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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 363 KB, 1545x2461, lovely doordash order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53540204 No.53540204 [Reply] [Original]

>deliver 10 bags of 22kg potting mix
>get paid $7 (not including fuel)
>no tip
Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh waaagggggiieeee r u ok???

>> No.53540229


>> No.53540278

>got almost $8 for doing almost nothing and still complaining
why are people so fucking spoiled these days?

>> No.53540301

it's 22 liters not 22kg you fucking moron. Unless they were soaked in water that entire haul weighs less than that.

>> No.53540363

>almost nothing
>woman has to drive to pick up literal shit
>lift 8 relatively heavy bags
>drive to drop off
>park and lift bags from car to customer's doorstep
>less than $1 per bag delivered, not accounting for manual labor
>almost nothing
you couldn't get a woman to just drive to your house for double that amount

>> No.53540491

some minimum wage stocker put those bags (and many more) on the shelf for much less money on a $/hour basis.

>> No.53540514

>using his own car for deliveries
lol fucking nope

>> No.53540531

Weight of pottery mix is around 0.4-0.5kg per liter so no 10 bags of 22l arent 20kg retard

>> No.53540543

if one were to wage cuck for near min. wage, just do security

>> No.53540572

One time someone ordered a big load of groceries, including dog food when I was doing ubereats but it was Walmart so I had no idea what I was picking up. Then I brought it up stairs of their apartment. After a couple loads I said fuck this I’m keeping this 2 liter of strawberry soda and left it in my trunk
Tasted good and the company never said shit and my score didn’t go down
Another time I was picking up coffee and it wasn’t ready and they were taking forever to make 2 iced lattes with oatmilk
As soon as I hit cancel they said orders ready. So I just grabbed the order and had my coffee for the day. Gave the other one to a homeless person
Since I canceled it never showed on my record as I picked it up

>> No.53540618

good point
it's still silly that a woman that probably signed up to deliver food or light groceries has to lift manure for an hour because some jackass felt like it
but also

>> No.53540760

Oh yeah? Well I say weight of pottery mix is around 0.1kg per liter so basically you're wrong and dumb. Also the soil in your area is shit and supermarkets are gyping you hard. You likely have a hard time growing things, not because the soil is bad mind you but because you're completely inept at it. You should go back to gambling. Don't discuss soil with me again.

>> No.53540885

Nice projecting lmao

>> No.53541023

This is why people think capitalism is bad. Its basic and inherent human nature for the strong to assume the weak only exist to serve them like pack mules and for free just like those literal stupid animals. It's not a capitalism problem. Same thing happens in other forms of economy and government. Poor guy needs to stop being a stupid donkey doing that shit. The donkey is notorious for unwittingly doing work for others carrying weight for others and only complaining when the weight becomes unbearable. Modern wagies are sadly the same. They go through abuse with a smile and only revolt when it becomes unbearable to them. Actual non npcs consider the first iota of a wagies existence to be unacceptable. Choices. We all have them.

>> No.53541059

Cope and finacialized brain worm pilled

>> No.53541073

Difference between wagie and gig worker.

At least one gets health insurance.

>> No.53541075
File: 117 KB, 1242x1651, wagieelectricitystealing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


too lazy to wait 1 minute between sharing 30 wagie pics so knock yourselves out and post someone for me


>> No.53541105

only teenagers and deeply mentally ill work in supermarkets. I see no problem paying them such wages for a little work honestly

>> No.53541115

and a minimum wage

>> No.53541120

If she's willing to carry shit for $8 what can I get her to do for $50?

>> No.53541134

Holy fuck I would kill whoever put that sign up and burn the place down. That’s what we need more of. People should just start wacking landlords and slave drivers

>> No.53541151

>tfw can't get women to drive to my house for $15
>women will drive to deliver dirt to my house for half that
i think i found a life hack here boys.

>> No.53541216

What's wrong with landlords? You obviously don't know the pain and risk of managing rental property... I'd like to see all the people that constantly bitch about landlords maintaining a house/apartment on their own. Most houses and their value would go to shit.

>> No.53541238

Couldn't he have just declined and done a different delivery?

>> No.53541255

Apparently women find more dignity in delivering dirt for half the price than in fucking you.

