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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 239 KB, 1940x2048, 20230201_164512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53534449 No.53534449 [Reply] [Original]

Kek even twitterfags are making fun of Linkies. This guy did an experiment by making a portfolio of random shitcoins and all link. You already know the random shitcoin folio outperformed chainlink. "Bear market coin" copers Btfo yet again

>> No.53534478

The name of that twitterfag? OP.

>> No.53534490

thats because the left portfolio has coins that are needed whereas the right portfolio doesn't

>> No.53534511


>> No.53534539
File: 466 KB, 1076x1964, 1675299082158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im getting worried about Linkies... Its just been non stop L after L

>> No.53534557

>Chainlink Labs marketing department would rather track down random Twitter users to dox than actually engage with businesses to sell their product
The more I see CLL employees shilling on 4chan, the more bearish I get for LINK

>> No.53534565

>$1357 vs $1214
Wow, a difference of $100 that’s crazy anon. Maybe you can buy a steak

>> No.53534624

is this guy supposed to be the reverse chainlinkgod but somehow still equally faggy?

>> No.53534635

Cant tell if this is bait or you are actually that stupid.. The $ amount is completely irrelevent, its the percentage gain. Getting 15% less gains every month is really significant.
Hedgefunds fight tooth and nail just to gain an extra 1% returns.
If the portfolio is 10m thats 1.5m of missing returns.
The point is link completely underperforms even stupid shitcoins

>> No.53534674

Someone post the most recent update for 1 Feb

>> No.53534737

He started on jan 1st that tweet is 8 hours old

>> No.53534802

you'd have to be exceptionally high estrogen to still be holding any 2016-2018 altcoin at this point

alts only get one shot, and link had its when it got into the top 10 of 12,000 alts last cycle.
imagine actually holding an asset to heavily premined through that and not selling at least half.

>> No.53535050

>falling for that bait

>> No.53535094
File: 340 KB, 1170x2532, 404E189C-0343-4A49-A3F1-ED389DF6B093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this shitcoin
Glad I sold

>> No.53535111
File: 731 KB, 1125x1886, FD7B024C-E0CC-4841-9327-076E3DD0D5F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies…THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.53535131

i cant sell anyway so it doesnt matter

>> No.53535176

You're telling me a latefag made more on lower mcap coins? How does that work?

>> No.53535189
File: 3.79 MB, 707x702, 1675030789194061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is pumping tranny fudders are seething.

>> No.53535195
File: 5 KB, 250x240, 99F97C9F-175F-4B7B-840B-602EEF785C99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it’s interesting niggers and animals such as yourself talk about price action when that’s largely irrelevant when you bought in at 20c and sub one dollar for the newfaggots. Perhaps you are asshurt you didn’t get to buy huge stacks for pennies on the dollar? You do realize /biz/ has a huge amount of sub one dollar buyers? Why do you do this to yourself lol, really pathetic.

>> No.53535254

>+14% return
You know the annual average return of the stock market is like 7 right?

>> No.53535260

We all know most linkies average buy in is not .20 cents. The greedy linkies couldn't resist slurping that cheap $10-$30 link when they knew it was going to 1k eoy guaranteed.

>> No.53535315
File: 87 KB, 1069x1078, BE7CA834-E3D3-4FB9-B658-006221475A66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My buyin is 20c for my first wallet, my second wallet is 25c, my others are for my short/long LINK leverage portfolio, which I buyin anytime we dip to the triple line. Most linkies who are og don’t post on a day to day because many already made it, and many more just simply know it will go up eventually and go flesh out other areas of their portfolio, or the ideal, their personal lives. The people you are actually hurting are newfrens just like you who bought in anywhere above five dollars. I find that humorous, because it’s likely you bought in over twenty and are now coping.

I am already out of the thread by the time you see this post. I pity you.

>> No.53535349

go trade stocks then boomer

>> No.53535391
File: 113 KB, 1099x843, 1675302626933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the whole bullrun bagholding link. Sorry you picked the wrong coin anon, should of sold for eth in 2020 like all the other OGs

>> No.53535439

I work for CLL and it is unironically over. They’ve let go lots of people. When CCIP flops (it will) it’s gonna get ugly.
You guys are wrong about the token not being needed though, it’s needed to dump on bagholders.
Sucks to admit, I’m looking for work elsewhere, as are most others.
We coulda been a contender!

