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53546478 No.53546478 [Reply] [Original]

I've wasted so much fucking money on this scam bullshit that it's not even funny anymore......
This shit will NEVER be valuable and it will do NOTHING besides go down in valve.
At this point I just want my fucking money back.....
Im going to cry myself to sleep tonight now, thank you for reading by blog post I guess.

>> No.53546515

yeah but imagine if the world collapses and everthing collapses and shit everthing nuclear war and shit acopalypse

listen to this one doomer boomer who is predicting doom

>> No.53546526

you're suppose to be patient

>> No.53546565
File: 86 KB, 677x284, silvered.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many such cases

>> No.53546587
File: 257 KB, 1603x850, bitcoin_vs_boomersilver-c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53546595
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 55D2F6A6-0A7D-4167-AAFE-564A146BC9ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I bought this shit back in 2012 during the high at 33 bucks. Never, I repeat NEVER LISTEN TO BOOMERS FOR FINANCIAL ADVICE. You have no idea how good they had it, they could literally touch anything and make money and they are incapable of understanding that good times are over. Your best bet would be to listen to anyone who lived during the Great Depression, but none of them are alive and if they are they’re too senile to give proper advice.

The best I got from a truly rich old oldfag was to never get married, don’t invest in shit that is a “sure thing”, take risks, take profit, and always look out for yourself above all else.

Thanks Great Chadpa.

>> No.53546600
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Read nigger read!

>> No.53546687

Silver is fucking speculative you donkey, if you bought silver as a hedge against inflation youre fucking braindead.

>> No.53546719

Give it to me then.

>> No.53546753

Physical gold and silver is not an investment. It's not producing anything. You buy this stuff as Insurance. Now you've got your Insurance. Now you don't ever need to think about it again. Going forward DCA into VT. A little BTC and ETH wouldn't hurt either.

>> No.53547648


should be able to sell it for close to what you bought it. it tracks the markets somewhat so if you bought high then it's likely that anything else you would have bought at that time, you'd have also been buying high.