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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53529175 No.53529175 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fucking shit this is a complete disaster

>> No.53529198

were back
my coins are pumping

>> No.53529219

>nails the soft landing

Actually, he won

>> No.53529237

Only if you’re fucking stupid enough to be bearish LMAO

If you are, consider suicide FAGGOT

>> No.53529266

>soft landing
Doubt, inflation will rebound when gas prices go back up.

>> No.53529310
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>> No.53529364

Based Powel made it pump again!
Seethe bobo, recession is not coming

>> No.53529401

this man suddenly turned dovish
we are so back

>> No.53529477


>> No.53529488

I didn't watch the FOMC, what did he announce?

>> No.53529493

...for bears

>> No.53529499

Gas prices alone won’t be nearly enough to achieve that

>> No.53529513

20% inflation by summer

>> No.53529514

No pausing. Powell wants MUCH more evidence that inflation is going down.we pump today and maybe tomorrow but by next week bobos will be euphoric.

>> No.53529538

The promised 100 year Golden Bullrun

>> No.53529542

Gas prices affect delivery of every good in the economy. Draining the SPR during an election year kept the CPI prints from going to double digits.

>> No.53529579
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>> No.53529600

basically we're cutting back on raising rates but still gonna raise a little bit because economy is healthy
pretty much the most bullish thing he could have said

>> No.53529610


>> No.53529609

Fake, exit pump, fuck you, fuck Jpow

>> No.53529644

He just said no rate cuts this year lol

>> No.53529656

It's January beetch. We got a long way to go. Something WILL happen and they WILL cut rates.

>> No.53529674

But it’s February

>> No.53529692

Holy fuck kek delusional baggie hearing what he wants

>> No.53529726

ya which if you weren't a brainlet you would be able interpret as him saying that since the economy seems good we don't feel the need to cut rates, bringing inflation down is top priority barring an economic apocalypse on the horizon, and since none is seen, he's gonna keep rates high for now

>> No.53529741

Nah he already sealed the deal with this pathetic speech.
Inflation is here to stay

>> No.53529776

okay then what's your interpretation?

>> No.53529785

GDP isn't going negative so no recession and the official unemployment numbers will remain low because of how skewed they are

They have no reason to pivot

>> No.53529848

powell fucking told you clear as day. THE RATE RAISES ARE NOT STOPPING, DUMB-DUMB

>> No.53529850

And so DXY plummets on its way to 99. Can't wait to see CPI this summer.

>> No.53529857

Excuse me dickwad we'll call it Jan 32 then

There will be an"event". Any excuse to start cutting in order to save all of us (economically speaking)

>> No.53529866

stock market is gonna drop another 35% at least from here if he holds rates here for a year at least, lmao
enjoy your pump baggies while you still can

>> No.53529867

Dude he just confirmed runaway inflation.
Look at dxy

>> No.53529875

that's what I said, learn reading comprehension

>> No.53529881

Lousy Smarch rates.

>> No.53529880

is this "event" in the room with us right now, mumu?

>> No.53529890


>> No.53529946


Unless we do WW3 or another lockdown (which is less likely) there won't be anything to point to for muh pivot

>> No.53529968

I'm a /k/ tourist looking to invest in my future but I have no clue what the fuck is going on. I heard it's bad. Is now a good time to buy more AK's? Stocks? Buttcoins? Pm's? Is everything finally shidding? What's going on here guys please give me a qrd I promise I'll take any serious advice to heart

>> No.53529969

>Mumu who doesnt even know what month it is confident in his retarded predictions

>> No.53529993

>Inflation is here to stay
What fucking inflation? I haven't seen the price of literally anything go up in more than half a year. In fact most things I look at are dropping in price every month. Inflation was already solved months ago, but just like they were slow to react to it a year ago, the fed is going to be a year behind the curve on this too.

>> No.53530004

Don't time the market. Just DCA

>> No.53530007
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Well, I guess if my shitcoin pumps and makes me rich I’m voting blue.

>> No.53530018

>nails the soft landing
Just ignore all the terrible economic data and you're right. It's like Uncle Joe said last year, we're 100% definitely not in a recession!

>> No.53530098

ya what anon said, as humans 90% of us are too emotionally retarded to time the market right so best course of action is to just dca in and your shit will go up over time.
Even if you time it the absolute worst your capital will still go up over time, and dcaing guarantees you won't buy in at the worst times so it's the best one-size-fits-all advice

>> No.53530170
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Why is everybody still so fucking focused on rates? What about the fucking recession, low spending and a year of bad earnings?

>> No.53530177

Gotcha. Previously I've been investing in pre-86 transferable machine guns and getting returnes of 10-25% annually which is insane but prices on bottom of the barrel ones have gone up so much that I can't justify it. Sitting on 18k right now and I know that will buy me a crate of 20 nice imported AKM's. Those have gone from ~579 to ~900 since 2018 so I'm just weighing my options here. Thanks yall.

>> No.53530204

Fast food is expensive as fuck now. I don't really know about the price of groceries because I eat fast food for every meal but last time I was buying some stuff it was all .50 cents to a dollar more. Not too bad. But fast food is absolutely FUCKED.

Eggs and chicken are high cause of intentional globalist sabotage not anything to do with the economy.

>> No.53530588
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3rd time's a charm