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53517269 No.53517269 [Reply] [Original]

i made more this year than I ever have, but I'm starting realize wagecucking is the biggest scam ever.
Why am i giving this cucked govt 40% of my income and why the hell would I do this for 30 more years

> 9AM zoom calls every morning
> dealing with cucked co-workers
> barely have autonomy over my own time

all of this in exchange for what???

>> No.53517291

You going to do it so they spend money on niggers and women studies.. so the state can hire uselles people thats why...

>> No.53517328

Fuck you man I didn't even make 15k in 2022 and am so god damn hopeless.
>I'm gonna get on my phone and gloat about how I made 3x the amount I made the year before and I was already making good money.

>> No.53517350

Alright faggot how did you boost your income so much?

>> No.53517401
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There's only one place to learn modern wealth creation methods.

>> No.53517425

You can pay zero taxes with a well done W4.
Don't file the return.

>> No.53517480

i used to hate the richfags that would say money isn't everything but i get it now. You'll understand too once you make it

multiple fake remote jobs. ironically i had a younger cousin who was making 90k last year and he told me he got a new job making 105k. I've always been the (conventionally) smarter one between us and when he told me that I lost it and was seething on the inside. The I heard a quote that said "if you're so smart, why aren't you rich?" and well..I ended up here. money isn't real, and these jobs definitely aren't either and so I just exploited that

please elaborate, this is only my 3rd year out of uni so i'm new to all this

>> No.53517561
File: 42 KB, 699x700, 1664231032806597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can give your employer a W4 form.
On the form is a field for how many kids you have. Each kid lowers your income tax. You can run calculations online to see what number will reduce your tax to the max.
They won't verify this.
Don't file your tax return ever and the irs will never know. If they do contact you in the future you can settle for pennies on the dollar so long as you invested your untaxed cash.
Glowniggers will respond without any evidence that the IRS will actually enforce any kind of punishment. They are so understaffed and inadequately staffed. Suck my sweaty dick, I would rather die defending myself from bootlickers than pay taxes to a tyrannical government.

>> No.53517564

> please elaborate

He's trying to get the irs to gangbang you.

> fake remote job

What do you mean with that? 40 hrs work with like 10 hour workload? Idk I've had a chill job but it still required 20-24 hours per week. Where would you even find these jobs? All remote jobs also have 100s of applicants on linkedin since eastern euros and poos want to get in on an American salary.

>> No.53517571

You honestly do have a better sex life as a coked out line cook or something in a punk squat than you do as a middle class person with the diet and the gym membership and the car and so on

>> No.53517588

Yeah yeah nigger I'm older than you.

>> No.53517601

> one random data science team makes a case out of it and gives the watchdog a list of potential fraud cases based on population registry data
> you now will get fucked in the ass

Likely your state already checks for this kind of fraud and you jumped the dance.

>> No.53517607
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Say nigger, faggot kike puppet.
The IRS will never do anything about it. I've been doing this for three years already.
You don't even know about stacking remote jobs, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.53517608

>be a loser and make no money and not be able to do anything that costs any money, which is almost everything
>be a loser and make money so you can do things that cost money
gee, i wonder which is better. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.53517658

OP you have enough to live off just investing, if you're smart you'll turn that into more money (just go slow and steady), but if you doubt your intellect just keep waging until you can retire outright.

investing for a living absolutely demolishes waging though i gotta say

>> No.53517752

>go to school until you're 24 and end up with six figures of debt just to get hired for a job that pays enough to not live in poverty
>wagecuck yourself 8 hours a day until you're burned out
>get taxed 40%
>pay another 40% of your income towards overpriced rent for an obese hand-rubbing boomer parasite to live like a king
>get hit with a layoff and thrown into the gutter
>spend whatever you managed to save during working to survive until you can find another job
>exchange years of your life, have no savings and only debt, which accumulates more and more interest
>older and approaching medical needs, can't afford treatment

what's the fucking point?

