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File: 2.38 MB, 1440x1440, blobby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53557133 No.53557133 [Reply] [Original]

Can you make a reasonable living wage off of drawing art in current day?
Or is AI going to render the job obsolete?

>> No.53557169

Le strawman gotcha comic #42353807132583173

>> No.53557232
File: 503 KB, 1026x1352, People have been (((convinced))) that there are way more gay people than there actually are, Gallup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Yes.

So anyways, why can't they just accept that being gay is an abnormality and less than 5% of the population? They deserve equal rights just like everyone else but it's like saying someone with schizophrenia has equal rights just like everyone. Also clearly making a "little girlfriend" joke is the fucking opposite of "This Book is Gay" being handed out in public schools. Also don't think I didn't notice the little negress.

I mean, we all know "you know who" is involved with this shit but even just applying a little logic to the situation makes the whole thing crumble. Truly amazing what they have achieved with the manipulation of the low IQ masses.

>> No.53557534

>attention grabbing pic
The fact that no one needs to tell children about the natural state of things (heterosexuality) defeats any argument that these perverts have.
Yes, draw some fetishes or political bait like your pic. Also if you get some audience you can capitalize on it by selling ad integrations.

>> No.53557554

Weird that I know the author of this is probably a man in a dress.

>> No.53557557

This pic is stupid. It draws a false equivalency between being straight and being a homosexual. Being straight is a good thing and being gay is bad. Simple as

>> No.53557584

kys op

>> No.53557598

being gay is based they free up the thot pool and take away power from women. You're just mad because you know youre gay

>> No.53557606

Trannies hate biological women and the women know they are threatened.

>> No.53557647


Why dont you let your kid become a faggot that fucks niggers? This is the question.

>> No.53557719

that comic is a strawman

>> No.53557752

You don't need to take the gaypill and do a full 360 on women, just ignore them to profit

>> No.53557864


>> No.53557942

It really depends. I like to think of 10+ years ago when kindle was destroying the book industry from a print standpoint. There was still a very niche group of book nerds that held their ground and still bought and read traditional press. Fast forward to now and indie book shops are sort of having a comeback. It may be something like that, where for a while people are going to be busy with AI images but there will still be a small group of people that just enjoy art made by an actual human (or to launder their money for tax purposes). Maybe after the initial AI fad flames out people will be go back to something made or written by a human.!

>> No.53557959
File: 125 KB, 314x278, 1658697603846975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't she be angry that her son is trying to date a nigger? I don't get this comic

>> No.53557987
File: 570 KB, 512x760, 1675375655475948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI roasties is the new thing. Open multiple OF accounts and just fill it with picrel.

Can't wait for real.women to be obselete.

>> No.53558034

The goal of propaganda is not to convince or deceive, but to humiliate, because the one who makes it has power and you do not. Eventually they will make you repeat their lies.

>> No.53558126

Of course you can
The only ones who will really be hurt are the artists like hentai artists and artists who draw in same style like everyone else, but even then, like this anon remarked, >>53557942
there will be people who want a human artist drawing their fetishes and stories. Actually, that might even become a fetish itself. AIs can do the dirty work but getting a human to continue drawing dirty things will jump start the nature of how so many humans like taboo things.

>> No.53558296

Whoever made this drawing is a giant faggot tranny homo.
Get torched you fucking faggot scum

>> No.53558313

being dead is even more based