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53554764 No.53554764 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like a company that makes hires solely based on merit should easily outcompete one with diversity quotas.

>> No.53554779

ESG and government contract
Though diversity hires make money in medicine as people prefer their caregivers to be the same race and utilize the service more.

>> No.53554860
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Wait so you're telling me that our government literally pays companies to not hire white people?

>> No.53555278

This is a 50 year old practice

>> No.53555286

Human beings haven't been economically relevant in any capacity for decades.

>> No.53555309

happy nigger month! look a nigger in the face! tell a nigger to move out of the way at the self-checkout! cut a nigger off in traffic! go slow near schools when a nigger is behind you driving! use your turning signal around niggers! fully pronounce words around niggers! walk closer to niggers, show no fear to niggers! shop at dollar general when niggers are in there and make it known you know they are shoplifting!

>> No.53555321

>he still thinks we're even remotely "capitalist"

>> No.53555898
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I don't know. Have you considered the fact that black women are the most educated demographic in America and maybe that means they're also outpacing you in the workplace as well?

>> No.53556020

>capitalist society
The moment you remove the competition with arbitrary rules it is no longer a capitalist society.

>> No.53556145

Because a lot of the le based on le merit high performers genuinely believe in shit like diversity making their workplace better, so they will lobby for the diversity hires.

>> No.53556161

define "capitalist"
define "socialist"
define "communist"
most people on the internet and real life use words without knowing what those words even mean.
USA used to be full of majority self employed business owners.
Now we live in panopticon and one super organization owns the handful of major corporations which own literally everything.
USA is by definition, very much not true capitalists.
USA is very much, by definition, currently socialist.

>> No.53556168

>Have you considered the fact that black women are the most educated demographic in America

>> No.53556204

That's correct, government doesn't give a fuck about hard work or merit. If they want to give money to companies for hiring poo coloured people they do and if they don't they arrest you for "racism". This also affects the market as obviously shitskins don't know how to do their fucking job most of the time. You are basically paying for another license but in this case it's the shitskin's salary

>> No.53556216

Shut the fuck up Kantbot

>> No.53556219

what's got you upset friend?

>> No.53556260
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Companies get so big they don’t need to be competitive in their sector and their workforce shuffles through so many people. Eventually parasites take hold and hire their friends or encourage damaging policies like hiring on race rather than merit. Like, I’d rather have a bunch of nigger PhD’s than a bunch of white trash if I was running a tech company. It shouldn’t matter when it comes to money making but these co’s get so big their culture devolves into hum drum laziness and cronyism. There’s also blackrock which gives every company a score on how woke they are and will give them money outright based on this. This money can be more than their entire industry offers mind you so it’s more profitable to cowtow to woke ideals than to run a tight ship. That’s the zombie corp mentality that’s taken over big business and what’s lead to the gestation of clown world as we know it.

>> No.53556278

Bulk aggregate. You hire, 10, 100, 1000 brainlet autobergers to do all the running around work that take a
>wow, good jarb! let's pick the pace up some more
as a big deal and then utilise the fruits of their labor to hire your diversies. They have an incentive to do it because they return diversity paperwork to governments in exchange for better lobbying potential. Literally like the wagie cattlestock returns form.

>> No.53556311

Yes because all our governments are controlled by Jews that hate white people.

>> No.53556348

>Hire someone less qualified but hope there is no discernible difference in output
>You now have a marketing tool to make the brain-dead zombies buy your product
They're wrong about point 1, but that's the idea

>> No.53556366

Capitalism is just code word for Semitic.

>> No.53556409

Vanguard and blackrock own everything

>> No.53556440
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Yeah. That's a lie

>> No.53556448

Because those diversity hires are actually better than their White counterparts

>> No.53556464
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Diversity helps to prevent unions.

>Leaked internal documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods reveal the company rates their stores using a "diversity index" and determined the threat of unionization is "higher" at stores with "lower diversity."

Diversity is pushed by asset managers

>Dec 14 (Reuters) - Top asset manager BlackRock Inc (BLK.N) on Tuesday said it wants U.S. companies to aim for a board that is 30% diverse and, for the first time, contains at least one member from an under-represented group.

Diversity is part of ESG like anon mentioned.

Foremost, let groups fight about diversity so that they don't think about pic related.

>> No.53557231

Why does every union push for more diversity then you delusional schizo commie faggot

>> No.53557278

Because... rainbows :-)

>> No.53557283

Dunno but in Aus my mate runs a niche business and his main competitor gave 10% to some Abo and now he gets 100% of gov work. My mate never gets hired now as the gov hires abo owned business. Pretty smart though. My mate hates abos and refuses to give them momey for nothing.
Another mate same thing they clean up weeds they hire chicks and in the hot Aussies sun they are lucky to do 5% the work of a guy. But they are there so they can pick up more work from government.
We arent in a capitalist system with this much socialism controlled by an authoritarian state.

>> No.53557319

Kangaroo Communism.
But the alternative would be that the abos get gibs and they don't even work.

>> No.53557348

I hate 4chan. Every time I see a black woman in a meeting I have to try VERY hard to not accidentally say nigger. I'm saying it constantly in my mind and I know one time it will slip out.

>> No.53557404

Because without us black women we would literally be nothing. You’re welcome

>> No.53557502

My sister gets paid 150k a year as a "social issue advocate" on her local council

She literally gets paid to force local construction companies to hire women to do work they are physically incapable of doing or else they will get no government contracts

She genuinely and unironically thinks that the women are being unfairly treated in this situation and should be getting even MORE money out of it

>> No.53557518

Because companies don't, always, hire based on merit.

>> No.53557541
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Cant wait for it to end, bros