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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53552276 No.53552276 [Reply] [Original]

How is it acceptable that I give up several years of my life just to generate profits for some rich fuck that happened to simply get lucky or inherit all his shit?

>> No.53552519

You jelly?

>> No.53552546

>inherit x$
>generate 10000x$
Hahaha, yeah all inherited, just a small loan of $1.000.000 bro!

>> No.53552556

Feel free to do us all a favor and rid the world of yourself as no one will miss you.

>> No.53552575

if someone give you a million dollar you would be right back where you are anon

see every lottery winner ever

>> No.53552583

I don't care what your arbitrary views on wealth are but the world would objectively be a better place without these 4 people

>> No.53552592

Fuck the aristocracy.
>Sips brandy.

>> No.53552672

I am paid to shill @CryptoClownClub, a /biz/ made telegram group.

Now with that out of the way:
>How is it acceptable that I give up several years of my life just to generate profits for some rich fuck that happened to simply get lucky or inherit all his shit?

The two main culprits behind your feelings of indignation are finance (Jewish) and the inherent human behavior of leaving a legacy behind for your loved ones leading to extreme forms of nepotism

>> No.53552689

unironically though, if you have capital you have power to project through work. it's a huge barrier to greater wealth.

>> No.53553167

In the end, they'll all die. What is even the point of being billionaire? Sure, you make you stay on this hellhole we call earth a little pleasant but no one can cheat the grim reaper. In the long run we all are poorfags anyway

>> No.53553221

Bezos is already worried about that, he is reportedly researching "immortality" lol.

>> No.53553425

What's the deal with immortality anyways? Even if scientific advances allow you to be eternally young and not dying of natural causes, there will never be a cure if someone puts 5 bullets in your brain or cut your head off with an axe and there is nobody around to help you

>> No.53553445

>doesn't want any easy $220k/yr jobs
okay, i'll take it

>> No.53554124

>if you have capital you have power to project through work
Now turn off the blinders to these 4 billionaires, look at all the people that have made it with literally nothing in their pockets. Unironically though, if you had any good ideas *(or any follow through) you would be rich too.
My parents went from literally nothing poverty to a 7 figure life before losing everything again. Short sightedness and no business savvy means you would end up like >>53552575

>> No.53554522

now do all the people who had similar starts that turned into crackheads

>> No.53554688

I'm more concerned about working my entire life to give up one third of my income in taxes and deriving almost no benefit from it.

>> No.53554708

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are actually pretty self made. Bezos had worked until he was 29 before he founded amazon.

Elon got his start by selling a tech company, which granted did have seed money from his dad and brother but the more suspicious part is that it was given venture capital by one of the big jewish VCs from San Francisco.

>> No.53554740

Yes? Nigger

>> No.53554753

I guess the best you can do is get sorta rich so your kids can try to get richer.

>> No.53554916
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>several years
Oh you poor, naive zoomer. You will spend the majority of your adult working for the benefit of these rich fucks, unless you are one of the select few that "makes it."

>> No.53555844

It's more acceptable than being poor and lazy and miserable.

There is no true fairness or justice in this life. Seek it in the afterlife, and quit whining in the meantime

>> No.53556560

>t. retard
these people didn’t only have monetary support, they had networking support and financial training since childhood

>> No.53556586
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>In the end, they'll all die. What is even the point of being billionaire? Sure, you make you stay on this hellhole we call earth a little pleasant but no one can cheat the grim reaper. In the long run we all are poorfags anyway

>> No.53556795

>Muh emerald mine
It was a 50k share that yeilded 250k in profit in the 80s. Grow up.

>> No.53556827

that group doesnt exist

>> No.53556843

Its acceptable on the premise of you dont get to choose

>> No.53557008

>literally all bullshit cope

>> No.53557016

>What's the point of being super fucking wealthy and being able to buy fucking everything money can possibly buy
Gee, real headscratcher that one is.

>> No.53557046

Also it was in Zambia, not South Africa.

>> No.53557436

So how did Bills mum become a director. Ok so you might not be Bill. But you could be the Mum and set your kid up.
Thats what I plan to do. It took me 15 years to figure out how to run a successful business and make good money from property. My kid will learn thay from day one. He will inherit my platform and expand it. He wont be a Gates either but maybe my grand kid will be pretty powerful.
Ill do whatever to set my son up for success. If he takes it with both hands like these people he will do well.

>> No.53557451

There is a really rich family in a regional town I know. The Dads worth just under a bil. His grandad was a truck driver and won the lotto. Bought some trucks and hired more guys. Now they are a huge contracting business, habe quarries, bitumen, concrete plants, lots of property etc.
But they try to hide the fact.

>> No.53557578


On top of that they had white privilege. No VC would have ever funded these companies if they had black founders.

If you’re a white make and have less than $1million you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

You’re a complete loser. You have every advantage available

>> No.53557591

success breeds success. Failure breeds failure

>> No.53557597

Also what of their siblings hmmmm?

>> No.53557639

Awww wittle poorfag wedditor is mad becaus somwun has mowr money den him aww sweetie ;(

>> No.53557749

I inherited $500k when I turned 18 in 2016 and I only turned it into a little over $1 million. I also still wageslave...

>> No.53558094

>How is it acceptable
Because every attempt to improve on the model has turned out to be worse for everyone. Way worse.

>> No.53558382

Elon's part is literally fucking fake bullshit made up by liberals

>> No.53560010
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>> No.53560037

Some of these are lies. Bezos doesn't come from great means. He got that "seed capital" from investors after he'd already established himself as a businessman.

>> No.53560402

theres a difference between eternal youth, ie never dying of old age and immortality, ie not being able to die.
eternal youth would already be a great start and should be possible to achieve if we can trick our genes to not make shitty copies of every molecule in our body that cause rhe illusion of aging.

>> No.53560461

>Because every attempt to improve on the model has been sabotaged by eveyone for everyone. Way worse.
All it takes is for these fucks to even suggest we should divide and we are at each others throats.
>inb4 socialist, commie etc
No, i just don't like fraud, taxes and ritualistic semitic numerology.

>> No.53560677

>every other than me is dumb and will always be poor
people like you will be pillaged and brought to desolation by those you despise. in your life time i may add. Lets see how you manage in the real world cunt. Fuck you