563371

did they just take an average of tellor and chainlink? lmao

>> No.53563643
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It's mind blowing that even this far along with the existence of DeFi and the preponderance of TradFi about to back dive into the space people still don't get the data services piece at all. It's not even on the map for them.

>> No.53563686
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It's mentioned by the guy in the OG tweet!

>> No.53563759

They don’t want to use link. What about that do you not get? They are actively trying to avoid it

>> No.53563767

you see this thinking all the time... hey let's mix oracle solutions to increase decentralization!
this situation is a bit nuanced as the protocol did use tellor poorly but even so... look at this mess...
>In essence, anyone can report any value as the price of a token. The only requirement to be a reporter is to stake 10 TRB tokens (Tellor protocol token). If the reporter reports incorrect price their staked amount (10 TRB) is slashed.
>At the time of writing the price of TRB is close to $17 so by just staking ~$170 the attacker was able to become a reporter for Teller oracle.
>After becoming a staker the attacker simply reported a very high number (5e27) as the price of WALBT.
>That's it, any WALBT token is worth billions of dollars on Tellor and Bonq protocols. Now anyone can come up with small WALBT tokens as collateral and borrow millions from the Bonq protocol against that inflated collateral.

>> No.53563812

I have a very rudimentary understanding of link. I’ve been invested since the beginning (not ico but bought on etherdelta in Nov 2017). Link is in a league of its own in terms of oracles. So far ahead but gets dragged down by all the bad actors and complete retards saturating this space. Literally the only reason I’m optimistic about crypto still is because of link. Yes, fudders I’m staked and don’t care about the price

>> No.53563817

there is no good way to use tellor. you either get old data or new data thats wrong. both are exploitable

>> No.53563866
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>> No.53563885


>> No.53563889

true, it's fundamentally flawed
but at least the old data wouldn't have caused this outcome

>> No.53563920

That's only the smart bad actors who know cryptographic truth would end their party. Everyone else is a sincere retard or a retarded bad actor.

>> No.53564028
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If you put shit in a chicken pot pie it just becomes a shit pie. Therr will be only one

>> No.53564108

I haven't ran any models but my hunch is old data is worse than a TWAP. If your shit is worse than a TWAP why use it at all?

>> No.53564237

i guess they'd argue that the reporters are able to bring in cex data to guard against twap manipulation
but yeah, the model is flawed in any case with the stale data

>> No.53564382

They did. Chainlink has blogged about why this is extremely retarded already I'm pretty sure.

>> No.53564912

>arvesgh sirvastaff

>> No.53564979

So does Ari sit in his dungeon all day working on exploiting every single oracle competitor or does he work on Chainlink sometimes too?

>> No.53564993

My momma always told me to never mix oracle solutions. its just bad DeFi

>> No.53565032

Why did they use Tellor as a relay? Trying to get around paying "token needed"? Losing 160 million to save fractions of 7s of dollars?

>> No.53565049

If you use a decentralized service, yes such shit might happen. That is why chainlink is a walled garden corpo welfare queen anti decentralized oracle.

>> No.53565070
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Dude, stop. I really am terrified of how smug I have become as a person.

>> No.53565147

These secret pro LINK threads are getting annoying

>> No.53565174

The fact this happened because they didn't use link is long term bullish. But short and medium term bearish, because it shows defi ponzi casinos are still more than happy to try to save pennies to avoid paying chainlink.

>> No.53565182
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>> No.53565230


OP can't read
"Yes I think chainlink was also integrated. There was some aggregation or ratio of both price feeds. But since the price by Tellor was so high, chainlink price was nullified."

In other words, Tellor was exploited, not LINK. Bonq relied on the Tellor inflated price

>> No.53565234

How is this thread "pro link"? You think op was trying to shill link?? Holy shit you're coping so hard HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.53565307

Before I go to work I just want to say OP is a fucking genuis.

>> No.53565353

Kindly suggest an oracle with better track record, ser. Looking to invest village rupees

>> No.53565819
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>> No.53565828

Someone get Chris Blec on the phone

>> No.53565933

This is also the funniest exploit ever.
>um yes hallo i would like to report the price of WALBT pls
>ok sir pls pay $170 and you can report the price of WALBT
>here you go fren, now I would like to report the price of WALBT as $10000000000 each
>ok sir thank you
>now I would like to deposit 1 WALBT and withdraw $10000000000 from your protocol thank you
>ok sir that all seems fine

>> No.53565994

Oh no, how awful for Tello… I mean Chainlink!!

>> No.53566080

So anyone can send a price to a Tellor oracle and the oracle will report it no matter what? It's up to the client to design a way to discard extreme outlier data?

>> No.53566119

He’s too busy doing deliveries for door dash

>> No.53566147

We're in it for the tech, obviously

>> No.53566177

If you want to use two different oracles, wouldn't the sensible thing be to have a "killswitch" if the two prices deviate too far from each other?

>> No.53566186

I don't understand why you'd use two different oracle services to begin with

>> No.53566199

You use Chainlink so you can say you're using Chainlink, and you use Tellor so you can steal shitloads of money from your own protocol.

>> No.53566210

>&t= gay tracking bullshit

>> No.53566222

Fuck, I am staking and can’t sell. Holy mother fucking hell, please God I have suffered enough.

>> No.53566244

Lol imagine actually trying to compete with Link...

