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53516981 No.53516981 [Reply] [Original]

If you don’t “accidentally” forget to scan at least one item each time you’re at a self-checkout, you’re doing it wrong.

>> No.53517108


>> No.53517136

i used to do this all the time until i got caught and they took me in the office and called the police
only got a warning but it scared me straight

>> No.53517151

Exactly. Not my fault they didn’t train me to be a cashier

>> No.53517170

That’s theft.

>> No.53518115

>steals from the same place multiple times
you deserved to get caught

>> No.53518198
File: 103 KB, 640x625, 1674838874743567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to literally just run in walmart like a wild nigger and take anything that I wanted an run out the door. Got away 90% of the time. I'm still technically banned from every walmart in the united states, but, I moved areas so they have no idea.

It's funny cause I invest in wmt now.

>> No.53518258

I work loss prevention and if you think you're being slick, you're not. Depends store to store, but the store i work for keeps track of inventory and are really autistic about theft with self checkout.

There is 12 of us doing this, and we already can tell the "accidents" from the "regular" thieves like yourself OP. We also let all other stores with self checkout know and work and share information with their loss prevention teams, so we share who the thieves are for our city, tip eachother off. We already have your face, and information. There is a reason why self check out is debit, credit only. The only SMART thieves are the ones who pay giftcards all the time so no name or info, and face covered, but we can still stop them and build a profile.

Our store only does a stop for self check out theives when the dollar $$$ amount is enough for a felony charge, which is about 5000 dollars. We already got 217 charges since 2022

All i'm saying is, people know, and its only a matter of time until they ask you to the back, and even if you take off from a hands-off store, we already have your face, name, and address from your credit or debit card, retard. you will get visited by the cops. so go ahead and try to die in a shoot out over some groceries you stole

quit being a dumb nigger

>> No.53518296
File: 142 KB, 300x300, 1675116237223813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this much of a cuck for walkmart.
When I was 16 I decked one of you faggots right in the jaw. I think I broke it. I spent 6 months in jail for that, but, every time I see one of you cucks post or walking around walmart. I think to myself ":worth it" I hope you get shot by a wild nigger.

>> No.53518346
File: 319 KB, 500x732, paulshart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acting like a nigger
>stealing like a nigger
>acting proud being a nigger

>> No.53518357

>steals from self checkout
>complains price goes up

>> No.53518367

So, you goto college or do you just hang drywall?

>> No.53518408
File: 14 KB, 400x300, 1674988516632918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to college but I dropped out because my taxes are fucked up.

>Coperation makes billions and billionsof dollars in profits for absolutely no reason. Didn't even make the product they sell. they do absolutely nothing of value for society other than suck up all the capital and divert it away from people who could use it or actually need it

>decides this is a worth while venture to defend and put his life on the line for.

You're like the serfs in the middle ages who would brown nose the lord in hopes of getting slightly better scraps than the other serfs.
Or a modern day house nigger.

>> No.53518615

Dangerously based.

>> No.53518635


>> No.53518660


>> No.53518707

shut up narc. keep paying attention to people ringing up everything as bananas up front while i go snatch a blue vest and load a pallet jack up with tvs in the back

>> No.53518741

>go to grocery store
>need puff pastry sheets
>go to the right aisle
>two puff pastry boxes are open
>someone took one puff pastry out of each
>took them out of the box to steal easier
>stealing fucking puff pastries
>who fucking steals puff pastries

>> No.53519268

Why don't you bozos get down here and start ringing customers up then? The Kroger I go to regularly has only one of two self checkout lanes open and at most one cashier. It's a goddamn pain in the ass. People take forever, the wagie has to come over and look at everyone's license if they're trying to buy alcohol, and self checkouts aren't made for a whole cart full of shit. Quit being cheap cocksuckers.

>> No.53519858
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Subsidized by EBT carrying niggera, so it works out fine.

>> No.53519964

You know who…

>> No.53519982

Literally Karens.

>> No.53519999

Off duty officer here. Did you just admit to committing crimes regularly, sir?

>> No.53520036

You mean Sharquita.

>> No.53520505

Nice digits, but, i'm hiding behind 7 proxies rn.

>> No.53520542

professional snitch, NGMI
>When I was 16 I decked one of you faggots right in the jaw. I think I broke it. I spent 6 months in jail for that, but, every time I see one of you cucks post or walking around walmart. I think to myself ":worth it" I hope you get shot by a wild nigger.
holy fucking based
kill yourself corporate shill, walmart makes money off price gouging, nothing else.

>> No.53520612

>30p a carrier bag
>yes sure let me volunteer to pay for the privilege of being able to carry my shopping I just bought to the car

>> No.53520657

do you get a commission on prevented loss sales? or do u simp for corporations for an hourly wage

>> No.53520676

I love how he hasn't posted in hours, lol.

>> No.53520702

Every time I walk into my Grocery Sto, I swear I think they expect me to pull out a full-auto and turn the shoppers into pink mist. Sorry leftist faggots, but I genuinely like the trench style and for better or worse, black is my color. The cops who are employed there literally watch my every muscular contraction. It's odd. One day soon I suspect I will be executed for my white skin and fashion choice. But 'no'... I am not a thief. Kroger is the thief.

>> No.53520753

>There is a reason why self check out is debit, credit only.
was already an obvious larp but it died here. never been to a self check that didn't have a couple cash tills.

>> No.53521149
File: 100 KB, 670x1338, Catch_Me_If_You_Can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got away 90% of the time
getting caught 10% is unacceptably high
gotta up your game anon

>> No.53521193

They think they out smarter me op but they ain’t got shit in my skills ! Woolworths and coles decided they’d put scales on them so you can’t do this but I have figure out a way.

1) load up your most expensive meats first at the bottom of your reusable bag and put it in your troller/basket so it looks like it’s empty
2) continue to shop like a normal person would and put the rest of the shit In your trolley/basket
3) go to self serve and politely say “hey how are you” (non suspectingly)
4)move your “empty bag” with the meats in over to where they tell you to put your bag down and hit “this is my bag” and BOOM you got like $50 worth of meat and then load up the other shit on top.

This is for the aus bros

>> No.53521476

I don't do it anymore. I became a huge normie. I cleaned up my life a little bit. Got my own place, a decent job now. I have shit to loose. It's fun when you are young though. Especially when you have a reason to do it. When you have a bone to pick with the system. I feel like it's a small thing you can do to lash back out at the system.