>> No.53541392

My landlord lives hundreds of miles away and does jackshit to maintain anything. She texts me in the winter to remind me to not let waterlines freeze, that’s literally it. The only way you could make this argument is section 8 housing where they’re cleaning up after niggers all day and dealing with them not paying rent

>> No.53541532

My parents are the opposite of your landlord. They live in three basement and get bullied by tenants.

>> No.53541560

that's still profitable

>> No.53541592

>Choices. We all have them.
>Start le hustling side gig
>You are now homeless
There's a solid reason why 99% of people avoid risk

>> No.53541650

That I understand. I know not all landlords are leeches. The one I have though is so stereotypical. Fat rude boomer penny pincher who collects my income passively, does no maintenance, and gets offended by negotiation attempts. Oh and she convinced me to buy her hutch for $100 because “they didn’t have room for it” and it was a nice brand. I’ve come to find out it’s a hunk of shit and they left it because they didn’t feel like moving it.

>> No.53541651

It's sad that working people have lower living standards than petty theives but its their own doing. Why are you working for peanuts? Why are you giving 100% effort? Why don't you look the other way? Why are you okay with abuse? Walmart only exists because mfs accept being a wagie

>> No.53541666

I recently delivered 50lbs of compost from my farm about 10 miles away to someone in a gas station parking lot

I was paid 20 dollars for this, twas quite simple

I threw it all in a garbage bag, overall I maybe made like 15 bucks to get rid of junk that I had to get rid of anyways

I'm also about to start uber eats in my free time, seems better than having a boss, conventional hours like a normal wagie

>> No.53541695

also it seems like the average doordasher, etc

can make like 20 bucks an hour, you just cherrypicked like the worst order possible

>> No.53541703
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Bro my parents don't even raise the rent. They let everyone walk all over them. They say that they were tenants and they were terrorized by their landlord and they tested him so much they decided they didn't want to end up in hell Ben's they were convinced he would be there. So they just don't care about tenants being niggers. But they are extremely safe and happy. I think not sweating the small shit is the secret to life.

>> No.53541798

You dont have to accept the job bozo, you can decline and move on to another

>> No.53541995

100% she’d swallow, might even let you cum inside

>> No.53542039
File: 93 KB, 1014x1024, 7858266A-2325-4086-B4BC-B21F05531E17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53542252

wagie has to cave to the demands of his boss for overtime, and do whatever they're told to do

gig worker can just left swipe on shit job and pick the next one

hmmm do I want to sleep in 2 extra hours and just fuck off midshift and go do something else

wagie is stuck in office or warehouse he has no control over his wants or needs, he slavishly does his time like a prisoner

>> No.53542692

so how much of the delivery fee does the runner get from like uber eats or door dash or whatever other delivery service?

>> No.53542734

Door dash is dogshit, Instacart is way better and fewer subhumans use it.

>> No.53542797

picking up fast food is much easier and has fewer hiccups than picking 100 items and things being out of stock whatever

from what I've seen, I only watch youtubers, I haven't actually started yet

also instacart isn't available here

>> No.53543522

>I haven't actually started yet
>but I have it all figured out

>> No.53543566

I watched like 30 days of doordashers doing shit

>> No.53543913

You wouldn't do shit, pussy

>> No.53544440
File: 778 KB, 1280x720, 1643355240515.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/5 stars - driver took too long to unload. Backed up car into driveway without permission.
>$0.00 tip

>> No.53544487

depends on the area im sure, my base pay is 2.50-2.75 for average orders. it would seem that some orders come through with 5-7 base pay but no tip and are probably just routed through doordash from some restaurants app

no idea what the service fee or base pay is for ubereats tho

>> No.53544528
File: 2.87 MB, 640x800, 1656296346193.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53544530

50lbs is less than two bags from lowes. And those bags are less than three bucks

>> No.53544539

as a doordasher i only take grocery orders if I know the area it is being delivered to isnt filled with niggers and indians

WFH white people in 500k-1m houses will tip pretty well compared to some 3 story apartment building filled with nigress using her ebt

>> No.53544570

Can you actually use EBT to have grocery delivered? No fucking way.

>> No.53544597

There are two things
>First running and maintaining a car is not cheap
>2nd is the manual labor of the job
$8 for just moving the stuff is fine. But also having to maintain a car cuts out most of the $8.