>> No.53535494

mastubator coomer and a fudder, here. Chainlink lab will go to 0

>> No.53535553

What kind of thirdoid shithole uses this notatiom

>> No.53535581
File: 90 KB, 1024x936, 1639526285713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck kind of number is $1.357,89

>> No.53535633

The master race germans apparently

>> No.53536031

crypto twitter has been based for a while. all the smart people left this shithole.

>> No.53537056

Link ran before everything retard. No one missed the bull cycle except newfags who bought in after the rest of the market started pumping.

>> No.53537087
File: 40 KB, 896x241, apefail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a look
>see pic related instantly
i think i'll keep holding my linkies dude
not really interested in the opinions of a alcoholic benzo addict in addition to suicidal coomers and r9k / pol rejects that banded together on discord

>> No.53537112

LMAOOOO, saving this. Bro, it just keeps growing. How fucking mentally are chainlink fudders kek.

>> No.53537227
File: 207 KB, 423x395, 1675312233682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me just dox some guy because he critisized my investment which I am so happy and confident about
Theres some big projection going on with linkies trying to paint fudders as the mentally ill ones.
That guys probably mentally ill from bagholding link for so long

>> No.53537262


>> No.53537279
File: 39 KB, 966x652, TonyDisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts twitter account
your retardation and degeneracy is not even the worst part
you post this garbage on biz for 50x52 hours a year and you do it for FREE

>> No.53537303


>> No.53537305

Bro link holder or not no one cares. What's bothering me is we literally can't discuss CCIP, DECO, staking, etc. without retards like that pic and you coming in just spamming shit to derail the thread. Half of us are /g tech dudes that literally want to chat normal shit about potential chainlink use cases and all you fudding idiots come around cause mental illness and ruin it.

Its never been about link holder vs non link holder. Its been about retards who do it for free (subjanny tier aka chainlink fudders) and normal tech guys that like /g style discussions but with blockchain

>inb4 go to /g, they ban all crypto talk tech or not

>> No.53537351

Dont be disingenous its obvious youre trying to dox him like the thomas fag, youre searching for his username on reddit and yourbrainporn as we speak lmao.
Also the guy just pointed out a fact, he didnt make anything up, he simply showed how link is underperforming meme shitcoins. So attacking his person does abaolutely nothing to disprove the observation he demonstrated.
If you asked any link bagholder they would vent their frustration at the poor price and lack of any updates, its not just some fringe group of misfits its the entire community thats pissed, you can see that by the fact that even the link echo chamber here is breaking down.

>> No.53537391

>youre searching for his username on reddit and yourbrainporn as we speak lmao.
>noooooo you can't just me- I mean some dude, nooooooo
hahaha fuck with Linkies, get doxed. Maybe try not being a mentally unstable retard.

>> No.53537396

i really don't care dude
the opinion of an alcoholic drug addict swinglinker who obviously bought the top or lost most of it in a yield scam just doesn't matter to me

better luck with the next dozen fud threads that you make in the next hour

>> No.53537405
File: 48 KB, 640x451, LINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53537407

literal retards, I look forward to your inevitable capitulation/rope

>> No.53537414

>/biz/ - business & finance
biz is for making money, if it doesnt make money its off topic. Nobody on a finance forum cares about tech mumbo jumbo hopium circle jerk if its not profitable to invest in. Weve given you guys 6 years to shill and discuss link and its given fuck all back to the board. There has to be a point where you cut your losses and focus on something else if what youre doing isnt working.

>> No.53537457

So the delusion as rabid trannies who try to dox and cancel random people who reject playing along with their delusions
>sorry bud you picked a shit investment, you have no alpha, youre not a genius investor, youre a midwit bagholder

>> No.53537465

11 Pbtid, why don't you invest in a psychiatrist lmao.

Anyone who invests in tech without knowing a think about tech is gambling. You should absolutely be able to discuss whatever intricacies about a business in real time with company updates. No one will hate you if you make a valid claim that some part o fthe tech is flawed. But when you come in spamming about muh moneys down when there has been countless companies like amazon, google, (btc if you consider it a company), that have gone through the same shit but produced future value that made many people rich beyond belief, you should drop trying to invest in financial instruments and invest in a mental health doctor.

>> No.53537518

>more bagholder screeching
didnt read, refer to OP image and go cope my lil underperformer

>> No.53537611

Why are fudcucks such losers?

>> No.53537707

I'm starting to think the only people shilling LINK on here is Israel

>> No.53538798

Lmao it's always the same with these fudders

>> No.53538840

both of u guys are a little bitch that cant take criticism. I bet you are no different to the guy u doxxed. Faggots, KYS