>> No.53517756

day trading is better than wageslaving

2 points on ES = 100 dollars each day

>> No.53517882

yea i know i can increase withholding on my w4 but i'm sure me filing as single then listing 5 kids with fake names (or even worse, names of other peoples kids) would raise the every red flag. They probably have this check automated, and would manually review me but i'll weigh the risk and maybe give it a go this year

yes, they pay me for 40hrs of "work" but I really only give about 5-15. I'm exploiting the bureaucratic inefficiencies of these globohomo companies

> company has a kiked internal process for making a change on a spreadsheet
> hey Connor can you review this change I made?
> takes Connor 3 hours to get back to me
> instead of asking for more work, or watching netflix, I work on something else from another job
these jobs are everywhere (product manager, codefag, etc.) you get them by having experience or lying on your resume and learning the skill of interviewing well / charisma

looking back, i miss my college days. I had 2 gfs (simeultaneously) my junior/senior year and never had more than $3k a month to my name but I had the most sex and fun of my entire life. booze and coke with friends on the weekends, sneaking into venues/clubs, making a pizza last 3-4 days cuz no money...Now I have the house, good job, and more cash than I could ever want and I unironically would go back in a heartbeat

I'm surprised the shame hasn't made you close this tab yet, good luck

honestly when I was a "loser" with no money I had waaaay more fun. I still have fun with money but kike taxes and lack of autonomy are making me re-consider if it's really a fair trade

>> No.53517905

any tips? Outside of my 401k (maxed out) I have some VTI that pays dividends, and VOO/VEU/VSS but I'm clueless how to make this work for me..its something I really want to nail down this year

no debt here, thank God my parents were smart enough to help me avoid that but yes to everything else. it's a trap and once the veil is lifted you can't unsee it

>> No.53517917

You don't need to list names.

>> No.53517918

>lack of autonomy
lol, you fucking little baby. maybe when you don't live in your parents basement one day you'll understand autonomy.

>> No.53517954

Where's the best place to go to learn about investing? I have about $400k sitting in a bank account right now. Is that enough to start?

>> No.53517974

if you came here looking for sympathy i got nothing for you. get your money up not your funny up nigger

>> No.53518067

Similar. I think it's the difference between being busy with poorly created deadlines so it's crunchtime every week vs being able to work on solid long term projects and be excited about it.

>> No.53518148

Tax forms related to kids ask for their social security numbers.

>> No.53518185


>> No.53518190

IDF demoralization thread full of bots

>> No.53518257


>> No.53518345

you know i'm trying to do that 2 jobs at once thing but it's just so difficult to set up, hard enough to get 1 job let alone 2

i shouldn't *have* to work 2 jobs just to have the quality of life a boomer had with 1, when i have advanced degrees and the boomer barely graduated high school
biden's dept sent me a notification that $20k of my $25k debt was wiped with his shit, but then with all the litigation no one knows if that's actually true or not and how to verify, i just know i'm not fucking paying for the privilege of my own enslavement. i'm generation fucked and i'm fucking tired of it. boomers need to pay for their sins.

>> No.53519282


> i shouldn't *have* to work 2 jobs just to have the quality of life a boomer had with 1, when i have advanced degrees and the boomer barely graduated high school

yea this 100% but ((they))) don't want a middle class to exist so you have to fight and claw your way out if wanna make it

the 2 jobs at once thing is really less about working hard and more about finding jobs that are high trust, low expectations...which means you'll cycle through a few until you find a good pair

>> No.53519477

That's a lot of credit you're giving to public servants.

>> No.53519516

kek you will pay it

even if you pay it by filling a seat in prison they will still make money from that

>> No.53519569

Get a license like a realtor's license and write off things like gas, meetings, whatever you can think of. It won't scratch 35k, but it can reduce the amount you pay if you think about other things, need a license though incase of an audit.

>> No.53519575

Cope and seethe

>> No.53519596

No such thing as debtors prison in the US

>> No.53519631

honestly i'd like to start a farm (specific crop in mind) but it's too much up front investment and risk even after all the tax breaks and there have been too many wildfires lately

wish i could just grow pretty plants for a living instead of sucking money by staring at a screen indoors all day, this feels so unnatural and unfulfilling