>> No.53544680
File: 1.42 MB, 640x482, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of depends, some grocery stores will supplement their delivery service with doordash tho currently only niggers in Cali can use ebt directly through doordash

>> No.53544702

>not sweating the small shit is the secret to life.

>> No.53544780

Your idea of what a job is is wrong.

>> No.53545297

If you live in Australia, pick up a trade like a real man

>> No.53545324

mushroom compost, so maybe higher price

>> No.53545335

Your parents are based.

>> No.53545392

idk what this lazy whore is even whining about. those look like 50 pound bags x 10 = 500 pounds total. not that bad at all. it's not like carrying fucking bricks or something.

>> No.53545638

>life hack
>le funny incel joke
go the fuck back where you belong

>> No.53545909

speak for yourself

dirt pickup is the new game

>> No.53545943

>incel joke
Shut the fuck up faggot. Fucking newfag.

>> No.53546027

The idea is that we invaded Iraq to prevent them from getting nukes, not because they had a working arsenal ready to go.

>> No.53546067

Sounds like he's home to me dude. He has autism.

>> No.53546109

what a little bastard lol

>> No.53546227

Please focus your hate on "corporate" landlords. There is a difference. This is a key distinction.

>> No.53546257

>doesn't shoo off the bird
And he wonders why he spreads concrete for minimum wage as his life guaranteed.

>> No.53546267
File: 1.94 MB, 400x400, nurses being heroes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a concrete finisher, and that is super easy to fix.
It happens all the time, but I always feel horrible for the animals who get concrete all over them and will never get it off. Plus the burn from the lime in the mix will cause them pain.
This bird probably won't be able to fly right ever again.

I don't know what it says about me that I feel bad for a random bird, but I giggle when I see a chink get shredded by an escalator.

>> No.53546497

i work in a callcenter in my country and we get paid around 5 bucks an hour, lmao im trying to get into crypto but i dont understand shit, will eventually i think

>> No.53548188

Depends how long it her to do all this.

>> No.53548247

Because it cost them over 8 bucks in car maintenance. They essentially paid someone else to do their job for them. This system cannot be saved.

>> No.53548280

she knew how much she was going to get for this delivery. she knew how many items there were and what they were. she had the ability to decline the delivery. even if she accepted it, she still had the ability to unassign once at any point before she confirmed the pickup. she can't complain when she chose to do this.

>> No.53548316

you can use ebt on amazon so why not?

>> No.53548327

>Use >$8 AUD worth of gas hauling hundreds of pounds of dirt across town
>Get paid $8
>You've wasted a bunch of your time and your money and now your car is all dirty

>> No.53548454

the people who work these gig jobs are an interesting mix. there are the people who are just grinding it out because they need the money and there is a low barrier to entry. on the opposite end you get delusional people who are biding their time until their "genius" is recognized. these people feel entitled to a great paying job without skill and without having to do work. at my work we employ a ton of younger people part time doing office work. but it's the same mix of attitudes. the first group gives it all, maybe too much. the second group just resents having to do work at all.

>> No.53548458

Did the tiktok have that annoying bitch robot voice too?

>> No.53550523

They should keep the prints, stuff like this is extremely sovlful

>> No.53551182

cool psychology major bullshit you just pulled out of your ass

I see youtubers making 28 dollars an hour doing this bullshit, literally picking up fast food and delivering it

it's the easiest and possibly one of the most based jobs on earth

you pick up shit for lazy people and you put it at their door without even having to speak to them

>> No.53551199

also, you don't have to work normal hours, you can live any lifestyle within reason and still make a living doing it

>> No.53551247

Clean it up wagie!

>> No.53551316

it's actually incredible that this is even a job at all, no application to fill out, can make better than min wage, don't have to speak to people other than saying

brad, and picking up the order

you drive across town and put it on the stoop and take a picture

this is the ultimate 4chan job

>> No.53551314

Because zoomers won't even change a flat tire with their spare because it's too heavy