>> No.53566246

Chainlink provides the oracles for tellor

>> No.53566573

The sensible thing to do would be to use the oracle network which already aggregates and eliminates outliers on its own.

>> No.53567476

And sergey thanks you for your generous donation

>> No.53567532

>tfw all in on tellor


>> No.53567929

he cant keep getting away with it...

>> No.53568119


>> No.53568409

Can the price please at least reflect this for fucks sake I'm getting old bros.

>> No.53568801

the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.53568824

Im in it for Big Macs

>> No.53568888
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my bad

>> No.53568902
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>shitstink thread
>bad post

>> No.53568917

>woman dev creates the dumbest protocol for inbound oracles and some guy with $100 uses it to cash out $100m
>bad post
Sorry sweetie, I forgot to add her pronouns

>> No.53569157
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it was true all along... just like the 2017 anons said. the other oracles were pajeet scams...

>> No.53569158

its mostly all in BONQ EUR tokens which are useless

>> No.53570396

holy shit it's real this time
just sold 100k there's no coming back from this

>> No.53570778

>retarded fudder comes into a thread thinking that itll be like the 40 other ones his discord group has made today
>realizes that it's actually bullish for link after he's forced to read an article that he thought was going to be new material
eat shit faggot
do something better with your time lol

>> No.53570814

It means that Chainlink’s oracles are a faulty product and no one will use Chainlink. This is bad, very bad

>> No.53570984

god damnit i would sell if i could but staking does not allow me to

>> No.53571001

>100 millions (??) relying on tellor (??)
what the fuck lol
what the fuck is bongdao and why does it have 100 mil tvl in a bear market
and why the fuck would a 100 mil tvl project would use fucking tellor lol

>> No.53571031
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>> No.53571047
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>> No.53571069

>2000 followers on Twitter
>0 of the defi devs I'm following on Twitter are following
>Uses 2 oracles with tellor apparently being the main one
>120 TVL which is "drained"
This was literally deliberate money laundering + crime, nothing else explains this much capital being in a literal who project nobody has heard of plus such a basic attack vector. I don't hold link because it sucks at pumping but link did nothing wrong.

>> No.53571070

>$120 million chainlink oracle exploit
>open google and search for news

OP is a true tranny

>> No.53571125
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>female ceo
>boomer cto
top kek this shit had all the red flags

lrn2read it's just a chainlink community in-joke to claim chainlink got exploited, when the goal is to expose a competitor shitting itself


>> No.53571141

The future of finance, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.53571165

*flips foward*

What's this?

*looks left and right*

"A LINK fud thread?"

*in one swift motion, lifts himself off the ground and towers over his enemies*

"Guess you weren't expecting the LINK Marines, eh?"

*blasts rifle*

"We are here..."

*blasts rifle*

"To protect and serve"

*blasts rifle*

"The value of data"

*stands cooly under a shade tree, his enemies defeated"

"Think they got the point?"

>> No.53571188
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>> No.53571239
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>Chris Blec
Oh man I almost forgot about this faggot

>> No.53571249
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>> No.53571251

better call 1-800-CASH-NOW

>> No.53571268

fucking lol it's so beautiful
linkies are legit always right, have been for years

>> No.53571286

>lrn2read it's just a chainlink community in-joke to claim chainlink got exploited
no this is just another discord tranny psyop like shooping ada and charles on chainlink news for shits and giggles
I hope you die a painful death

>> No.53571301
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its og marine humor and board culture, and it's what filters intj chan autists from pajeet tourists who can't detect irony, fuck off

>> No.53571304

spotted the newfriend

>> No.53571330


>> No.53571357
File: 124 KB, 1181x581, 1650488796355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy seethe

This noble tradition started when Maker's oracles failed and anon made a thread but nobody replied.
Then he made the exact same thread but changed Maker to Chainlink, and suddenly his thread got swarmed by Link fudders.

It's such a beautiful technique.

>> No.53571422

Kek i remember this.

>> No.53571456

lol I made that thread

>> No.53571474
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sure you did, anon

>> No.53571510

>Chainlink price feeds confirmed to be used by the protocol.

>since the price by Tellor was so high, chainlink price was nullified
>chainlink price was nullified

>> No.53571523
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I made it. Seeth

>> No.53573338
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The greatest thing is the faulty oracle Tellor is up +8% on these news. You couldnt make this clown world up.

>> No.53573978

this >>53569157
was meant to be a response to
this >>53562174

god fuck i was tired last night

>> No.53574494

The oracle project that was endorsed by the former CEO of google and is officially partnered with SWIFT? It gets a pass for these mistakes, these are simple growing pains for the most important crypto project of all time.

>> No.53574993

Its up 12% now.

>> No.53576395

Chris Ack

>> No.53576702

>Yes I think chainlink was also integrated. There was some aggregation or ratio of both price feeds. But since the price by Tellor was so high, chainlink price was nullified
>This is what happens when you think mixing quality with garbage is somehow more secure
Reminds me of something mechanics say:
What do you get when you mix one gallon of bad gas with 19 gallons of good gas?
20 gallons of bad gas.

>> No.53577209

TFW you tell everyone samarai coin will flip LINK and they don't listen

>> No.53577224

in the eyes of the vc scum that control this space failure is success because they want crypto to stay niche and featureless. this is the world btc maxies have chosen and it is a jewish world