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53522511 No.53522511 [Reply] [Original]

theres an entire new currency ecosystem with crypto... its literally just sitting there waiting to be adopted by the masses....

but normies keep wanting to pay and be paid with funny money that the government conjures out of thin air.

>> No.53522520

yes the irony is palpable

we wait

>> No.53522522



>> No.53522532

Also, the grocery store, employees, peeps selling houses and cars don't accept pikachufart tokens, so it makes it kinda hard for normies to really get behind it. Give another 15 years to find a single usecase; then, chalk it up as you have it a shot.

>> No.53522533

Theres no difference between sending a transfer to a wallet and making a transfer on an online banking app. The app is actually easier, and you have a physical card to use if you don't have internet

>> No.53522568

how hard is it to apply cards and stuff to crypto really?

>> No.53522579

these criticisms have nothing to do with the technology or the reasons why cryptosystems are superior

>> No.53522591

Debit transfers are instant, yet crypto can take hours or even days. 'muh technology'

>> No.53522624

Also, do I really need to post bettyboopSDcard.png

>> No.53522630

Are you in it for the tech?
Is crypto a hobby like ham radio, only instead of actually building nerdy fun shit, you buy tokens, they immediately and permanently lose value, but you keep them in a chrome browser extension forever while posting frogs on the asshole of the internet

>> No.53522657

Crypto really doesnt have any usecase

>> No.53522703

Money just wins out at the end of the day.

>> No.53523889

It's the other way around in 99% of the world wtf are you talking about and what cryptos are you using? Fucking hell people in here are retarded.