>> No.53551318

>In August 1998, absent effective monitoring, Scott Ritter remarked that Iraq could "reconstitute chemical biological weapons, long-range ballistic missiles to deliver these weapons, and even certain aspects of their nuclear weaponization program."[54]
> Hans Blix said in January 2003 "Iraq appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance of the disarmament."[63]
>There were no weapon inspections in Iraq for nearly four years after the UN departed from Iraq in 1998, and Iraq asserted that they would never be invited back.[64]
>In addition, Saddam had issued a "secret order" that Iraq did not have to abide by any UN Resolution since in his view "the United States had broken international law".[65]
>Hans Blix said in late January 2003 that Iraq had "not genuinely accepted UN resolutions demanding that it disarm."[69] He claimed there were some materials which had not been accounted for.
>Security Council resolution 678 authorised force against Iraq, which was suspended but not terminated by resolution 687, which imposed continuing obligations on Iraq to eliminate its weapons of mass destruction. A material breach of resolution 687 would revive the authority to use force under resolution 678. In resolution 1441 the Security Council determined that Iraq was in material breach of resolution 687 because it had not fully carried out its obligations to disarm.

>> No.53551575

It's almost like you get paid what your worth is. No surprise shit hauler doesn't net you 100k+ a year.

>> No.53551607

>he doesn't haul shit

>> No.53551658

Seems you're the one that needs to go back cunt

>> No.53551830

this is my full time job. i'm working as i type this. i don't make less than $20 an hour and have made up to $40 an hour. i work when i wnt to and don't have to work anymore than i want to. i don't have to do any delivery i don't want to do. perfect job for an ex-neet forced to move out like myself. this is nothing like a wagie job because you don't answer to anybody and don't have to do anything you don't want to. people like op's image are just too retarded for this type of work.

>> No.53551855

yea, and even op image can learn not to pick orders like that, I mean it isn't very complicated is it

>> No.53551873

Good quality GPT4chan AI thread

>> No.53551986

literally just decline it or unassign it. some people think they're going to get more than what's advertised and gamble on doing shitty deliveries and then go crying to reddit when they get exactly what they were told they'd get as if it's not 100% their own fault.

>> No.53552037

I see guys with 105iqs on youtube making 28 dollars an hour pretty consistently

then one of them invests in solana at the end of his shift

>> No.53552049

eh 105 is generous

>> No.53552234

You can get $24+ an hour just being a grocery stocker at a super market, why the fuck would you bother with shit yank apps like door dash?
Fuck go get $40 an hour doing scaffolding with convict kiwis anything’s Better than this self employed rubbish

>> No.53552253

>slave prisoner mindset

>> No.53552315

And in reality it was because Saddam wanted to back their oil reserves with Euros instead of the petrodollar.

I remember my dad called the whole thing on the day Bush got inaugurated. Didn't help that Cheney was also the former Halliburton CEO.

>> No.53552327

If you make $20 an hour self employed, and I make $40 an hour and invest that 20 more I earn than you for 8% interest apy you will literally never catch up

>> No.53552341

>if you don’t deliver shit for $8 an hour with your own car you’re a slave prisoner

>> No.53552373

if you want to be somebody else's bitch then go ahead

>> No.53552374

wagies are too lazy to get up and go to work at the same time every day

>> No.53552382

i dont care them doing cringe dances as long as they dont film patients

>> No.53552403
File: 20 KB, 659x466, ogre magi [chad] (ascended).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>declines delivering the order

>> No.53552484

you dumb niggers do everything by the book, which is why you will never start a business, never hit the big plays in life

and you'll just get the 2 percent per year and think you're killing it

average rate for any competent app driver is over 20

>> No.53552640

>if i'm a good boy who plays by the rules i'll certainly get rewarded for it!

>> No.53552748


>> No.53553630
File: 50 KB, 671x574, 9717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accidentally makes brief eye-contact with nurse
>She uploads a tiktok of you saying you're a creep
>tfw it goes viral

>> No.53553652

Then fucking shut the fuck up and be a good goy

>> No.53553688

lmao what a pussy

>> No.53553807

Walmart pays their stockers 21 here

>> No.53553827

>see my indeed account got a little blip
>Pajeet name: sirs come to address for 1 hour interview, job is for february 13th and 14th
Why would I do a job that lasts 2 days but physically attend an in person interview. These people are just gay and stupid.

>> No.53553930

It's an incredibly easy fix.

>> No.53554586
File: 323 KB, 2495x1663, naughty-nurse-alina-lopez-185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot nurses or stewardesses no longer exist

>> No.53554712

Try again. The real answer is gold.

