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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53545781 No.53545781 [Reply] [Original]

I can't keep living like this
I'm 28, making $115k and living in the American NE. $250k in the bank. Going to grad school for a promotion. I still live with my parents. I love them to death but it's a nightmare living with them.
I wanted to move out when the lockdowns started but the market was shitty. It's only gotten worse since then.
Do I just bite the bullet and dive into the hell that is the housing market?

>> No.53545794

if i made your money i would be a new sugar baby every other day but you're retard that cant have fun

>> No.53545933

I have no interest in dating, I spend on travel though.

>> No.53546437

Just bite the bullet and get some decent rent in a safe area that doesnt have a shitty commute to work and school. Just ask yourself if the stress from your living situation is worth x amount of money per month in rent and utilities.

>> No.53546987

nope, not happening. as far as I'm concerned that's cash in the trash. In addition I don't want to be in a "shared" living space because I'm a musician on the side and I get very loud because of it
I don't commute for anything, all remote work.

>> No.53547058

what the fuck is wrong with you? If you make that much and have that much saved, why the FUCK are you at home? Holy shit I want to stab you. Go out and make something of yourself.

I'm the same age as you, toiling away so I can move out ASAP and get my life together. We're running out of time bro, you don't want to have kids when you're old.

>> No.53547160

>if i made your money i would be a new sugar baby every other day but you're retard that cant have fun
$115k/year is sugar baby money in USA? Maybe From mom's basement, but sugar baby's + own place in USA sounds tight financially.

I make $250k from Philippines now, but when I was in USA sugar babies were some shit like $300 per meet or on the order of several thousand per month allowance (unless you just got one to come over and fuck for free off of Seeking, which I did)

>> No.53547176

>you don't want to have kids
>why the FUCK are you at home
a combination of not wanting to buy into a shitty market during lockdown times, waiting for (((the crash))), and considering making a big move to a different country for a while (that I've now decided I don't want to do)

>> No.53547182

>50k in debt
>10k in cash
>80 k a year

How the fuck do you people have 250k net worths at 28 and still act like failures

>> No.53547203

>nope, not happening. as far as I'm concerned that's cash in the trash. In addition I don't want to be in a "shared" living space because I'm a musician on the side and I get very loud because of it
Not cash in the crash to begin your own independent life before age 30, but you've already sort of failed to launch yourself it sounds like, so go ahead and fully dive bomb your personal development to save some money...

Accept that it is completely your own false constraints that keeps you in this "nightmare" and stfu, kitty

>> No.53547229

>Not cash in the crash
cash in the trash*

>> No.53547278
File: 51 KB, 512x512, F78E2AD6-B9BD-4B5F-AEBE-28B6B1CC52BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) faggot

>> No.53547290

Cat posting schizo makes another thread, you made 18 yesterday how many today?
That's just the ones I can verify and I know you spam shit in between

>> No.53547349

I haven't been on /biz/ in months, sorry.
I promise I'm not shitposting.

>> No.53547361

You can't help but lie in everything you say and do, you're the epitome of everything this world needs to eradicate.

>> No.53547599

>"how the FUCK do you heckin find the money to afford a house??!"
>hey anon, if you wanna move out maybe try getting a partner so you can double your inco-
>"Uhh sorry not interested"
kill yourself faggot

>> No.53547731

how about you try reading the reply chain retard
>you should really be spending you money on whores who will only spend your time with you because of your money