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53518920 No.53518920 [Reply] [Original]

How come people with high IQs lack total common sense. It's rare to see someone who is high IQ and has high level social skills. I had a few buddies in college who were gigabrains who would forget how to push/pull open a door. Why? Is it literal autism brain or that their brains are wired differently?

Also BTC G O N G O U P

>> No.53518938

Also follow up question, why are some gigabrains so bad at trading? There's numerous stories of Asians who make 300k+/year losing everything in stocks/crypto.

>> No.53518955

>Why? Is it literal autism brain or that their brains are wired differently?
They usually think about [nerd thing] and less about their social interactions. Subconcious focuses more on their work too.
More neuron paths have been formed for their gigabrain autist niche than social interaction, plain and simple.

>> No.53518964

Your anecdotal evidence is riddled with logical fallacies.

>> No.53518973

those asians are just people who live high risk and happened to win early.

giga brains are bad at training in genral because they overthink things. they buy coins like chainlink instead of shibu for example. the ideal IQ is 120-130 for money and happiness.

>> No.53519010

How so? You ever seen a nerd unable to open a door? I'm thinking the answer is what >>53518955
this anon said. Asians are notoriously bad at driving even though it's something a literal retard could do.

>> No.53519108

goblino zoomer fagit

>> No.53519127

this is nigger behavior

>> No.53519128

>The Jew fro with glasses is acting alpha

Fuck you millennials have it easy

>> No.53519142

You also see this when a doctor or whatever goes on a quiz show. They'll know about medical stuff but ask them the capital of Portugal or who was the first person to climb Everest and they're outta there

>> No.53519163

Asians tend to be extremely risk averse which is why the grind to take slots in established businesses.

Many tasks high IQ people are good at are deterministic and have exact answers. They can use logic to find the right answer.

With investing that's not really the case. You have to make good risk adjusted decisions and be ready for things to not go your way.

Their quantive skill may give them overconfidence in their ability to predict too

>> No.53519175

They tend to rely less on people.

>> No.53519181

>they're outta there
I know you're memeing, but that's retard knowledge someone could obtain by going out to lunch in front of a tv for a long time. Doctors will be automated so it's okay.

>> No.53519186


>> No.53519206

DOGE, SHIB, Sam scams coins, ADA and XRP took over the current top 15, That should tell you the correlation between truth to market performance is practically inverse

>> No.53519210

>Their quantive skill may give them overconfidence in their ability to predict too
Actually a good answer, thanks anon, seems reasonable. I just remember that one asian dude who vented on social media how he had to sell his apartment in San Fran because he gambled everything he had on shitcoins and lost close to 500k USD.

>> No.53519238

not the ones u hear about in the news

>> No.53519242

perhaps niggers tongue my anus

>> No.53519252

> t.190 IQ

>> No.53519265

They’re starseeds sent here to save the dummies and not used to the earth’s social structure
We are literal monkeys compared to other star systems
Read a Dolores Cannon book for the details

>> No.53519313
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I've high IQ (not genius but within the 1%) and in the belief that social interaction is inferior medium of interaction in most cases.

You may say i'm autistic and miss the intangible part that makes conversation flow, No i don't, I can immediately recognize the dynamic and my place within, but have zero intention in flowing because at that point i won't be truthful, my aesthetics is my truth and you won't take it away from me niggers

>> No.53519395

>It's rare to see someone who is high IQ and has high level social skills
IQ as measured by tests is a failed and generally ludicrous concept, except for the most basic of determinations like that one person is quite smart.

I think the effect you're seeing is people burying themselves in books from a young age and then unable to interact socially very well.

>> No.53519459

this. 136 and yes while im not gigabrain im smart enough to be an autismo. exactly as anon said, we see the dynamic but choose not to participate because fuck you monke boy i shit logic out of my eyes.

in all seriousness high IQ is a curse. i wish i was dumb and happy i am seriously depressed and berate myself every waking minute about the autistic thing i say mostly when drunk. send help.

>> No.53519600

A lot of people gambled on shitcoins and lost money. That doesn't say anything

To answer your question. most 'gigabrain' Asians are new to trading or not even involved in crypto/volatile stocks. Their robotic minds can't compute irrational market behaviour and have a harder time changing bias to fit the current market trend.

>> No.53519612

That kid looks like the chud meme

>> No.53519627

I have a 147 iq and I have this same ability to recognize the social rules but reject them when I don’t feel they align with what I believe. As I get older (I’m 28) I realize that it’s better to work with the world than against it (that’s what you’re doing) while not sacrificing my internal values because I get more and will be happier in the long run

>> No.53519630

"Street smarts"=cope. Better luck next life!

>> No.53519659

Kid is an absolute chad. Being an alpha dude that dabs on authority is how you get popular. Being popular is what matters most. Literally all the kids that did shit like this in my school got all the sex and would end up getting successful jobs, probably from all the confidence of being high social status their entire life. Meanwhile the cucks that obeyed authority and followed the rules were loser virgins and still mostly all losers except the few that got nerd ass jobs after university

>> No.53519686
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I think I was the perfect blend of genius and at the same time retarded sometimes. Like 50/50 , in my early childhood they could not figure out if I was smart or playing dumb. Turns out I am both, smart enough to know i exist, stupid enough that its prevented me from making. Mostly because I loved whores, drinking and partying. While at the same time learning computer shit and what not. Then I found Crypto and went full autismo, probably saved me from herpes or being killed while drunk in some shady bar.

>> No.53519730

IQ is a meme and intelligence goes much further beyond intellect. It covers a very wide spectrum of human capabilities and no single human can be excellent in all of them because they balance each other out.

>> No.53519770

i dont do that. ever. how did you start being normal? i told a girl recently about how pupil dialation can tell you a lot about what the person looking at you is feeling. the conversation developed into me basically telling her she was in love with me. is this relatable or am i chronically retarded?

>> No.53520266

>school teacher
>high IQ

>> No.53520312

You literally answered your own question with the OP. Trading is highly psychological - the reason high rated traders like GCR are so good is because they can read people really well

>> No.53520371

That's somebody's science project

>> No.53520555

iqs r gay and dumb ur stupid if u have one

>> No.53520659
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You haven’t met that many high IQ people, there’s plenty of people that aren’t spergs and are smart. Having to be smart and a sperg is a lie that losers tell themselves to cope
t. Autist

>> No.53520691

I have a 777 iq and I have this same ability to recognize the social rules but reject them when I don’t feel they align with what I believe. As I get older (I’m 7) I realize that it’s better to work with the world than against it (that’s what you’re doing) while not sacrificing my internal values because I get more and will be happier in the long run

>> No.53520740
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>I had a few buddies in college who were gigabrains who would forget how to push/pull open a door.
Me. I'm fucking bad with my hands and go full retard with basic social shit. Except I'm also retarded

>> No.53520809

Social anxiety is a product of self-centeredness. This is why so many drug addicts have high IQs but are simultaneously menaces to society.

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