>> No.53555041

im a wagie but a decent paid salaried wagie making 125k. i feel miserable sometimes as well but i do have a lot of upward mobility in my career and can prob be a director by early 30s. but this shit gets me depressed. i really wish people didnt have to do these jobs. my mom is sitll a lunch lady even though i tell her to quit and just live with me.

>> No.53555065

She gets to cook and hang out with kids, she probably doesn't hate it as much as she pretends.

>> No.53555204

wtf is wrong with her tits?

>> No.53555209

That's $7 AUD as well which is like 4 USD

>> No.53555259

This is a reddit tier response
We cared more about oil, ancient artifacts, stargates, and using our new weapons
They knew what weapons Saddam had because we sold them to him to fight the Iranians

>> No.53556735

AI generated

>> No.53557621

Hahaha that old trick.
Another good LL trick which I use is build a big fucking shed. Rent the place out. Tenant fills it with all his treasure. Increase the rent. Tenant cant find a new location with enough space, accepts the rent.
I was a PM and the worst is the single white old Jewish woman. Then the old indian man. Both are stingy af. Wasp widows are bad too. Cause they are too fumb to understand anything. You say its the law you cant leave them with no boiler but she thinks you can. At least the jew knowds and understands the law they just dont care. The wasp widow thinks she is right and its hard to get through their thick skulls.

>> No.53557634

In Aus I know a girl 18 who makes $50 an hour cleaning. Her trick is she just fucking turns up and does the job. Out earns all these retards.

>> No.53557642

thats a lot of work fuck head for $8

>> No.53557972

Or you could invest in crypto and retire early benchod

>> No.53558200
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>got almost $8 for doing almost nothing and still complaining

>> No.53558266

She might hate it, but if she quits what would she have to complain about?

>> No.53558329

A hutch for rabbits?

>> No.53558439

Guarantee an abusive Indian manager put that up

>> No.53559064

it shows on your record now. it's in Saint Peter's book, and on your conscience.

>> No.53559151

you get 'heavy pay' on instacart, but its pretty much totalky dried up because theyve hired too many shoppers in my town

>> No.53559726

Hey I work security and it's far above min wage now thanks to covid. I make a little over 40k/year now to watch movies and shitpost on 4chan all day

>> No.53559967
File: 7 KB, 200x200, BBD4A8FC-6B98-4E35-A682-82F888087AD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you really think about it wagies are below slaves. Slaves never had to worry about rent and food over their tables. They also got a fellow slave waifu to breed with so that the master can have more children. Compare that to the modern wagie who has to constantly worry about the diminishing value of his slave bucks and at best having a 30+ roastie wife who’ll divorce rape him. Even in terms of suicide a slave is superior to a wagie. If a slave kys he knows for a fact that he damaged his master financially even if for a little. Meanwhile a wagie can commit suicide and the only one who’ll notice are his fellow wageslaves after everyone in the office will receive an email discussing the death of the wagie. A slave might gain the trust and friendship of his slave master leading to a better position for himself. Meanwhile the average wagie is just a cog in a machine and his CEO doesn’t even know he exists.
Furthermore a wagie has to pretend he likes his work, his colleagues and the customers everyday while constantly being accommodating towards them creating a fake persona. During job interviews for places he himself “chose” he has to pretend he is actually interested in the company rather than just admitting he wants his pay check, playing court jester to people who clearly see him as a new potential slave. In comparison a slave doesn’t have to smile nor pretend he is actually happy. On the contrary a slave is supposed to stay quiet and not be noticed. This his position reflects his societal standing. A slave doesn’t have to fake happiness the way a modern wagie has to. The slave represents truth and honesty while the wagie is the walking embodiment of dishonesty.
Think about it rationally.

>> No.53560307

Totally awesome and based store manager. I want to shake his hand.

>> No.53560383

These delivery services won't last forever. They only way it's profitable is tips. It will end up being a rich only thing with fewer drivers that won't accept the low rates.

