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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53527549 No.53527549 [Reply] [Original]

I am in my 50s. Not only does it feel like "something wicked this way comes" but there is also this feeling that the whole world is holding it's breath. Almost as though we are all waiting for some catalyst or sign or event that puts an end to this feeling of being put on hold. This vague, unexplained unease we feel. Something terrible lurking just out of our field of vision but we all feel it closing in. I cannot count the number of people who have told me they wish that whatever is going to happen would just get on with it. That this waiting for the thing in the darkness is unbearable.

>> No.53527577

I am in my late 20s and life has never been more horrible. People are so drastically different from 10 years ago. No one communicates unless it’s behind a keyboard. Dating is basically scrolling through a “menu” of people hiding behind filters. Kids don’t even trick or treat anymore! I haven’t seen a kid outside riding a bike in god knows how long. Bullying is at an all time high. I can’t even get a grown adult to say “excuse me” in the grocery store. Avoiding eye contact with others in public in the norm. Neighbors are strangers. Teachers no longer teach but focus on “woke” ideology. Getting a degree is now meaningless. Owning a house is now nearly impossible. Grown adults can’t afford to live without roommates. Grocery shopping is the most expensive it’s ever been. Life in 2023 is all about just trying to keep your head above water.

>> No.53527578

you're just going through a midlife crisis old man

>> No.53527588

The powers that be are waiting for AI and life-extension to be advanced enough that they can finally exterminate 95%+ of Earth's population.

>> No.53527611

This. I grew up as a child in the 1990's. It was amazing. This world is pure hellscape filled with degeneracy for the young kids these days. Absolutely sad. Was talking to my grandfather the other day and told me he would not want to be born into todays world, also how he has never seen more mixed race couples and its an abomination kek.

>> No.53527617

did you forget to switch IPs?

>> No.53527636

this is a very weak demoralization thread. surely you could do better.

>> No.53527645

it's pasta


>> No.53527676

it's not to demoralize fren

>> No.53527734

you expect me to watch that fag shit? fucking kill yourself.

>> No.53527771


enjoy boomer

>> No.53528160

Imagine being a 50 year old posting cartoon frogs on a zoomer shitcoin gambling anime forum.

>> No.53528207

all i feel is my eyes stinging with the pain of all one-hundred-thousand lux that emanate from your post

>> No.53528276

All of that still exists in certain areas. You don’t want to give up the hustle and bustle to live there however.

>> No.53528504

Yeah the entire market and the world at large is in a demoralization and fear frenzy for quite a while now.
All media is nothing but doom and gloom, the entire /biz/ catalog is just anons posting various versions of "it's over/what's the point/I will kill myself" threads every single day, regular normalfags have turned into blackpilled doomers, in fact I don't remember talking to a single remotely hopeful or optimistic person in years at this point. Try being hopeful or optimistic in nearly any area of life and you'll be labeled as a delusional blind retard for doing so.

How to profit from the majority of the population being extremely demoralized?

>> No.53528713
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Fellow 50s guy here, yeah it's like watching a washing machine with a brick in it. Eventually this fucker is gone let loose.

>> No.53528847
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Nothing can happen until globalism falters and the world financial system collapses and it never will. You have a consortium of countries and banks to ensure it never does, and the people they control will remain stupid. A global source of labor means it's impossible to topple unless economic activity in the system becomes impossible.

>> No.53528863

Fucking paid jew

>> No.53528879

Same but im 29.
you fucking boomer lol

>> No.53528931 [DELETED] 

If you were born with the opportunity and support to be wealthy, congrats. If you were born broken and poor, you can just lay down and die, because you will not have respite from your suffering.

>> No.53529737


>> No.53529762

March 2023 will be a taste of what's to come

>> No.53530050

I haven't noticed anyone behaving any differently in real life. They just want to smoke weed and play video games or watch their favorite niggers jump around on TV. I was intensely depressed in 2022 after spending the last two years watching an election being fake and no one seeming to understand the implications of that, they're actually gearing up now for this awful election season that's coming. It's like don't you realize the votes are fake? The candidates are selected? What's the point? The fake pandemic was the final straw. I thought for sure everyone was realizing it was fake during the riots right in the fucking middle of it, but nope, the media started fear mongering about muh delta and they all started wearing their masks again in shartmart and then all got vaxxed and boosted.

Anyway I think I finally reached the acceptance stage of grief and I also truly understand that the "masses" really are subhuman nigger cattle that are physically incapable of waking up no matter what. The elites are right honestly and I'm even starting to come around on why they abuse the masses like they do. These subhumans deserve it.

>> No.53530480
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I hope that when I reach that age I will be living in a mansion thanks to some crypto, I'll even settle for vinu to do it, at that age I should at least have a house of my own

>> No.53530530

every one with pattern recognition skills and a cursory knowledge of history knows that shit is about to hit the fan in similar way to right before world war 2