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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53515122 No.53515122 [Reply] [Original]

>last unlock finished today
im thinking we’re back sneedbros only up from here

>> No.53515155

I see people talking about the sneed, but noone is willing to share more sneedformation.

Please, explain wtf this is.

>> No.53515173

Your last chance to make it.

>> No.53515200

ok but where buy sneed

>> No.53515202

Here the ESL makes his 50th thread trying to subtly shill his botted token. He prays to his village ancestors and makes a voodoo dance for his token to succeed.

>> No.53515242

Pitiful volume. Ghost chain.

>> No.53515259

Absolute graveyard. Ghostchain.

>> No.53515322

$200 doesnt exactly feed a village.
Thats right you autists, a SNS-1 costs $200.
Theres 10,000 of them, at 200 a pop.
And yet, there are dozens of niggers on here aggressively shitting on them as fast as possible to dissuade anons from taking a chance.
You could buy a litecoin, or you could gamble on an SNS-1, and see what happens. The barrier for entry is pitifully low, and still its fudded relentlessly.

>> No.53515376

Post hand

>> No.53515389

checked. buy on icdex.io need an icp wallet with some icp though.
the timestamp gave it away pajeets. next time try to wait a few min before you post your nonsense

>> No.53515399

>spent $200 for a $POO#-1 on some spooky graveyard ghostchain
>spent money on a spooky graveyard ghostchain, ever

>> No.53515415

Sns-1 get as big as bitcoin at todays mcap and we are looking at 46 million a token even just 1% the size we are talking $460,000 a coin, even 0.01% size we are talking $4,600 a coin. Sns-1 is best in moon shot chance. To buy is best opportunity of life time

>> No.53515478

You guys don't seem to get it. There's next to zero volume, meaning next to zero interest, meaning next to zero chance of any major pump. Not even icp whales have jumped in yet to pump this shit given the tokenomics.

>> No.53515480

thanks ser
how tf do I get an icp wallet tho

>> No.53515488

ESL scam on a ghostchain. Pass

>> No.53515495

Here yZvr attempts to address SNS fud, people fudding a token that this ESL put his life savings of $100 into is a terrible and evil crime, he is angry that he can’t hire his esl men to beat them up as they would do in the third world, and thus painfully tries to speak English to encourage people to buy his token.

>> No.53515501
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>> No.53515562


If you're going to ID-hop don't make it so obvious, sloppy job Ranjeesh.

>> No.53515590

Wtf are you talking about?
The volume on IC lighthouse for sns-1 eclipses all other ICP trading pairs by a massive margin.
Atleast two known whales have absorbed ~100 sns-1 each.
Your attempts to fud into a better purchase price are pathetic at best.

>> No.53515618

plugwallet.ooo or astrox.me

astrox.me is safer since devs are working their ass off. wallet is also super snappy

>> No.53515679

Lmfao, easy to eclipse all other pairs when the combined volume for those pairs is $17, which is for OT/ICP. The 24hr volume for SNS1 is literally $1365 as of this comment. Lol, lmao even.

>> No.53515813

Astrox is so clean so fresh it does need more daap supports as only bad at the moment

>> No.53515856

ikr adoption will eventually come out. the dapps are the ones who need to build the support for ME wallet. but i heard they don’t like competition since ME is blowing them out the water

>> No.53515961

>theres no volume
>nearly 100x the volume
>for a shitcoin
>on a dex
>on a blockchain redditniggers call a scam
Feels good to be early.

>> No.53516291

Sir volume on icdex is 1-2k ICP a day and trading volume over 700k in totality. Do think before you speak