Niggers don't understand this and that's why they don't tip

>> No.53560563

shut up retard

>> No.53560936
File: 928 KB, 1168x691, pink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potting mix
soil is free and i plant bamboo everywhere i go so that one day my bamboo army will choke and suffocate all of your precious and delicate flowers to the death until they die in the dark gloom of leaves which shade your pretties
and when your cute and furries eat the leaves in an attempt to try and stop the inevitable bamboopocalypse then they will die of poisoning which kills by toxins
and their corpses will be fed upon by the despised rats and roaches and fungi who eat carcasses and decompose them as they join me as allies in my disgusting and obnoxious conquest of your beautifully and meticulously tended world
they will spread plagues and infestations and your carefully crafted vaccines and pesticides and herbicides will become ever more impotent as they weaken over time
and all the pestilences and plagues i have wrought upon you grow ever stronger as the unstoppable decay and corruption spreads throughout your world everywhere on the planet terraforming it into a world of ugliness and grotesqueness
the meek shall inherit the earth

>> No.53561864

>not my problem

>> No.53561914
File: 72 KB, 300x365, 50828815-693B-40AE-A60B-4B3CD526DD9B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you couldn’t get a women to just drive to your house for double that amount
Lol I can get a woman to drive to my house for free
>call taxi
>give them address
>they pull up
>don’t have to pay them unless they take me somewhere

>> No.53562011

you have good arguments but a wagie has a legal right to quit. wagies are slaves by choice. a slave has none

>> No.53562051

nobody doing concrete is working for minimum wage

>> No.53563199

take your meds

>> No.53563223

They do, everyone knows nursing is the final slut stage for women

>> No.53563327

How fat are you?

>> No.53563344

>WAH zoomers!
Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.

>> No.53563361

He's a Jew and so is Saint Peter.

>> No.53563390

>Nice projecting lmao
Learn what that word means before you parrot what other people type, you dumb fuck.
If you can't grow you suck at growing.

>> No.53563406

Calm down, fattie, working isn't that difficult.
Are you from the US? Most of you faggots are fat and lazy.

>> No.53563417

Russia is owned by Jews, so no, we're never invading Russia.

>> No.53563427

>wagie has to cave to the demands of his boss for overtime,
Bro, I asked my boss for more over time so I would have to work with the other retards.
You can cry all you want cry baby, my crypto is pumped.
109 shiba inu.

>> No.53563438
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>wagie is stuck in office or warehouse he has no control over his wants or needs, he slavishly does his time like a prisoner
How Jewish are you? You can quit whenever you want.
Get a job you fucking bum.

>> No.53563476
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>And he wonders why he spreads concrete for minimum wage as his life guaranteed.
You're such a fucking idiot, get a job you fucking bum.

>> No.53563502
File: 86 KB, 1024x576, 1588433293122m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, only cool post in this thread.

>> No.53563506

Exactly 0 people ordering from delivery apps are strong or mentally or morally competent in any way

>> No.53563528
File: 87 KB, 768x1024, 1582521274912m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you fucking mutts understand how the English language works? Dumb fucking nigger.
How is working a job slavery?

>> No.53563537

>anon thinks being too poor/cheap to afford delivery makes him alpha

>> No.53563545
File: 467 KB, 600x338, 1608309172754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How upset are you that other people are investing their money? I'm literally always up even when BTC is down.
Buy the BTC dips and never worry about retirement, this fucking faggot is probably salty his buddy is gonna get rich before him.

>> No.53563568
File: 96 KB, 940x529, 1574964753824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then the old indian man
Lmao, found the white boy, pay your rent, fag.

>> No.53563587
File: 139 KB, 1017x1024, 1611334332345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying money for Healthcare.
It's literally free.

>> No.53563609
File: 152 KB, 800x800, 1567811085411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too!
Yes I killed a man.

>> No.53563636
File: 115 KB, 500x617, 1584033738445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey boys! Look! We got a big old fat faggot here, go raped by a pack of niggers you fucking virgin.

>> No.53563639

I've got a lot of time on my hands right now and decided to start learning to code. My brother is a pro and he's gonna help a retard out. please rate my first program

// My first string
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main ()
string basicString1, basicString2; //declaring
basicString1 = "Niggers Toungue";
basicString2 = "My Anus";
cout << basicString1 << "\n" << basicString2 << "\n";
return 0;

>> No.53563654
File: 2.34 MB, 720x480, 1674830680940822.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking useless and unoriginal comment, "this" wow dude, you're unique and quirky, you typed one fucking word.
How about instead of going back you fucking blast a shot gun through the roof of your mouth.